
Libraryに関するfladdictのブックマーク (4)

  • Export JPEG with Flash/PHP - sephiroth.it

    1. Description With the introduction of flash 8 "flash.display.BitmapData" class thousands of new application can now be made using Flash.. In this tutorial we will focus our attention to the BitmapData.gePixel() method in order to transform a portion of flash movie into a JPEG (created with PHP/GD) BitmapData has different ways to get pixel color informations: getPixel(x:Number, y:Number) : Num

    fladdict 2005/09/17
  • 抢庄牛牛app辅助2020-03-21 10:39:55

    【抢庄牛牛app辅助,天生一对阴阳师】中国诚信,已备案网▌诚信第一▌长期稳定▌诚信首页▌专业的天生一对阴阳师为您服务▌【首页入口:y|a|b|o|s.cc】TKHTQJQVDP 新京报快讯(记者 陈琳)今天(3月7日)下午,北京市召开新冠肺炎疫情防控工作第四十三场新闻发布会。北京市商务局副局长、新闻发言人刘梅英介绍,从1月24日(大年三十)起,北京市商务局启动了对市重点家政企业的每日监测,覆盖企业37家、总从业人员10万余人,及时摸清家政服务人员离京状况和返京计划情况,并按照全市统一部署督导企业严格落实主体责任、安排好家政人员有序返京。目前,37家企业在京服务家政人员2.9万人,无从湖北返京人员,其他地区返京人员则按照全市统一要求严格落实隔离措施。 美国《华尔街日报》是一张百年老报了,一直自我标榜恪守其座右铭“正确使用真理”,誓言其编辑“不为广告或任何投机、宣传的利益控制”。但不久前,《

    fladdict 2005/09/05
  • springsoft.org - Domain Name For Sale | Dan.com

    Buyer Protection Program When you buy a domain name at Dan.com, you’re automatically covered by our unique Buyer Protection Program. Read more about how we keep you safe on our Trust and Security page. Next to our secure domain ownership transfer process, we strictly monitor all transactions. If anything looks weird, we take immediate action. And if the seller doesn't deliver on their part of the

    springsoft.org - Domain Name For Sale | Dan.com
    fladdict 2005/08/12
    Hash Table等の基本的なデータ構造のパッケージ。
  • http://www.meychi.com/archive/000031.php

    fladdict 2005/07/14
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