2015年1月18日のブックマーク (4件)

  • Atom Flight Manual

    CompanyEngineeringProductSunsetting AtomWe are archiving Atom and all projects under the Atom organization for an official sunset on December 15, 2022. January 30, 2023 Update: Update to the previous version of Atom before February 2 On December 7, 2022, GitHub detected unauthorized access to a set of repositories used in the planning and development of Atom. After a thorough investigation, we hav

    Atom Flight Manual
    okuryu 2015/01/18
  • AV封面蘊藏黃金比例,這都懂才叫專業 | | 鍵盤大檸檬 | ETtoday新聞雲

    文/時淒宮分 酸酸們有「看片需求」時應該都是用BT下載,再不然就跟時淒一樣,直接逛那種「線上看」的網站也很方便,哪可能真正見識過甚麼AV封面呢?欸……但也不可否認,這世上還是存在著一群控制得住獸慾的好男兒,每一次觀看A片,對他們來說都是一趟美的旅程~ ▼甚麼叫「看個片而已手撇一撇就結束了」,AV封面才不是那麼簡單的 大陸網站知乎就有位網友提問,認為不少AV封面的設計水準都非常高,尤其在字體和標點的表現上更是到位。這個討論隨即引起討論,其中有位專業的網友御柳玄更是從四個要素:攝影、構圖、字體、配色切入 範例一: 1.攝影 為甚麼日AV女優很多都是封面殺手?就是因為攝影師拍得好,再加上後製非常出色嘛!例如下圖,攝影師把女主角放在畫面右側,左邊則又放置了一個人,卻用大光圈虛化,巧秒交代了「女朋友的姊姊」這樣的劇情。 2.構圖 如果把上面那張封面按九宮格畫分,可以看到右側直線剛好落在女主角的正中

    AV封面蘊藏黃金比例,這都懂才叫專業 | | 鍵盤大檸檬 | ETtoday新聞雲
    okuryu 2015/01/18
  • ESLint 0.12.0 released - ESLint - Pluggable JavaScript Linter

    Highlights This is a summary of the major changes you need to know about for this version of ESLint. Partial ECMAScript 6 support 0.12.0 introduces support for several ECMAScript 6 features, including: let and const Regular expression y flag Regular expression u flag Binary literals Octal literals for-of Generators Object literal syntax changes All of these options are off by default, and you can

    ESLint 0.12.0 released - ESLint - Pluggable JavaScript Linter
    okuryu 2015/01/18
  • Hi — Capture. Write. Publish.

    pancakes, Hi Meta, writing Full stack writing (and publishing): Welcome to Hi by Craig Mod Tokyo — Oh, hello there. We’d like to welcome you to Hi: A community of writers, journalists, journalers, illustrators, photographers, travelers, poets, and musicians exploring the world, and sharing those explorations through images and text. Hi has been in private beta for the last eight months, but today

    okuryu 2015/01/18