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  • Keybase joins Zoom

    You're reading the Keybase blog. There are more posts. When you're done, you can install Keybase. Today we're announcing that Zoom acquired Keybase. We're thrilled with the match, and we're excited to be working on security that affects everyone we know. What "getting together" means today For many weeks, everyone on earth has faced the same question: "How do we keep life moving forward if we can'

    • Learn These Words First

      Lesson 1 1A. to see, saw, seen. thing, something, what. this, these. the other, another, else. 1B. is the same as, be, am, are, being, was, were. one of. two of. person, people. 1C. many of, much of. inside. not, do not, does not, did not. 1D. some of. all of. there is, there are. more than. 1E. live, alive. big. small. very. 1F. kind of. if, then. touch. far from. near to. 1G. in a place, somepla

      • HEY is running its JavaScript off import maps

        January 14, 2022 HEY is running its JavaScript off import maps The advent of import maps, and the bundler-less JavaScript reality it introduced, was undoubtedly my favorite advancement in web tech for 2021. Between Guy Bedford's excellent shim and native support in Chrome 89, we've finally been granted an escape from a decade's worth of frustrating complexity with excess tooling. Usually progress

          HEY is running its JavaScript off import maps
        • The 100 Most Influential Sequences in Animation History

          Historical expertise provided by Jerry Beck, Amelia Cook, Jason DeMarco, Maureen Furniss, Monique Henry-Hudson, Willow Catelyn Maclay, Linda Simensky, Koji Yamamura Entries by Rebecca Alter, Elly Belle, Kambole Campbell, Jen Chaney, Amelia Cook, Alex Costello, Marley Crusch, Toussaint Egan, Christopher L. Inoa, Genevieve Koski, Willow Catelyn Maclay, Rafael Motamayor, Sammy Nickalls, Joshua Rivera

            The 100 Most Influential Sequences in Animation History
          • What Can We Learn from Barnes & Noble's Surprising Turnaround?

            I’ve written too many negative stories about digital media platforms in recent months. I’ve started to worry. Am I turning into Dr. Doom and Mr. Gloom? In all fairness, my predictions have proven sadly accurate. After I served up these dismal forecasts for Facebook, Spotify, Netflix, and others, their share prices took a steep dive. I’m not sure that’s a good thing—I’d like to see digital media im

              What Can We Learn from Barnes & Noble's Surprising Turnaround?
            • How Does BlueSky Work?

              Home Blog 2024-02-24 One of the reasons I am enthusiastic about BlueSky is because of the way that it works. So in this post, I am going to lay out some of the design and the principles behind this design, as I understand them. I am not on the BlueSky team, so these are my takes only. Let’s begin. Why does BlueSky exist? Here’s what the BlueSky Website says right now: Social media is too important

              • The state of HTTP clients, or why you should use httpx · honeyryder

                The state of HTTP clients, or why you should use httpx 15 Oct 2023 TL;DR most http clients you’ve been using since the ruby heyday are either broken, unmaintained, or stale, and you should be using httpx nowadays. Every year, a few articles come out with a title similar to “the best ruby http clients of the year of our lord 20xx”. Most of the community dismisses them as clickbait, either because o

                • David Heinemeier Hansson - CoRecursive Podcast

                  00:00 - Intro 01:22 - Why Did Rails Succeed? 07:52 - Why Ruby? 10:44 - The Benefits of Obscure Technology 14:49 - Fighting the Monoculture 22:23 - Ruby VS OCAML 26:10 - Coding as Writing, Not Math 27:22 - Enterprise Java People 31:01 - Does Speed Matter? 32:03 - Stop Copying Google 36:13 - Micro Services Are a Mistake 39:51 - React And Single Page Apps Are a Worse Mistake 44:33 - Test Driven Devel

                    David Heinemeier Hansson - CoRecursive Podcast
                  • Economics Meets Data Science: The Structural Estimation Series, Part I - Sansan Tech Blog

                    Hey there! I'm Juan (ファン), a researcher at DSOC's Social Science Team. Since this is probably the first time you read me, I thought of briefly introducing myself. I was born in El Salvador, Central America, which explains why you'll find some Español here and there in my posts. I majored in Economics when studying the undergrad back at home, then came to Japan in 2011, graduated from the PhD in Ec

                      Economics Meets Data Science: The Structural Estimation Series, Part I - Sansan Tech Blog
                    • トム・パーカー (マネージャー) - Wikipedia

                      トマス・アンドリュー・"トム"・パーカー大佐(Colonel Thomas Andrew "Tom" Parker、出生名:アンドレアス・コルネリス・("ドリエス")・ファン・カウク、Andreas Cornelis ("Dries") van Kuijk、1909年6月26日 - 1997年1月21日)は、パーカー大佐(Colonel Parker)と通称される、オランダ王国出身の芸能インプレサリオ。アメリカ合衆国でエルヴィス・プレスリーのマネージャーとして長期間活動したことで知られている[1]。 概要[編集] パーカーによるプレスリーのマネジメント手法は、プレスリーの生活のあらゆる側面に関与するものであり、タレントのマネジメントを統括する役割のあり方を決定づけるとともに、プレスリーの驚異的な成功に中心的な役割を果たしたものと考えられている。「大佐(カーネル)」は、クライアントの利益のた

                        トム・パーカー (マネージャー) - Wikipedia
                      • The Alkyne GC · mcyoung

                        Alkyne is a scripting language I built a couple of years ago for generating configuration blobs. Its interpreter is a naive AST walker1 that uses ARC2 for memory management, so it’s pretty slow, and I’ve been gradually writing a new evaluation engine for it. This post isn’t about Alkyne itself, that’s for another day. For now, I’d like to write down some notes for the GC I wrote3 for it, and more

                          The Alkyne GC · mcyoung
                        • Smoke-testing Rust HTTP clients

                          Back in 2014 I was fetching frontpages of the top million websites to scan them for a particular vulnerability. Not only have I found 99,9% websites to be vulnerable to a trivial attack, I’ve also found that curl command was randomly crashing with a segmentation fault, indicating a likely vulnerability in libcurl — the HTTP client library that the whole world seems to depend on. By that time I was

                          • 【エッセイ#16】読んだらもうダイバーシティを同じ目で見られない(JPN/ENG)(スペシャル) - Kamakura Yuuki's Talks

                            「ダイバーシティ」は現実の「人類補完計画」 Things about “diversity” nobody wants to talk about 文字数 8,724字 *長いので、このブログを覚えて、いつか時間があるときに見に来ていただけたら嬉しいです(頻繁にアップしていないので) 真剣な論理です。 みなさんこんにちは、お久しぶりです。鎌倉です。 Hi, everyone. This is Kamakura. It’s been a while since last time I posted -_- 作文が難しくて、意外と内容も長くなり、毎日書いたり削除したりしてましたTT The essay was really difficult to write, and also unexpected additions kept popping up. Every day I was kin

                              【エッセイ#16】読んだらもうダイバーシティを同じ目で見られない(JPN/ENG)(スペシャル) - Kamakura Yuuki's Talks
                            • AI competitions don’t produce useful models

                              A huge new CT brain dataset was released today, with the goal of training models to detect intracranial haemorrhage. So far, it looks pretty good, although I haven’t dug into it in detail yet (and the devil is often in the detail). The dataset has been released for a competition, which obviously lead to the usual friendly rivalry on Twitter: Of course, this lead to cynicism from the usual suspects

                                AI competitions don’t produce useful models
                              • Introduction to SpiderMonkey exploitation.

                                Introduction This blogpost covers the development of three exploits targeting SpiderMonkey JavaScript Shell interpreter and Mozilla Firefox on Windows 10 RS5 64-bit from the perspective of somebody that has never written a browser exploit nor looked closely at any JavaScript engine codebase. As you have probably noticed, there has been a LOT of interest in exploiting browsers in the past year or t

                                • Spider-Man NWH - Revised Final Cut Script Conform - 1.21.22

                                  SERENITY NOW Written by Chris McKenna & Erik Sommers 1. OVER SONY LOGO: NY1 REPORTER (V.O.) We come to you now with revelations about last week’s attack in London. An anonymous source provided this video. It shows Quentin Beck, aka Mysterio, moments before his death. Warning: you may find this video disturbing. OVER COLUMBIA LOGO: QUENTIN BECK (V.O.) I managed to send the Elemental back through th

                                  • Capcom hit by Ragnar Locker ransomware, 1TB allegedly stolen

                                    HomeNewsSecurityCapcom hit by Ragnar Locker ransomware, 1TB allegedly stolen Japanese game developer Capcom has suffered a ransomware attack where threat actors claim to have stolen 1TB of sensitive data from their corporate networks in the US, Japan, and Canada. Capcom is well-known for its iconic game franchises, including Street Fighter, Resident Evil, Devil May Cry, Monster Hunter, and Mega Ma

                                      Capcom hit by Ragnar Locker ransomware, 1TB allegedly stolen
                                    • ジューダス・プリーストの名曲20曲ランキング。 - デンタルフロスの歌

                                      1974年のデビュー以来ヘヴィメタルという音楽ジャンルを牽引し続けてきた鋼鉄神、ジューダス・プリースト。 初期はプログレ寄りのハード・ロックだったが、1978年の「Stained Class」、そして1980年の「British Steel」で、より重厚でスピード感あるヘヴィメタルサウンドを確立。「Defenders of Faith」「Screaming for Vengeance」「Painkiller」等の名作をリリースし、押しも押されもせぬメタルゴッドとして君臨し続けてきた。そのサウンドはデビューから45年経った今も健在。 ヘヴィメタルはどんな音楽か、と聞かれれば、ジューダス・プリーストを聴いてもらえばそれでいい。 我らが鋼鉄神の名曲20曲をランキング化した。 20.Halls of Valhalla(2014) 2014年のアルバム「Redeemer of Souls」は傑作では

                                        ジューダス・プリーストの名曲20曲ランキング。 - デンタルフロスの歌
                                      • A smart 5-step guide to solid decision-making

                                        Before I was a CEO, I made decisions faster. Now that I have the final call on many critical decisions that will affect my entire company and its future, I spend much more of my time pondering them and thinking about their downstream effects. I’m often asked about my decision-making process—the backstory behind what goes into every choice, large and small, that I make at Okta. Here’s a look into m

                                          A smart 5-step guide to solid decision-making
                                        • Bullshit Jobs

                                          Notes: ISBN 978-1-5011-4331-1, ISBN 978-1-5011-4334-2 (ebook); Most names and many identifying characteristics have been changed.; Interior design by Carly Loman; Jacket design by David L Itman To anyone who would rather be doing something useful with themselves. Preface: On the Phenomenon of Bullshit Jobs In the spring of 2013, I unwittingly set off a very minor international sensation. It all be

                                            Bullshit Jobs
                                          • 【Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God) / Kate Bush】和訳 Heaving Billows 刹那くなるの | Mind You

                                            【Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God) / Kate Bush】和訳 Heaving Billows 刹那くなるの 凄いエネルギー。 この時代にこんな音を出していたなのら、さぞや鬼才、天才と扱われたのではないか? 生への叫びか? 神への愛か? Lyraには魂が燃えてるように見える。 これが「私たちのテーマ曲になるわ」。 それって凄くない? 今日Lyraが和訳&解説する曲は、イングランド、ロンドン生誕、ケント州ベックスレイ 出身の女性シンガーソングライター、ディレクター、プロデューサーである Kate Bush ケイト・ブッシュ(本名: Catherine Bush 1958年7月30日 – )。 長年の功績を称えられ、2013年に大英帝国勲章を受章した。 スポンサーリンク イギリスを代表するアーティストとして認知度が高く、歌手としてだけでなくパフォー

                                              【Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God) / Kate Bush】和訳 Heaving Billows 刹那くなるの | Mind You
                                            • ゲーム音楽ディスクステーション#12:ゲームジャズ名作選(原曲編)ラグタイム、ビッグバンドからクラブジャズまで歴史的経緯を含めてご紹介!

                                              『星のカービィ』のグラミー受賞を機に考える「ゲーム音楽とジャズの関係」。前回から少し時間が空いてしまいましたが、今回はゲームの原曲としてジャズがどう用いられてきたのか、その経緯を追いながら、歴史的名盤をピックアップして紹介します。 PSG~FM音源時代のゲームジャズ ゲーム音楽において明確にジャズと分かるものが出てくるのは恐らくナムコ『メトロクロス』あたりが最初で、少しずつ増えてくるのはFM音源時代からです。6~8音の同時発音が可能になったことで、複雑なコードを必要とするジャズがようやく射程に入れやすくなってきたのだと考えられますが、同時代のファミコンにも『アイスクライマー』、『エキサイティングビリヤード』、『人間兵器デッドフォックス』といった果敢なチャレンジャーがいたことを考えるなら、そもそもゲーム音楽がさまざまな音楽ジャンルの吸収に余念のない時代だったともいえそうです。 「メトロクロス

                                              • The Elements of Good Judgment

                                                The Objective A manager’s core function is to exercise judgment—to form views and interpret ambiguous evidence in a way that will lead to a good decision. The Challenge We have no clear framework for learning good judgment or recognizing it in others. To evaluate a leader’s judgment, we often rely on his or her track record, which can be misleading. The Solution This article identifies six compone

                                                  The Elements of Good Judgment
                                                • 200+ Common Proverbs in English [with Meaning and Example] | Lemon Grad

                                                  Proverbs and sayings are popular nuggets of wisdom, often in circulation for centuries and even millenniums. This post covers more than 200 common proverbs, each of which is followed by meaning and use in an example sentence. If you’re looking for more proverbs and sayings, you can find plenty of them in the resource below. It contains proverbs on topics such as life, family, friends, love, health

                                                    200+ Common Proverbs in English [with Meaning and Example] | Lemon Grad
                                                  • Cache is the Root of All Evil

                                                    Illustrated by Jeremy Nguyen /Art directed by Sarah KislakThe practice of caching is about as effective at lowering latencies and load as it is at introducing nasty correctness problems. It is almost a law of nature that once you introduce a denormalization, it’s a matter of time before it diverges from the source of truth. The transient nature of caches makes problems very difficult to debug and

                                                      Cache is the Root of All Evil
                                                    • cuneicode, and the Future of Text in C

                                                      Following up from the last post, there is a lot more we need to cover. This was intended to be the post where we talk exclusively about benchmarks and numbers. But, I have unfortunately been perfectly taunted and status-locked , like a monster whose “aggro” was pulled by a tank. The reason, of course, is due to a few folks taking issue with my outright dismissal of the C and C++ APIs (and not show

                                                        cuneicode, and the Future of Text in C
                                                      • GPT-3 Creative Fiction · Gwern.net

                                                        Creative writing by OpenAI’s GPT-3 model, demonstrating poetry, dialogue, puns, literary parodies, and storytelling. Plus advice on effective GPT-3 prompt programming & avoiding common errors. I continue my AI poetry generation experiments with OpenAI’s GPT-3 (released mid-2020), which is 116× larger, and much more powerful, than the 2019 GPT-2. GPT-3, however, is not merely a quantitative tweak y

                                                          GPT-3 Creative Fiction · Gwern.net
                                                        • 突然ですが占ってもいいですか?番組の挿入歌・選曲BGMまとめ!テーマソング・ヒップホップ含むyoutubeプレイリスト再生動画!

                                                          突然ですが占ってもいいですか? 突然ですが占ってもいいですか?番組の挿入歌・選曲BGMまとめ!テーマソング・ヒップホップ含むyoutubeプレイリスト再生動画! 占いちゃんは考えた 占いちゃんは考えた!は占い情報WEBメディアです。 占い師の先生は男性。運営方針・ライターさんは女性です。ぜひご覧いただけますと嬉しいです。 占いを通して恋や仕事の参考にしたい開運方法・おまじない・パワースポット などスピリチュアル情報など、暮らしが楽しくなる内容を発信。今まで1,000人以上の方を鑑定してきました。ぜひ色々と読んでいただけると嬉しいです。 久しぶりのゴールデン時間帯での占い番組!【突然ですが占ってもいいですか?】 これから人気番組に成長していきそうな予感!・・・というのも視聴率アップ請負人とも呼ばれる「みちょぱ」さんも出演しているから。そのコメントも楽しみですね! そこで今回は「突然ですが占っ

                                                          • Why We're Dropping Basecamp - Duke University Libraries Blogs

                                                            We at Duke University Libraries have decided to stop using the project management platform, Basecamp, to which we have subscribed for almost a decade. We came to this decision after weighing the level of its use in our organization, which is considerable, against the harms that we see perpetuated by the leadership of Basecamp’s parent company, 37signals. As a result of our discussions, we will not

                                                              Why We're Dropping Basecamp - Duke University Libraries Blogs
                                                            • Tenet (2020) - Transcript - Scraps from the loft

                                                              Armed with only one word, Tenet, and fighting for the survival of the entire world, a Protagonist journeys through a twilight world of international espionage on a mission that will unfold in something beyond real time. Synopsis An unnamed CIA agent — referred to as “The Protagonist” — participates in an undercover SWAT operation at a Kiev opera house, rescuing an exposed spy and capturing a stran

                                                                Tenet (2020) - Transcript - Scraps from the loft
                                                              • Lago Blog - 😵‍💫 Why billing systems are a nightmare for engineers

                                                                ‍"On my first day, I was told: 'Payment will come later, shouldn't be hard right?' I was worried. We were not selling and delivering goods, but SSDs and CPU cores, petabytes and milliseconds, space and time. Instantly, via API. Fungible, at the smallest unit. On all continents. That was the vision. After a week, I felt like I was the only one really concerned about the long road ahead. In ambitiou

                                                                  Lago Blog - 😵‍💫 Why billing systems are a nightmare for engineers