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ec2に関するsechiroのブックマーク (1)

  • How do I know what Ubuntu AMI to launch on EC2?

    The success of Ubuntu as a platform and Ubuntu's commitment to refreshing AMIs means that there are literally thousands of of images on Amazon EC2 with "ubuntu"in their name. That, combined with and the lack of Ubuntu on the "Quick Start" menu makes selecting the right AMI a non-trivial task. Some General Ubuntu Information You already may be aware of these items, but I want to point them out for

    How do I know what Ubuntu AMI to launch on EC2?
    sechiro 2014/11/13
    “Verify the Owner is 099720109477! Any user can register an AMI under any name. Nothing prevents a malicious user from registering an AMI that would match the search above. So, in order to be safe, you need to verify that the owner of the ami is '099720109477'.”
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