2020年9月30日のブックマーク (2件)

  • IANA-managed Reserved Domains

    Certain domains are set aside, and nominally registered to “IANA”, for specific policy or technical purposes. Example domains As described in RFC 2606 and RFC 6761, a number of domains such as example.com and example.org are maintained for documentation purposes. These domains may be used as illustrative examples in documents without prior coordination with us. They are not available for registrat

    ABA 2020/09/30
  • bar.com

    Back in the earliest of early days, I (The Foo at bar.com) got a few emails a week, mostly from sysadmin type people who were invoking The Foo in an effort to debug some kind of system or other. Of course I, being a gregarious sort, answered the messages.  Mostly along the lines of “hello?  Foo here.  What can I do for you?” or “who you?  I Foo.” I met a lot of really interesting people in 1994 an

    ABA 2020/09/30
    適当なメールアドレスのテストとして使われまくったせいで大量のメールを受け取る羽目になっているfoo at bar.comさんのページ