
aiとeconomistに関するAKANE_Daigoのブックマーク (8)

  • Answering the machinery question

    THE ORIGINAL MACHINERY question, which had seemed so vital and urgent, eventually resolved itself. Despite the fears expressed by David Ricardo, among others, that “substitution of machinery for human labour…may render the population redundant”, the overall effect of mechanisation turned out to be job creation on an unprecedented scale. Machines allowed individual workers to produce more, reducing

    Answering the machinery question
    AKANE_Daigo 2016/07/06
  • Frankenstein’s paperclips

    Frankenstein’s paperclipsTechies do not believe that artificial intelligence will run out of control, but there are other ethical worries AS DOOMSDAY SCENARIOS go, it does not sound terribly frightening. The “paperclip maximiser” is a thought experiment proposed by Nick Bostrom, a philosopher at Oxford University. Imagine an artificial intelligence, he says, which decides to amass as many papercli

    Frankenstein’s paperclips
    AKANE_Daigo 2016/07/03
  • Re-educating Rita

    Re-educating RitaArtificial intelligence will have implications for policymakers in education, welfare and geopolitics IN JULY 2011 Sebastian Thrun, who among other things is a professor at Stanford, posted a short video on YouTube, announcing that he and a colleague, Peter Norvig, were making their “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence” course available free online. By the time the course bega

    Re-educating Rita
    AKANE_Daigo 2016/07/02
  • Automation and anxiety

    SITTING IN AN office in San Francisco, Igor Barani calls up some medical scans on his screen. He is the chief executive of Enlitic, one of a host of startups applying deep learning to medicine, starting with the analysis of images such as X-rays and CT scans. It is an obvious use of the technology. Deep learning is renowned for its superhuman prowess at certain forms of image recognition; there ar

    Automation and anxiety
    AKANE_Daigo 2016/07/01
  • From not working to neural networking

    AKANE_Daigo 2016/06/29
  • The return of the machinery question

    The return of the machinery questionAfter many false starts, artificial intelligence has taken off. Will it cause mass unemployment or even destroy mankind? History can provide some helpful clues, says Tom Standage THERE IS SOMETHING familiar about fears that new machines will take everyone’s jobs, benefiting only a select few and upending society. Such concerns sparked furious arguments two centu

    The return of the machinery question
    AKANE_Daigo 2016/06/26
  • March of the machines

    March of the machinesWhat history tells us about the future of artificial intelligence—and how society should respond EXPERTS warn that “the substitution of machinery for human labour” may “render the population redundant”. They worry that “the discovery of this mighty power” has come “before we knew how to employ it rightly”. Such fears are expressed today by those who worry that advances in arti

    March of the machines
    AKANE_Daigo 2016/06/26
  • Showdown

    OpinionLeadersLetters to the editorBy InvitationCurrent topicsUS elections 2024War in UkraineIsrael and HamasThe World Ahead 2024Climate changeCoronavirusThe world economyThe Economist explainsArtificial intelligenceCurrent topicsUS elections 2024War in UkraineIsrael and HamasThe World Ahead 2024Climate changeCoronavirusThe world economyThe Economist explainsArtificial intelligenceWorldThe world t

    AKANE_Daigo 2016/03/14
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