
2012年7月2日のブックマーク (16件)

  • http://yaplog.jp/dsch/archive/592

    D-S-C-H 2012/07/02
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    Meta will soon officially permit users as young as 10 to use its Meta Quest 2 and 3 VR headsets — if their parents say it’s okay, anyway. In a blog post, the tech giant says that there’s Nikola Corp. is laying off 270 employees, or about 23% of its workforce, and restricting its electric truck efforts to North America as it seeks to preserve cash. The company said Friday it will lay o

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    D-S-C-H 2012/07/02
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    Unlike Light’s older phones, the Light III sports a larger OLED display and an NFC chip to make way for future payment tools, as well as a camera.

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    D-S-C-H 2012/07/02
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    Meta will soon officially permit users as young as 10 to use its Meta Quest 2 and 3 VR headsets — if their parents say it’s okay, anyway. In a blog post, the tech giant says that there’s Nikola Corp. is laying off 270 employees, or about 23% of its workforce, and restricting its electric truck efforts to North America as it seeks to preserve cash. The company said Friday it will lay o

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    D-S-C-H 2012/07/02
    koboを活かせるか?続報、きぼんぬ;楽天の電子ブックリーダー、kobo Touchは7,980円、7月19日からサービスを開始
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    Meta will soon officially permit users as young as 10 to use its Meta Quest 2 and 3 VR headsets — if their parents say it’s okay, anyway. In a blog post, the tech giant says that there’s Nikola Corp. is laying off 270 employees, or about 23% of its workforce, and restricting its electric truck efforts to North America as it seeks to preserve cash. The company said Friday it will lay o

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    D-S-C-H 2012/07/02
  • かつや 草加谷塚店

    D-S-C-H 2012/07/02
    麻婆チキンカツ丼を食す (@ かつや 草加谷塚店)
  • かつや 草加谷塚店

    D-S-C-H 2012/07/02
    I just ousted @sskazak as the mayor of かつや 草加谷塚店 on @foursquare!
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    Meta will soon officially permit users as young as 10 to use its Meta Quest 2 and 3 VR headsets — if their parents say it’s okay, anyway. In a blog post, the tech giant says that there’s Nikola Corp. is laying off 270 employees, or about 23% of its workforce, and restricting its electric truck efforts to North America as it seeks to preserve cash. The company said Friday it will lay o

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    D-S-C-H 2012/07/02
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    Live Nation says its Ticketmaster subsidiary was hacked. A hacker claims to be selling 560 million customer records. An autonomous pod. A solid-state battery-powered sports car. An electric pickup truck. A convertible grand tourer EV with up to 600 miles of range. A “fully connected mobility device” for young urban innovators to be built by Foxconn and priced under $30,000. The next Popemobile. Ov

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    D-S-C-H 2012/07/02
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    Meta will soon officially permit users as young as 10 to use its Meta Quest 2 and 3 VR headsets — if their parents say it’s okay, anyway. In a blog post, the tech giant says that there’s Nikola Corp. is laying off 270 employees, or about 23% of its workforce, and restricting its electric truck efforts to North America as it seeks to preserve cash. The company said Friday it will lay o

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    D-S-C-H 2012/07/02
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    Live Nation says its Ticketmaster subsidiary was hacked. A hacker claims to be selling 560 million customer records. An autonomous pod. A solid-state battery-powered sports car. An electric pickup truck. A convertible grand tourer EV with up to 600 miles of range. A “fully connected mobility device” for young urban innovators to be built by Foxconn and priced under $30,000. The next Popemobile. Ov

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    D-S-C-H 2012/07/02
  • キャピタルゲイン税率10%を延長したかったら : 404 Blog Not Found

    2012年07月01日22:00 カテゴリTaxpayer キャピタルゲイン税率10%を延長したかったら はじめにお断りしておくと、私自身、この税制の最大の受益者の一人である。 キャピタルゲイン税率10%延長の署名にご協力を! | isologue 下記の各社のサイトから、みなさん奮ってご署名を! SBI証券 カブドットコム証券 マネックス証券 楽天証券 だからこそ、こう嘆息せざるを得ない。 どの面下げて、と。 まずは以下をご覧いただこう。 これは何か。申告納税者の所得税負担率(平成19年分)である。見ての通り、一億円を境に実行税率は下がっている。所得税って累進課税ではなかったのか? こうなる理由は、インカムゲインとキャピタルゲインは「別腹」になっていることにある。累進税率となっているのは、インカムゲインのみ。キャピタルゲインの税率は固定なのだ。CSセミナーでも言ったが、税制的に、働いたら

    キャピタルゲイン税率10%を延長したかったら : 404 Blog Not Found
    D-S-C-H 2012/07/02
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    Meta will soon officially permit users as young as 10 to use its Meta Quest 2 and 3 VR headsets — if their parents say it’s okay, anyway. In a blog post, the tech giant says that there’s Nikola Corp. is laying off 270 employees, or about 23% of its workforce, and restricting its electric truck efforts to North America as it seeks to preserve cash. The company said Friday it will lay o

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    D-S-C-H 2012/07/02
    らCところにフォーカスしましたね;持続可能型の食肉生産を目指すAgLocalがAndreessen Horowitzらから$1Mを調達
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    Meta will soon officially permit users as young as 10 to use its Meta Quest 2 and 3 VR headsets — if their parents say it’s okay, anyway. In a blog post, the tech giant says that there’s Nikola Corp. is laying off 270 employees, or about 23% of its workforce, and restricting its electric truck efforts to North America as it seeks to preserve cash. The company said Friday it will lay o

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    D-S-C-H 2012/07/02
    頭って、固定化するものですね。。。;本人のまばたきが必要なAndroid 4.1 Jelly BeanのFace Unlock機能
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    Meta will soon officially permit users as young as 10 to use its Meta Quest 2 and 3 VR headsets — if their parents say it’s okay, anyway. In a blog post, the tech giant says that there’s Nikola Corp. is laying off 270 employees, or about 23% of its workforce, and restricting its electric truck efforts to North America as it seeks to preserve cash. The company said Friday it will lay o

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    D-S-C-H 2012/07/02
    止む無しでしょうね;MicrosoftはSurfaceでOEM各社を困らせる, HPは自社のWindows ARM機を製造中止
  • コンプガチャが許されるのは国家だけ 週刊プレイボーイ連載(56) – 橘玲 公式BLOG

    ソーシャルゲームのコンプリートガチャ(コンプガチャ)が、消費者庁から景品表示法違反に該当すると指摘され、ゲーム会社は大きな打撃を受けました。 “ガチャ”は一種の宝くじで、ゲーム内のアイテムを確率的にしか入手できない仕組みです。“コンプ”というのは、稀少なアイテムを含むすべてを揃えるとさらに価値が上がることをいいます。「誰も持っていない宝物を手に入れたい」「なにからなにまで全部集めたい」というのはヒトの根源的な欲望ですから、“ガチャ”と“コンプ”の組み合わせはものすごく強力です。それを子ども相手の商売に使うことには、やはり一定のルールが必要でしょう。 コンプガチャで問題になったのは射幸心です。請求額が100万円を超えるケースがあったように、ギャンブル中毒は依存症の一種で、いったんツボにはまると自らの意思で抑制するのは不可能なのです(製紙会社の御曹司の例で明らかでしょう)。 ところで、コンプガ

    コンプガチャが許されるのは国家だけ 週刊プレイボーイ連載(56) – 橘玲 公式BLOG
    D-S-C-H 2012/07/02
    一概には。。。;コンプガチャが許されるのは国家だけ 週刊プレイボーイ連載(56)