2015年8月11日のブックマーク (1件)

  • 7nm IBM Chip Doubles Performance, Proves Moore's Law Through 2018

    Moore's Law is one of those miracles of modern life that we all take for granted, like grocery stores and dentistry with anesthesia. For 50 years now, computer processors have been doubling their performance per dollar per square centimeter every 1-2 years. This exponential trend has taken us from the ENIAC's 500 flops (floating point operations per second) to around 54 petaflops for the most powe

    7nm IBM Chip Doubles Performance, Proves Moore's Law Through 2018
    PBeer 2015/08/11
    SiGeは合金ではないだろう、 というのはさておき さらに細線化を進めるにあたってさらに電子移動度の高い材料(例えばInAsとか)が使われるようになるんだろうか