
Rustとosに関するatsushifxのブックマーク (1)

  • Stephen Marz: Blog

    I Need Your Support Writing these posts is a past-time right now as my full time job is educating (mostly) undergraduate college students. I will always deliver content, but I could really use your help. If you're willing, please support me at Patreon (sgmarz) I've just started and there is much to do! So, please join me! The Adventures of OS: Making a RISC-V Operating System using Rust Running ti

    atsushifx 2019/12/21
    RISC-VとRstをつかって、OSSなOSを作ろうというブログ。大学前期課程の講師らしいので、教育用? あとで、ちゃんと読まないと
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