
ブックマーク / brew.sh (5)

  • 3.0.0

    Today I’d like to announce Homebrew 3.0.0. The most significant changes since 2.7.0 are official Apple Silicon support and a new bottle format in formulae. Major changes and deprecations since 2.7.0: Apple Silicon is now officially supported for installations in /opt/homebrew. formulae.brew.sh formula pages indicate for which platforms bottles (binary packages) are provided and therefore whether t

    braitom 2021/02/06
    Homebrew 3.0.0がリリース。Apple Siliconに対応。
  • 2.0.0

    Today I’d like to announce Homebrew 2.0.0. The most significant changes since 1.9.0 are official support for Linux and Windows 10 (with Windows Subsystem for Linux), brew cleanup running automatically, no more options in Homebrew/homebrew-core, and removal of support for OS X Mountain Lion (10.8) and older. Major changes and deprecations since 1.9.0: Homebrew officially supports Linux and Windows

    braitom 2019/02/06
    Homebrew v2.0がリリース。Linuxbrewを使ったLinuxとWSLの正式サポートを開始。30日ごとに自動でbrew cleanupを実行するように。
  • 1.9.0

    Today I’d like to announce Homebrew 1.9.0. The most significant changes since 1.8.0 are Linux support, (optional) automatic brew cleanup and providing bottles (binary packages) to more Homebrew users. Major changes and deprecations since 1.8.0: Homebrew 1.9.0 has beta support for Linux and Windows 10 (with the Windows Subsystem for Linux). Homebrew on Linux (known as Linuxbrew) does not require ro

    braitom 2019/01/11
    Homebrew 1.9がリリース。Linux、Windows10のWSLもベータサポート。
  • Redirecting…

    Redirecting… Click here if you are not redirected.

    braitom 2017/09/05
  • 1.0.0

    Today I’m proud to announce Homebrew 1.0.0. In the seven years since Homebrew was created by @mxcl our community has grown to almost 6000 unique contributors, a wide-reaching third-party “tap” ecosystem and thousands of packages. We’ve been working hard over the last year to make some major changes to Homebrew that we’ve been wanting for a long time. There have been some hiccups along the way but

    braitom 2016/09/22
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