
ブックマーク / neversaw.us (1)

  • NEVERSAW.US | Not Your Father's Javascript

    How to use V8 to write cleaner JS JavaScript has a reputation; while said reputation has vastly improved over the last year or because of the introduction of Node.js, it's still not as sterling as it ought to be. Once you leap the various hurdles — the automatic binding of this and the way the prototype system works being the two major ones, you feel ready to sit down and write some neat JavaScrip

    efcl 2011/01/17
    最近のエンジン向け(主にNode.jsを対象)にJavaScriptのベストプラクティスを書いている。 -変数宣言はSingle var、変数の命名のパターン -パッケージのディレクトリやファイル名はCommonJSのルールに習う -列挙のパターンとしてforEa
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