
2020年6月26日のブックマーク (1件)

  • Goldman Sachs

    One Million Black Women 3 Years of Impact. 300,000 Women. This year marks the third year of our One Million Black Women initiative, which has now reached 300,000 women through strategic capital investments. Recently, we celebrated the graduation of our fifth One Million Black Women: Black in Business cohort — a powerful group of women who are scaling their businesses, growing revenues, and creatin

    Goldman Sachs
    ginpei 2020/06/26
    ゴールドマンサックスが公開したゴシック体の無料フォント、その名もGoldman Sans。数字との親和性や小サイズでの視認性に注力。ただしゴールドマンサックスをけなすdisparage場合は利用禁止。ダウンロードはスライド最後