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    kumicit 2011/05/12
    James Lovelock翁
  • James Lovelock: Nuclear power is the only green solution

    James Lovelock: Nuclear power is the only green solution We have no time to experiment with visionary energy sources; civilisation is in imminent danger. Published in The Independent - 24 May 2004 Sir David King, the Government's chief scientist, was far-sighted to say that global warming is a more serious threat than terrorism. He may even have underestimated, because, since he spoke, new evidenc

    kumicit 2011/05/11
    ガイア理論の提唱者であるJames Lovelockは原発積極支持者。一部の環境保護主義者にとってLovelockはアンヴィヴァレントな存在。
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