When Dr. Howard Kaplan first started using a Kindle, he had a flash of insight. Dr. Kaplan is an ophthalmologist and retina surgeon with a practice in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. His patients often suffer from macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa, diseases that severely degrade their vision. Even after successful surgeries, many remain unable to read print. But as he realized, the digitization of
From The Editor This issue of the DAISY Planet is not brief by any means, but before getting into articles I'd like to remind you about the recruitment for the new position with the DAISY Consortium. If you or any of your friends and associates think you are the right person for this challenging position, please consider applying. Information about the position, requirements and application proces
DAISY図書などのアクセシブルコンテンツを集めた米国の電子図書館Bookshareを個人ユーザーが使う場合の、最も簡単で早い方法をBookshareブログが紹介しています(サポートチームによくされる質問なのでまとめたとか)。 Bookshare Support Question – What’s the Quickest and Easiest Way to Read Books from Bookshare for Individual Members? | Bookshare Blog 動画も公開されています。 上の動画で紹介されるBookshareのWeb ReaderのUIがほとんどReadiumと同じなので、おや?と思ったのですが、調べてみたらやはりReadiumをベースとしたものでした。 Benetech Adopts Readium, Advances EPUB 3 Acc