
雑誌に関するlabochoのブックマーク (2)

  • 電子版雑誌の定期購読。6000以上の雑誌。

    Hope for a PCOS breakthrough A drug that is already used to treat malaria has been found to be effective against polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a painful condition that is a leading cause of infertility, and which affects an estimated 10% of women worldwide. Sufferers of PCOS experience hormone imbalances, including the over-production of testosterone, which leads to symptoms such as irregular

    labocho 2011/02/04
    海外の雑誌とか多い UIもすっきり プレビューはおっきいけど使いにくい
  • 1xbet.(中国)官方网站

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