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fitに関するmzpのブックマーク (3)

  • FitNesse FrontPage

    It's a Collaboration tool Since FitNesse is a wiki web server, it has a very low entry and learning curve, which makes it an excellent tool to collaborate with, for example, business stakeholders. Read more... It's a Test tool The wiki pages created in FitNesse are run as tests. The specifications can be tested against the application itself, resulting in a roundtrip between specifications and imp

    mzp 2009/08/02
  • FITによる受け入れテスト

    您不具备使用所提供的凭据查看该目录或页的权限。 请尝试以下操作: 如果您认为自己应该能够查看该目录或页面,请与网站管理员联系。 单击刷新 按钮,并使用其他凭据重试。 HTTP 错误 401.1 - 未经授权:访问由于凭据无效被拒绝。 Internet 信息服务 (IIS) 技术信息(为技术支持人员提供) 转到 Microsoft 产品支持服务 并搜索包括“HTTP ”和“401 ”的标题。 打开“IIS 帮助”(可在 IIS 管理器 (inetmgr) 中访问),然后搜索标题为“身份验证”、“访问控制”和“关于自定义错误消息”的主题。

    mzp 2009/08/01
  • fit

    Fit: Framework for Integrated Test Great software requires collaboration and communication. Fit is a tool for enhancing collaboration in software development. It's an invaluable way to collaborate on complicated problems--and get them right--early in development. Fit allows customers, testers, and programmers to learn what their software should do and what it does do. It automatically compares cus

    mzp 2009/08/01
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