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apex legends news season 16の検索結果1 - 6 件 / 6件

  • Sodinokibi Ransomware gang threatens to disclose data from Kenneth Cole fashion firm

    Credential Flusher, understanding the threat and how to protect your login data | U.S. Treasury issued fresh sanctions against entities linked to the Intellexa Consortium | Broadcom fixed Critical VMware vCenter Server flaw CVE-2024-38812 | Remote attack on pagers used by Hezbollah caused 9 deaths and thousands of injuries | Chinese man charged for spear-phishing against NASA and US Government | U

      Sodinokibi Ransomware gang threatens to disclose data from Kenneth Cole fashion firm
    • Experts discovered millions of .git folders exposed to public

      Transport for London (TfL) is dealing with an ongoing cyberattack | Lockbit gang claims the attack on the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) | A new variant of Cicada ransomware targets VMware ESXi systems | An air transport security system flaw allowed to bypass airport security screenings | SECURITY AFFAIRS MALWARE NEWSLETTER – ROUND 9 | Security Affairs newsletter Round 487 by Pierluigi Pagan

        Experts discovered millions of .git folders exposed to public
      • なぜ『Apex Legends』は“多様性”を重視する? レジェンドたちの個性に込められた「Respawn Entertainmentの姿勢」

        なぜ『Apex Legends』は“多様性”を重視する? レジェンドたちの個性に込められた「Respawn Entertainmentの姿勢」 現在、日本国内において『Apex Legends』は一つのムーブメントとなっているといっても過言ではない。連日、多くの芸能人を含む様々な配信者によるプレイ映像/動画が大量に公開。先日の『RAGE PARTY 2021 powered by SHARP』などの様々な大会が開催され、多くのファンや観客を魅了している。以前より活発だった二次創作文化についても巨大化が進み、プロ/アマを問わず、多様なクリエイターによる作品が毎日のようにSNSなどを賑わせている。 2019年2月のサービス開始から2年を経て、本作は間違いなく最大のピークを迎えている。そして、この勢いは、遂に3月10日より配信開始されるNintendo Switch版の登場によって、さらに加速し

          なぜ『Apex Legends』は“多様性”を重視する? レジェンドたちの個性に込められた「Respawn Entertainmentの姿勢」
        • New EvilQuest ransomware targets macOS users ...

          D-Link addressed three critical RCE in wireless router models | Recently patched Windows flaw CVE-2024-43461 was actively exploited as a zero-day before July 2024 | SolarWinds fixed critical RCE CVE-2024-28991 in Access Rights Manager | Apple dismisses lawsuit against surveillance firm NSO Group due to risk of threat intelligence exposure | Hacker tricked ChatGPT into providing detailed instructio

            New EvilQuest ransomware targets macOS users ...
          • Two kids found a screensaver bypass in Linux Mint

            Cisco addressed a high-severity flaw in NX-OS software | Corona Mirai botnet spreads via AVTECH CCTV zero-day | Telegram CEO Pavel Durov charged in France for facilitating criminal activities | Iran-linked group APT33 adds new Tickler malware to its arsenal | U.S. CISA adds Google Chromium V8 bug to its Known Exploited Vulnerabilities catalog | Young Consulting data breach impacts 954,177 individu

              Two kids found a screensaver bypass in Linux Mint
            • GitHub flaw could have allowed attackers to takeover repositories of other users

              Threat actors exploit Atlassian Confluence bug in cryptomining campaigns | Russia-linked APT29 reused iOS and Chrome exploits previously developed by NSO Group and Intellexa | Cisco addressed a high-severity flaw in NX-OS software | Corona Mirai botnet spreads via AVTECH CCTV zero-day | Telegram CEO Pavel Durov charged in France for facilitating criminal activities | Iran-linked group APT33 adds n

                GitHub flaw could have allowed attackers to takeover repositories of other users