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  • Llama 3.1

    The open source AI model you can fine-tune, distill and deploy anywhere. Our latest models are available in 8B, 70B, and 405B variants.

      Llama 3.1
    • What We Learned from a Year of Building with LLMs (Part I)

      Join the O'Reilly online learning platform. Get a free trial today and find answers on the fly, or master something new and useful. Learn more It’s an exciting time to build with large language models (LLMs). Over the past year, LLMs have become “good enough” for real-world applications. The pace of improvements in LLMs, coupled with a parade of demos on social media, will fuel an estimated $200B

        What We Learned from a Year of Building with LLMs (Part I)
      • Crafting a 13KB Game: The Story of Space Huggers

        One of my favorite game jams is the legendary Js13kGames competition, where participants have one month to make a web browser game that fits in a 13 kilobyte zip file. To put that into perspective, a floppy disk from the before times could hold 1.44 MB, enough to fit over 100 JS13K games! In 2021 the contest celebrated its 10th annual event. The theme was “Space” and there were an impressive 223 g

          Crafting a 13KB Game: The Story of Space Huggers
        • "If" CSS Gets Inline Conditionals | CSS-Tricks

          A few sirens went off a couple of weeks ago when the CSS Working Group (CSSWG) resolved to add an if() conditional to the CSS Values Module Level 5 specification. It was Lea Verou’s X post that same day that caught my attention: A historical day for CSS 😀🎉 If you write any components used and/or styled by others, you know how huge this is! background: if(style(–variant: success), var(–green)); E

            "If" CSS Gets Inline Conditionals | CSS-Tricks
          • Open Source AI Is the Path Forward | Meta

            In the early days of high-performance computing, the major tech companies of the day each invested heavily in developing their own closed source versions of Unix. It was hard to imagine at the time that any other approach could develop such advanced software. Eventually though, open source Linux gained popularity – initially because it allowed developers to modify its code however they wanted and

              Open Source AI Is the Path Forward | Meta
            • Llama 3.1

              The open source AI model you can fine-tune, distill and deploy anywhere. Our latest models are available in 8B, 70B, and 405B variants.

                Llama 3.1
              • Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) for LLMs – Nextra

                Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) for LLMs There are many challenges when working with LLMs such as domain knowledge gaps, factuality issues, and hallucination. Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) provides a solution to mitigate some of these issues by augmenting LLMs with external knowledge such as databases. RAG is particularly useful in knowledge-intensive scenarios or domain-specific appli

                • Porting a cross-platform GUI application to Rust – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog

                  Firefox’s crash reporter is hopefully not something that most users experience often. However, it is still a very important component of Firefox, as it is integral in providing insight into the most visible bugs: those which crash the main process. These bugs offer the worst user experience (since the entire application must close), so fixing them is a very high priority. Other types of crashes, s

                    Porting a cross-platform GUI application to Rust – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
                  • シュレディンガーの「生命とは何か」を読んで、人工生命の事を考え、NTTICCの展示を振り返る - 補遺

                    はじめに シュレディンガー先生、予防線を張る NTTICCでの展示について Chaotic Satisfying Things ライフゲーム・(スキ|キライ) お前は神から愛されなかった/イコンを捨てたSCP財団 Reminiscence Syndrome(連想症候群) 時空間の離散化・格子法の限界 人工生命とAI 共進化する二つの分野 LLMとオープンエンドな進化 「非人間中心主義」 野良猫的人工生命 「何の役に立つの?」 媒介者としての人工生命 環世界の拡張としての人工生命 単純なセンサではないことの意味 おわりに はじめに ICC キッズ・プログラム 2024 キミ( ).コード( ).セカイ( )の展示が無事終わりました。避雷は「うまれる,かかわる,またうまれる,」という作品を展示していました。デカいプロジェクションマッピングに、センサを取り付けたような作品です。大きな展示を実寸で

                      シュレディンガーの「生命とは何か」を読んで、人工生命の事を考え、NTTICCの展示を振り返る - 補遺
                    • Levels of AGI: Operationalizing Progress on the Path to AGI

                      We propose a framework for classifying the capabilities and behavior of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) models and their precursors. This framework introduces levels of AGI performance, generality, and autonomy. It is our hope that this framework will be useful in an analogous way to the levels of autonomous driving, by providing a common language to compare models, assess risks, and measure

                      • Introduction To Low Latency Programming: Minimize Branching And Jumping

                        This post originally appears as a chapter in my new book: ‘Introduction To Low Latency Programming’, a short and approachable entry into the subject. Available now for purchase on Amazon. This chapter will discuss how branching and jumping in our code affects our runtime performance and how we can avoid them in our effort to reduce the latency of our programs. Branching refers to process execution

                        • Distill Web Monitor - Chrome Web Store

                          Monitor webpage or feed for changes. Get SMS and email alerts on change detection. Distill runs in your browser to check monitored pages for changes. Get instant alerts as soon as a change is detected. Featured highlights: * An inbox style Watchlist to manage monitors. * Easy content selection from any webpage. * Highlighted changes. * Change history. * Supported actions: - Email - SMS - Sound - P

                            Distill Web Monitor - Chrome Web Store
                          • They Studied Dishonesty. Was Their Work a Lie?

                            An observer said, “We were, like, Holy shit, there are two different people independently faking data on the same paper.”Illustration by Bryce Wymer The half-bearded behavioral economist Dan Ariely tends to preface discussions of his work—which has inquired into the mechanisms of pain, manipulation, and lies—with a reminder that he comes by both his eccentric facial hair and his academic interests

                              They Studied Dishonesty. Was Their Work a Lie?
                            • Product Metrics That Matter

                              The power of metrics entered Product Management to change it forever. Before product metrics, we were shooting blindfolded. We just understood the result of our shots at the end of the game or even the championship. Feedback and learning took too long. We were relying on business metrics. Consider revenue, for example. That’s a lagging success indicator. It might take months for a decrease in user

                                Product Metrics That Matter
                              • Llama 3.2

                                The open source AI model you can fine-tune, distill and deploy anywhere. Our latest models are available in 8B, 70B, and 405B variants.

                                  Llama 3.2
                                • How to Get the Most out of Postgres Memory Settings | Tembo

                                  How to Get the Most out of Postgres Memory Settings Jun 10, 2024 • 18 min read It’s no secret that databases use a lot of RAM. When Postgres needs to build a result set, a very common pattern is to match against an index, retrieve associated rows from one or more tables, and finally merge, filter, aggregate, and sort tuples into usable output. Every one of these steps relies on memory, and Postgre

                                    How to Get the Most out of Postgres Memory Settings | Tembo