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新着順 人気順

doctorの検索結果1 - 40 件 / 74件

doctorに関するエントリは74件あります。 After hours GPGood GP near memy family health medical center などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『良い歯医者を見つける唯一の方法|ふぁくつ』などがあります。
  • 良い歯医者を見つける唯一の方法|ふぁくつ

    前回のnoteでは、良い歯医者を見つけるのは非常に困難で、悪質な歯医者がのさばっている、という話をしました。 歯医者は医療のよしあしの結果が出るのが数年~数十年後。その上、同じ歯を複数の歯医者に同時に治してもらうのは不可能なので、原理的に比較ができない。 だから素人は歯医者をカンで選ぶしかないんだけど、むしろ耳ざわりの良い言葉を投げかけてくる詐欺師にひっかかってしまうことが大半である。 という話をしました。 今回はそれに対し、こうやったら良い歯医者を見つけられる、という方法をご紹介します。 もちろん原理的に100%の精度で歯科医院のよしあしを判断するのは不可能です。しかしながら、現時点で日本で最も高い精度‥‥いや唯一の歯科医院のよしあしを判断する方法であることを断言します。 この方法をきちんと用いれば、これまでカンで選んでいたのに比べはるかに良い医院を選べることをお約束します。 これから歯

    • アルバイトで食いつなぎ、論文執筆もままならない日々…“国策“が生んだ、行き場を失う博士たち | 国内 | ABEMA TIMES | アベマタイムズ

      去年の9月7日早朝、移転を間近に控えた九州大学の研究室から火の手が上がった。焼け跡からガソリンの携行缶やライターとともに見つかったのは男性の遺体。自殺したとみられている。46歳だった男性は九州大学の博士課程に在籍していたが、8年前にその籍を失っていた。それでも他の大学などで非常勤講師を続けながら研究室に居座り続けており、仕事が無くなった後は引越しのアルバイトなどで食いつないでいたという。 明日はわが身。他人事じゃないー。亡くなった男性の境遇と自分を重ねずにはいられないと話すのが、九州大学専門研究員の脇崇晴さん、40歳。独身だ。専門は哲学で、3年前に博士号を取得したが、研究職に就くことができず、アルバイト生活を続けている。「思い詰めそうになったら、“落ち着け”って自分に言い聞かせて」。

        アルバイトで食いつなぎ、論文執筆もままならない日々…“国策“が生んだ、行き場を失う博士たち | 国内 | ABEMA TIMES | アベマタイムズ
      • 終わらない氷河期~疲弊する現場で:空いたポストは若手に…「はしごをはずされた」 50歳大学非常勤講師の絶望 | 毎日新聞

        バブル崩壊後の採用が少ない時期に、辛酸をなめた就職氷河期世代。彼らはそれぞれの業界、職場で長く苦闘を続けてきたが、制度改正や合理化によって労働環境の劣化は一層進んでいる。疲弊する現場の今を追った。 ×    × 遅刻しないよう、朝は早めの5時に起き、自宅のある埼玉県東部から2時間以上かけて神奈川県西部にある私立大学に向かう。1時間半のフランス語の授業を2コマ終えると、休む間もなく千葉県北部の私立大学へ。電車の中で昼食のおにぎりを詰め込み、2時間後にはまた教壇に立つ。文学や芸術の授業を午後6時に終え、帰宅する頃にはくたくただ。「毎日違う大学に行っています。一つの職場で集中したいですが、仕事があるだけましですね」。約15年間、非常勤講師を続けてきた川本昌平さん(50歳、仮名)は淡々と日々のスケジュールを教えてくれた。現在は六つの大学で講師を掛け持ちする。細いレンズのめがねにアーガイル柄のセータ

          終わらない氷河期~疲弊する現場で:空いたポストは若手に…「はしごをはずされた」 50歳大学非常勤講師の絶望 | 毎日新聞
        • 「博士課程に行ってみたい」という社会人の方への長い手紙。|今井悠資

          そろそろ博士課程の振り返りをしようと思って、これを機にnoteを書いてみることにしました。最初の記事としては相応しいのではないかと思って。 ※本記事は2023年6月に書いたものです。文中にAIを使うことについての記述がありますが、LLMの進歩は目覚ましいものがありますので、お読みになっている時点の状況に応じて読み替えていただければと思います。なお、私はAIは適切な用法を理解して使う上では非常に有用だと考えています。 おかげさまで2023年3月に博士号を頂くことができました。謝辞にも書いたのですが、本当に多くの方にお世話になってここまで来ることができました。お名前を上げだすとそれだけで本稿が埋まってしまうので畏れ多くも割愛させていただきますが、改めて感謝申し上げたいと思います。 さて、何年も社会人博士を名乗ってきたせいで「私も博士課程に興味があるのですが」と相談をいただくことがたびたびありま

          • 「博士」生かせぬ日本企業 取得者10年で16%減 チャートは語る - 日本経済新聞


              「博士」生かせぬ日本企業 取得者10年で16%減 チャートは語る - 日本経済新聞
            • 医師の宿直を労働時間から除外、労災認められず 「ここまでやるか」 | 毎日新聞

              記者会見で男性医師の労災を認めるよう訴える川人博弁護士(右)ら=東京都千代田区で2023年9月22日、宇多川はるか撮影 患者の急変対応からみとりまでを担った宿直は、労働時間ではないのか――。東京都内の病院に勤務していた50代の男性医師がくも膜下出血を発症して寝たきりの状態になり、2019年に過重労働で労災申請した。ところが、宿直業務は労働時間から除外する扱いとなった上、日常業務も精神的負荷が軽いと判断され、労災は認められなかった。 22日に都内で記者会見した男性の代理人を務める弁護士の川人博・過労死弁護団全国連絡会議代表幹事によると、男性はこの病院の緩和医療科で唯一の臨床医として、外来や入院の患者に対応していた。

                医師の宿直を労働時間から除外、労災認められず 「ここまでやるか」 | 毎日新聞
              • 新型肺炎を武漢で真っ先に告発した医師の悲運

                コンテンツブロックが有効であることを検知しました。 このサイトを利用するには、コンテンツブロック機能(広告ブロック機能を持つ拡張機能等)を無効にしてページを再読み込みしてください。 ✕

                • About - My Family Health Medical Centre - Gregory Hills

                  Since It’s Inception in 2017, My Family Health now sits as the leading general practice in the local area. Our doctors have passion to provide best health services to the general public and to the local businesses. Our team consist of male and female doctors, physiotherapist, exercise physio, chiro proctor, dietitian, psychologist, podiatrist and practice nurses. Our exclusive value proposition is

                    About - My Family Health Medical Centre - Gregory Hills
                  • Gregory Hills Medical Practice | Gregory Hills Doctor

                    Our highly skilled multidisciplinary team of medical and allied health professionals specialise in occupational injury prevention, injury management, as well as general health check-ups and medical services. Our team consist of male and female doctors, physiotherapist, exercise physio, chiro proctor, dietitian, psychologist, podiatrist etc. who are fluent in speaking English , Hindi Punjabi, Russi

                      Gregory Hills Medical Practice | Gregory Hills Doctor
                    • Emerald Hills Medical Centre - Family Health Centre.

                      Emerald Hills Medical Centre is an independently owned practice that focuses on preventive care for your whole family through all stages of life.  From diagnostic tests and sick visits to chronic disease monitoring and minor surgical procedures. Our doctors have a passion to provide the best health services to the general public and the local businesses. Our highly skilled multidisciplinary team o

                        Emerald Hills Medical Centre - Family Health Centre.
                      • Exercise Physio | Allied-Health | My Family Health Medical Centre

                        Exercise physiologists can help you to assess your fitness needs for your health and well-being. An Exercise physiologist help patients, for example, people with hearth conditions, patients with chronic disease, patients with weight issues.

                          Exercise Physio | Allied-Health | My Family Health Medical Centre
                        • Gregory Hills Medical Centre - My Family Health Medical Centre

                          We are open Monday – Friday: 7 AM to 7:30 PM,  Saturday &  Sunday: 8 AM to 6 PM

                          • General Healthcare Services

                            General healthcare services We provide a wide range of general practice services for individual health needs. General Checkups We perform general check-ups like Smoking status, Blood pressure checks, Blood screening for cholesterol, Blood sugar levels etc. Men's Health Appointments for Men’s Health checks are available to discuss a fitness, nutrition, medical history of yourself and your family. W

                              General Healthcare Services
                            • Doctors - Kearns Medical Centre

                              Doctors team Team consist of male and female doctors, physiotherapist, exercise physio, chiropractor, dietitian, psychologist, podiatrist etc. who are fluent in speaking English, Hindi, Punjabi, Russian, Bangla, Urdu, Assyrian, Arabic and African.

                                Doctors - Kearns Medical Centre
                              • COVID-19 VACCINATION - My Family Health Medical Centre

                                You can book your COVID-19 vaccine. We are booking a second dose as well (if you had the first dose somewhere else).

                                  COVID-19 VACCINATION - My Family Health Medical Centre
                                • Kearns Medical Centre

                                  Healthcare services We provide a wide range of general practice services for individual health needs. General Checkups We perform general checkups like Smoking status, Blood pressure checks, Blood screening for cholesterol, Blood sugar levels etc. Men's Health Appointments for Men's Health checks are available to discuss a fitness, nutrition, medical history of yourself and your family.

                                    Kearns Medical Centre
                                  • Childrens Health Services | Gregory Hills Medical Practice

                                    Keeping children healthy can sometimes be a challenge with illnesses being bought home from school or childcare. At My Family Health Medical Centre, we provide blue book health checks for all milestone ages and immunisations. We also have a wide network of specialists we can refer to such as speech pathologists, physiotherapists, and psychologists etc. Children can become ill quite quickly so upon

                                      Childrens Health Services | Gregory Hills Medical Practice
                                    • Physiotherapist | Allied-Health | My Family Health Medical Centre

                                      We have a team and male and female physio. By utilising variety of techniques physio can play an important role for your movement and postures. For example, joint mobilisation, manipulation, taping, heat/cold therapy, acupuncture/dry needling, stretching and strengthening exercises to help relieve pain and regain full function of your musculoskeletal system Physiotherapy can help any condition tha

                                        Physiotherapist | Allied-Health | My Family Health Medical Centre
                                      • Contact - Kearns Medical Centre

                                        Drop us a message for any query If you have any questions or queries regarding our services, please feel free to contact us using the following form

                                          Contact - Kearns Medical Centre
                                        • Podiatrist | Allied-Health | My Family Health Medical Centre

                                          A podiatrist specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions of the lower limb. Specifically, complications affecting the knee, ankle and foot, these can range from common aches and pains to arthritic, ligamentous and soft tissue sports and wear & tear injuries. Some commonly treated conditions include Knee ligamentous pain and arthritis, heel pain, Plantar Fasciitis, Joint pain, poor pos

                                            Podiatrist | Allied-Health | My Family Health Medical Centre
                                          • 診療拒否に納得いかない|賢い患者になろう〜患者の悩み相談室〜 By COML|けんぽれん[健康保険組合連合会]

                                            賢い患者になろう〜患者の悩み相談室〜 By COML vol.37 「賢い患者になりましょう」を合言葉に、患者中心の開かれた医療の実現を目指す市民グループ「COML(コムル)」が、読者からの電話医療相談に丁寧に答えていきます。 【相談担当】 NPO法人ささえあい医療人権センター COML(コムル) 山口 育子 相 談私(63歳・男性)は30代から2型糖尿病と診断されていたのですが、仕事が忙しくて定期的な受診がままならず、また食事も外食中心だったこともあり、気が付いたときにはかなり病状が悪化していました。そのため、40代半ばからインスリンを自己注射するようになり、さらに50代半ばからは人工透析が必要になり、今では週3回透析に通っています。 これまで3カ所の病院やクリニックで透析を受けてきましたが、なかなかいい関係性が築けず、現在通っている透析クリニックは4カ所目です。1年前から通っているので

                                            • About Us - Emerald Hills Medical Centre - Lepppington

                                              About Us We serve as the first stop for your healthcare needs. Our clinics sits as the leading general practices in the Macarthur area. Our doctors have passion to provide best health services to the general public and to the local businesses. We have multilingual doctors who can speak more than one language; English, Hindi, Punjabi, Russian, Bangla, Urdu, Assyrian, Arabic and African. Our highly

                                                About Us - Emerald Hills Medical Centre - Lepppington
                                              • Allied Healthcare Services

                                                Allied healthcare services Team for Allied Health Services consists of male and female physiotherapist, exercise physio, chiropractor, dietitian, psychologist, speech pathologist and a podiatrist. We have Allied health practitioners based at our co-locations: my family health medical centre or emerald hills medical centre . Please ask our front desk staff for more details (Ph: 02 46046071). There

                                                  Allied Healthcare Services
                                                • Dietitian | Allied-Health | My Family Health Medical Centre

                                                  Diet plays a critical role for your good health. We have on-site Accredited Practising Dietitians who can help you for range of clinical conditions and have a thorough understanding of diet disease relationships. Following are the common areas / conditions where a dietitian can help you. Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Weight Loss Hyperlipidaemia Irritable Bowel Syndrome Low FODMAP Diet

                                                    Dietitian | Allied-Health | My Family Health Medical Centre
                                                  • Patients Information

                                                    Patients information As per the medical guidline each patient as to fill below form of the requirement New Patient Form (PDF) We need this information to provide the best quality care.

                                                      Patients Information
                                                    • Contact - Emerald Hills Medical Centre

                                                      Emerald Hills Medical Centre now sits as the leading general practice in the local area. Our doctors have passion to provide best health services to the general public and to the local businesses.

                                                        Contact - Emerald Hills Medical Centre
                                                      • Speech Pathologist | Gregory Hills Medical Centre

                                                        We have Certified Practising Speech Pathologist (CPSP) who is member of Speech Pathology Australia (MSPAA). She has experience working with children and adolescents with a variety of communication needs, including but not limited to: Receptive language Expressive language Literacy (reading, writing, spelling)

                                                          Speech Pathologist | Gregory Hills Medical Centre
                                                        • Willowdale Medical Centre | Gregory Hills Medical Centre

                                                          We are open Monday – Friday: 7 AM to 7:30 PM,  Saturday: 9 AM to 4 PM, Sunday: 9 AM to 2 PM

                                                          • My Family Health Medical Centre - Women's Health - Gregory Hills

                                                            Appointments can be made with Male or Female doctors and you are welcome to ask for your choice. Our centre offers pap smears, breast checks, can discuss fitness and nutrition, blood screening and mental health consults for woman. We also offer onsite allied health professionals to help with fitness goals and wellbeing such as Exercise Physiology, Chiropractic services, Dietitian, Physiotherapy an

                                                              My Family Health Medical Centre - Women's Health - Gregory Hills
                                                            • Psychologist | Allied-Health | My Family Health Medical Centre

                                                              We have an experienced clinical psychologist on-site who can help you in a very confidential manner to help you related to your mental health issues to improve your health and wellbeing. Psychology service includes but not limited to; stress & Anxiety Assessment Depression related treatment Grief counselling therapy Trauma therapy Stress Management counselling Family & relationship counselling Dru

                                                                Psychologist | Allied-Health | My Family Health Medical Centre
                                                              • Services - Emerald Hills Medical Centre - Leppington

                                                                At Emerald Hills Medical Centre, we offer a wide array of medical services.

                                                                  Services - Emerald Hills Medical Centre - Leppington
                                                                • Chiropractor | Allied-Health | My Family Health Medical Centre

                                                                  Chiropractor helps you to treat problem related to muscles and joints. Applying contemporary techniques, our chiropractor can help you for the following conditions;

                                                                    Chiropractor | Allied-Health | My Family Health Medical Centre
                                                                  • Patients Information - Emerald Hills Medical Centre

                                                                    At Emerald Hills Medical Centre, we offer a wide array of medical services. As a new patient you will need to fill-in a new patient registration form. When you arrive at the reception desk. Please ask for a patient registration form, fill-in all the required information and handover to our friendly staff. Consultations are made walk-ins and also by appointment with the Doctor of your choice. Any u

                                                                      Patients Information - Emerald Hills Medical Centre
                                                                    • Careers - Emerald Hills Medical Centre

                                                                      Join us and be part of a community of healthcare professionals with a passion for service, personal development and, of course, passion for people. Our motto, ‘Treating you well’, is not just a badge but a way of thinking – and something that we do our best to put into practice each day with our patients, the medical professionals we work with and our own people. We’re constantly looking for indiv

                                                                        Careers - Emerald Hills Medical Centre
                                                                      • Corporate Health - Emerald Hills Medical Centre - Leppington

                                                                        At Emerald Hills Medical Centre, we partner with our clients to provide best health solutions for your staff. General Health Check-upsA regular General Health Assessments assist your organisation to have a detailed understating of the health of your workforce and encourage your them to better look after their health. Pre-Employment Health CheckEmerald Hills Medical Centre is currently partnering w

                                                                          Corporate Health - Emerald Hills Medical Centre - Leppington
                                                                        • Pathology Collection Services | Gregory Hills Medical Centre

                                                                          We have on-site pathology collection Open Monday to Friday 8 am till 4pm Saturday and Sunday 8 am till 12pm

                                                                            Pathology Collection Services | Gregory Hills Medical Centre
                                                                          • Allied Health Services | Gregory Hills Medical Centre

                                                                            Our team for Allied Health Services consists of male and female physiotherapist, exercise physio, chiropractor, dietitian, psychologist, speech pathologist and a podiatrist. Chiropractor helps you to treat problem related to muscles and joints. Applying contemporary techniques, our chiropractor can help you in conditions such as Neck Pain, Headaches, Upper/Mid Back Pain etc Utilizing variety of te

                                                                              Allied Health Services | Gregory Hills Medical Centre
                                                                            • Allied Health - Emerald Hills Medical Centre - Leppington

                                                                              At our medical centre, we have male and female physiotherapist, exercise physio, chiropractor, dietitian, psychologist and podiatrist.

                                                                                Allied Health - Emerald Hills Medical Centre - Leppington
                                                                              • Drug & Alcohol Testing - My Family Health Medical Centre - Gregory Hills

                                                                                Drug and alcohol testing is one of the strategies that can be used to help manage the risk.  If you are conducting a business that has requirement of having compulsory drug and alcohol testing, we can certainly help you.  Currently my family health is helping range of local business to conduct drug and alcohol testing.  There are different types of drug and alcohol testing options; for example, pr

                                                                                  Drug & Alcohol Testing - My Family Health Medical Centre - Gregory Hills
                                                                                • Blogs - Kearns Medical Centre

                                                                                  Latest news We will keep you updated with the latest healthcare news Physiotherapy A physical therapist will treat you if you have got a drag with pain or movement. physical therapy might assist you become additional mobile and cause you to more leisurely. What is physiother[....] Read More Sleep tips for children Good sleep makes your kid happier, improves their focus, memory, and behavior. It im

                                                                                    Blogs - Kearns Medical Centre
