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361 - 400 件 / 7641件

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put downの検索結果361 - 400 件 / 7641件

  • Crafting a 13KB Game: The Story of Space Huggers

    One of my favorite game jams is the legendary Js13kGames competition, where participants have one month to make a web browser game that fits in a 13 kilobyte zip file. To put that into perspective, a floppy disk from the before times could hold 1.44 MB, enough to fit over 100 JS13K games! In 2021 the contest celebrated its 10th annual event. The theme was “Space” and there were an impressive 223 g

      Crafting a 13KB Game: The Story of Space Huggers
    • spf13 Google --> | spf13

      I’m leaving my role as the Product Lead for the Go Language at Google. I’m super proud of everything the Go team has accomplished in the last six years, and I’ve never been more excited for Go’s future. Read on if you’re interested in what led me to my decision, what I’ll be doing next, and what I’ll miss about my time at Google. Go has been my passion for the past 10 years Ten years ago, I used G

        spf13 Google --> | spf13
      • 【和訳あり】Peppa Pigの「The Powercut」で字幕なし英語動画に挑戦! - 塾の先生が英語で子育て

        Peppa Pigの「The Powercut」で字幕なし英語動画に挑戦! この記事の英語の難易度はレベル1(★☆☆☆☆)です。 難易度の詳細についてはこちらの記事をご覧ください。 www.jukupapa.com 海外アニメを使って楽しく英語学習ができれば最高ですね。 「Peppa Pig」は日本で手軽に見られる英語アニメの中でも、もっとも簡単な番組のひとつです。 そして日本のアンパンマンのように、イギリスで親しまれているキャラクターです。 「Peppa Pig」については、こちらで詳しく解説しています。 www.jukupapa.com この記事では「Peppa Pig」の実際の動画を使って、英語多観の練習ができるように構成されています。 この記事に沿って英語多観をして頂ければ、聞き取れる、理解できる英語表現が多くなっていることを実感できるはずです。 Peppa Pigの「The Po

          【和訳あり】Peppa Pigの「The Powercut」で字幕なし英語動画に挑戦! - 塾の先生が英語で子育て
        • How to succeed in MrBeast production (leaked PDF)

          How to succeed in MrBeast production (leaked PDF). Whether or not you enjoy MrBeast’s format of YouTube videos (here’s a 2022 Rolling Stone profile if you’re unfamiliar), this leaked onboarding document for new members of his production company is a compelling read. It’s a snapshot of what it takes to run a massive scale viral YouTube operation in the 2020s, as well as a detailed description of a

          • Why Discord is switching from Go to Rust

            Rust is becoming a first class language in a variety of domains. At Discord, we’ve seen success with Rust on the client side and server side. For example, we use it on the client side for our video encoding pipeline for Go Live and on the server side for Elixir NIFs. Most recently, we drastically improved the performance of a service by switching its implementation from Go to Rust. This post expla

              Why Discord is switching from Go to Rust
            • Flask’s Latest Rival in Data Science | by S Ahmad | Towards Data Science

              Streamlit Is The Game Changing Python Library That We’ve Been Waiting For Developing a user-interface is not easy. I’ve always been a mathematician and for me, coding was a functional tool to solve an equation and to create a model, rather than providing the user with an experience. I’m not artsy and nor am I actually that bothered by it. As a result of this, my projects always remained, well, pro

                Flask’s Latest Rival in Data Science | by S Ahmad | Towards Data Science
              • Prism in 2024

                In Ruby 3.3.0, a new standard library was added to CRuby called Prism. Prism is a parser for the Ruby language, exposed as both a C library (optionally usable by CRuby) and a Ruby library (usable as a Ruby gem). The Prism project represents many person-years worth of effort, and is the result of a collaboration between Shopify, CRuby core contributors, other Ruby implementation authors, and Ruby t

                  Prism in 2024
                • CRDT: Text Buffer - Made by Evan

                  Collaboratively editing strings of text is a common desire in peer-to-peer applications. For example, a note-taking app might represent each document as a single collaboratively-edited string of text. The algorithm presented here is one way to do this. It comes from a family of algorithms called CRDTs, which I will not describe here. It's similar to the approaches taken by popular collaborative te

                  • Firstyear's blog-a-log

                    At around 11pm last night my partner went to change our lounge room lights with our home light control system. When she tried to login, her account couldn't be accessed. Her Apple Keychain had deleted the Passkey she was using on that site. This is just the icing on a long trail of enshittification that has undermined Webauthn. I'm over it at this point, and I think it's time to pour one out for P

                    • What Can We Learn from Barnes & Noble's Surprising Turnaround?

                      I’ve written too many negative stories about digital media platforms in recent months. I’ve started to worry. Am I turning into Dr. Doom and Mr. Gloom? In all fairness, my predictions have proven sadly accurate. After I served up these dismal forecasts for Facebook, Spotify, Netflix, and others, their share prices took a steep dive. I’m not sure that’s a good thing—I’d like to see digital media im

                        What Can We Learn from Barnes & Noble's Surprising Turnaround?
                      • Japan pays a high price as it goes down market - Asia Times

                        TOKYO – Japan is cheap. Yes, you read that right. This may surprise – or astonish – those familiar with the country’s high value-added brands, its “bubble era” or Japanese land prices – touted as among the most expensive in the world. It certainly flies in the face of conventional wisdom. But decades of stagnant wages, deflation and the gut-punch left by Abenomics have left Japan the Daiso of the

                          Japan pays a high price as it goes down market - Asia Times
                        • Hixie's Natural Log: Reflecting on 18 years at Google

                          2023-11-22 04:29 UTC Reflecting on 18 years at Google I joined Google in October 2005, and handed in my resignation 18 years later. Last week was my last week at Google. I feel very lucky to have experienced the early post-IPO Google; unlike most companies, and contrary to the popular narrative, Googlers, from the junior engineer all the way to the C-suite, were genuinely good people who cared ver

                          • 不満研究事件 - Wikipedia

                            不満研究事件(ふまんけんきゅうじけん、英:Grievance studies affair)、または「第二のソーカル事件」とも呼ばれるスキャンダルは、ピーター・ボゴシアン、ジェームズ・A・リンゼイ、ヘレン・プラックローズの3人の著者のチームが、彼らが「学問として貧弱であり、査読基準が腐敗している」と見なすいくつかの学術分野に注目を集めるためのプロジェクトであった。 2017年から2018年にかけて行われた彼らのプロジェクトは、社会学における文化・クィア・人種・ジェンダー・肥満研究(英語版)・セクシュアリティ研究の学術誌にデタラメなおとり論文を投稿し、査読を通過して出版が認められるかどうかを試すというものであった。それらの論文のうちいくつかはその後出版され、著者たちはそれを自分たちの主張の裏付けとした。 この事件以前にも、ポストモダン哲学や批判理論の影響を受けた多くの研究の知的妥当性に対する

                              不満研究事件 - Wikipedia
                            • Why Elixir Is the Best Language for Building a Bootstrapped, B2B SaaS in 2024 | SleepEasy Website Monitor

                              Why Elixir Is the Best Language for Building a Bootstrapped, B2B SaaS in 2024 [This article is the companion to my presentation for CodeBEAM America 2024, Elixir is the One-Person Stack for Building a Software Startup. You can download the slides as a PDF or view them in Google Slides.] I’d like to share why I chose Elixir as the programming language (and really, as we’ll discuss, the full stack)

                                Why Elixir Is the Best Language for Building a Bootstrapped, B2B SaaS in 2024 | SleepEasy Website Monitor
                              • curl 8.0.0 is here | daniel.haxx.se

                                Exactly one month since the previous release, we are happy to give you curl 8.0.0 released on curl’s official 25th birthday. This a major version number bump but without any ground-breaking changes or fireworks. We decided it was about time to reset the minor number down to more a manageable level and doing it exactly on curl’s 25th birthday made it extra fun. There is no API nor ABI break in this

                                • Hyperdrive: making databases feel like they’re global

                                  Hyperdrive: making databases feel like they’re global2023-09-28 This post is also available in 简体中文, 日本語, 한국어, Deutsch, Français and Español. Hyperdrive makes accessing your existing databases from Cloudflare Workers, wherever they are running, hyper fast. You connect Hyperdrive to your database, change one line of code to connect through Hyperdrive, and voilà: connections and queries get faster (

                                    Hyperdrive: making databases feel like they’re global
                                  • ビリー・アイリッシュはなぜダボダボの服を着るのか、昨日の私と今日の私は違うけど同じ - ネットロアをめぐる冒険

                                    ビリー・アイリッシュ(以下BE)をご存じですか。 私はご存じなかったのですが、ただいまはなまる急上昇中の歌手なんですね。彼女のこんなエピソードがたいへんバズっておりました。 有名な話だけど、ビリーは巨乳で「性的な対象としてみられないためにダボっとしたファッションに身を包んでる」というネット民の解釈に対し、「私がオーバーサイズの服を着てるのは、アナタが私の胸を見て気まずい思いをしないため😜」と反論した話がとてもイケてて好き pic.twitter.com/mzdwCO1KQt — 月子 (@gerorogokaku) 2020年1月28日 私は基本的にこの手のエピソードはまず出所を調べているのですが(見つかったら満足して終わり)、確かにBEはこの話はしていたのですが、彼女の発言を時系列に眺めていくと、このエピソードをちゃんと理解するためには、ツイートだけでは伝わらないのではないかと思い、記

                                      ビリー・アイリッシュはなぜダボダボの服を着るのか、昨日の私と今日の私は違うけど同じ - ネットロアをめぐる冒険
                                    • A new way to bring garbage collected programming languages efficiently to WebAssembly · V8

                                      A recent article on WebAssembly Garbage Collection (WasmGC) explains at a high level how the Garbage Collection (GC) proposal aims to better support GC languages in Wasm, which is very important given their popularity. In this article, we will get into the technical details of how GC languages such as Java, Kotlin, Dart, Python, and C# can be ported to Wasm. There are in fact two main approaches:

                                      • How to Use and Customize a Third-Party Keyboard on Your Mac

                                        Apple offers two flavors of external keyboard to use with your Mac: the Magic Keyboard and the Magic Keyboard with Numeric Keypad. Despite their names, neither is particularly exciting. So you may want to set up a third-party keyboard to use instead. There are a lot of excellent third-party keyboards available and all of them should connect to your Mac over USB or Bluetooth. But even if your exter

                                          How to Use and Customize a Third-Party Keyboard on Your Mac
                                        • Python’s “Type Hints” are a bit of a disappointment to me

                                          blog · git · desktop · images · contact Python's "Type Hints" are a bit of a disappointment to me 2022-04-21 Preface You are reading version 2.0 of this blog post. Readers shared this link on Hacker News and lobsters, which unexpectedly blew up and sparked many heated discussions. I've incorporated some of this feedback into this revised version. (Some time later, there was also a discussion about

                                          • Can You Believe This Right Now? | By Lars Nootbaar

                                            日本語版はこちら This time three years ago, I was literally working a 9-to-5 job. Actually, it was more like a 5-to-3. Five in the morning to three in the afternoon. This was in 2020, after the minor league season was canceled. I had moved back home from spring training in Jupiter, Florida, to my parents’ place in El Segundo. And at first it was sick. I’d wake up, throw on some sweats, and head over to US

                                              Can You Believe This Right Now? | By Lars Nootbaar
                                            • jj init — Sympolymathesy, by Chris Krycho

                                              Assumed audience: People who have worked with Git or other modern version control systems like Mercurial, Darcs, Pijul, Bazaar, etc., and have at least a basic idea of how they work. Jujutsu is a new version control system from a software engineer at Google, where it is on track to replace Google’s existing version control systems (historically: Perforce, Piper, and Mercurial). I find it interesti

                                                jj init — Sympolymathesy, by Chris Krycho
                                              • 5 Common Mistakes Slowing Down Your Windows PC (And What to Do Instead)

                                                At some point, everyone wonders what is slowing their computer down. Working on a slow computer is no fun at all, and lowers your productivity. While all computers slow down over time, in many cases, your own behavior can cause your computer to run slow unnecessarily. Here are common mistakes that will slow your Windows PC down to a crawl, and how to fix these habits. 1. Running Too Many Programs

                                                  5 Common Mistakes Slowing Down Your Windows PC (And What to Do Instead)
                                                • Announcing TypeScript 5.0 RC - TypeScript

                                                  Today we’re excited to announce our Release Candidate of TypeScript 5.0! Between now and the stable release of TypeScript 5.0, we expect no further changes apart from critical bug fixes. This release brings many new features, while aiming to make TypeScript, smaller, simpler, and faster. We’ve implemented the new decorators standard, functionality to better support ESM projects in Node and bundler

                                                    Announcing TypeScript 5.0 RC - TypeScript
                                                  • The Winding Road to Better Machine Learning Infrastructure Through Tensorflow Extended and Kubeflow - Spotify Engineering

                                                    The Winding Road to Better Machine Learning Infrastructure Through Tensorflow Extended and Kubeflow When Spotify launched in 2008 in Sweden, and in 2011 in the United States, people were amazed that they could access almost the world’s entire music catalog instantaneously. The experience felt like magic and as a result, music aficionados dug in and organized that content into millions of unique pl

                                                      The Winding Road to Better Machine Learning Infrastructure Through Tensorflow Extended and Kubeflow - Spotify Engineering
                                                    • 赤ちゃんのねんねトレーニングコンサルタントを雇ったら QoL が爆上がりした - tomoima525's blog

                                                      我が家に娘が生まれて 6 ヶ月が経ちました。育児にもだいぶ慣れてきたのですが、唯一苦労しているのが寝かしつけでした。どうやったら健やかに寝てくれるのか模索していたところ、ねんねトレーニングを専門で行う睡眠コンサルタントの存在を知り、トレーニングを依頼しました。結果としてトレーニングは大成功し夫婦の QoL が著しく向上したので、どのようなトレーニングを受けてどう改善したのか、ブログに残しておきます。 睡眠トレーニングを受ける前の状況 睡眠コンサルタントとは 睡眠トレーニング 電話でのカウンセリング オンサイトのコンサルテーション/睡眠トレーニング指導 オンラインでのスケジュール管理 トレーニングセッション後の Q&A 睡眠トレーニング後 赤ちゃんの睡眠に必要だったこと 睡眠トレーニングを受ける前の状況 我が家の娘は特に寝かしつけと夜泣きかなり激しかったです。大体 18 時半頃から寝かしつけ

                                                        赤ちゃんのねんねトレーニングコンサルタントを雇ったら QoL が爆上がりした - tomoima525's blog
                                                      • グローバルサウスあれこれ - himaginary’s diary

                                                        篠田英朗氏の記事をはてぶしたのを契機にグローバルサウスについて少し調べてみたところ、篠田氏と同様、このグローバルサウスという概念に対し否定的な見解を示している西側の識者が幾人かいることが分かった。例えば、 ジョセフ・ナイによるProject Syndicate論説 David LubinによるFT論説 カーネギー国際平和基金(Carnegie Endowment for International Peace)のStewart Patrickによる論説 それらの批判を大雑把にまとめると、グローバルサウスと一言で言っても内実は多種多様であるため、そうした不均一性を無視して一括りに捉えるような用語には危険性がある、とのことである。 また、David Lubinは、従来使われてきた新興国市場(emerging markets)という言葉が、国際資本の投資対象の国、という商業的な意味合いを帯びてい

                                                          グローバルサウスあれこれ - himaginary’s diary
                                                        • Nix – taming Unix with functional programming

                                                          You may be aware of Nix or NixOS. Users love them for being superior tools for building, deploying, and managing software. Yet, Nix is generally perceived as notoriously hard to learn. The core Nix ecosystem consists of several distinct components: Nix is a build system and package manager that comes with a configuration language to declare software components, the Nix language. Software made avai

                                                            Nix – taming Unix with functional programming
                                                          • 5:50? - rising_spiritのブログ

                                                            いらっしゃいまっせ~。ようこそ当ブログへ。 Welcome to my blog. 定位置よりズレちゃったかな。 なるほど~、そういう見方もできますね。。。 いや、いきなりなんだ?というお話ですが、先日の「トリドコ?」画像全体をトリに見立てるという発想はなかったです。やっぱり「やわらかあたま」で固定観念に縛られない着想は楽しいですね!! さてさて、お待たせしました!毎週水曜(日本時間)のお楽しみ「はじっこ模型」開店の時間です。 Sorry for the wait! It's time for our weekly Wednesday (Japan time) treat, "Hajikko Mokei(Models)" opening. そろそろ内装いっときます。 This time, the interior is assembled. 本キットの内装はすべて一体になっているのですが、

                                                              5:50? - rising_spiritのブログ
                                                            • How Facebook is bringing QUIC to billions

                                                              We are replacing the de facto protocol the internet has used for decades with QUIC, the latest and most radical step we’ve taken to optimize our network protocols to create a better experience for people on our services. Today, more than 75 percent of our internet traffic uses QUIC and HTTP/3 (we refer to QUIC and HTTP/3 together as QUIC). QUIC has shown significant improvements in several metrics

                                                                How Facebook is bringing QUIC to billions
                                                              • Progress toward a GCC-based Rust compiler [LWN.net]

                                                                This article brought to you by LWN subscribersSubscribers to LWN.net made this article — and everything that surrounds it — possible. If you appreciate our content, please buy a subscription and make the next set of articles possible. The gccrs project is an ambitious effort started in 2014 to implement a Rust compiler within The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). Even though the task is far from comp

                                                                • Sandboxing in Linux with zero lines of code

                                                                  Modern Linux operating systems provide many tools to run code more securely. There are namespaces (the basic building blocks for containers), Linux Security Modules, Integrity Measurement Architecture etc. In this post we will review Linux seccomp and learn how to sandbox any (even a proprietary) application without writing a single line of code. Tux by Iwan Gabovitch, GPL Sandbox, Simplified Pixa

                                                                  • Regards to unauthorized AI model with my art|urasan

                                                                    私の絵を使用し無断で制作されたAIモデルに関して 削除申請に伴う本人確認のためにXの私のアカウント及びFANBOXよりこのページをリンクしております。 For the removal request, I am linking this page from my account on X for confirmation. ユーザー間による論争を避けるため、本ページのURLや内容を画像及びリンクを含む文章にて転載する事を固く禁じます。 Reposting or linking this content is strictly prohibited. モデル配布サイトの管理者へ向けて こんにちは。裏方と申します。 イラストを描く仕事をさせていただいており、これまでに児童書籍、ゲームイラスト、キャラクターデザイン、漫画など、「全年齢向け」を中心に幅広く活動させていただいております。 一方で、創

                                                                      Regards to unauthorized AI model with my art|urasan
                                                                    • Clickhouse as an alternative to ElasticSearch and MySQL, for log storage and analysis, in 2021

                                                                      In 2018, I've written an article about Clickhouse, this piece of content is still pretty popular across the internet, and even was translated a few times. More than two years have passed since, and the pace of Clickhouse development is not slowing down: 800 merged PRs just during last month! This didn't blow your mind? Check out the full changelog, for example for 2020: https://clickhouse.tech/doc

                                                                        Clickhouse as an alternative to ElasticSearch and MySQL, for log storage and analysis, in 2021
                                                                      • Rust 2021: GUI

                                                                        This is a response to the Rust call for blogs 2021 and also a followup to last year’s entry. It will be entirely focused on GUI. There is considerable interest in GUI toolkits for Rust. As one data point, it was the 6th highest rated challenge for adoption in the 2019 Rust survey, just behind async I/O. There is also a fair amount of activity towards this goal, though as a community it still feels

                                                                        • Actually, Japan has changed a lot

                                                                          Reading the widely discussed farewell essay by the BBC’s outgoing Tokyo correspondent, Rupert Wingfield-Hayes, I felt a deep sense of frustration. The veteran journalist summed up his impression of Japan — where he has lived and worked since 2012 — as one of stagnation and stasis, declaring that “after a decade here I have got used to the way Japan is and come to accept the fact that it is not abo

                                                                            Actually, Japan has changed a lot
                                                                          • The RuboCop Name Drama Redux

                                                                            By now, if you’re part of the Ruby programming community, you’ve probably heard of the proposal to rename RuboCop and the unpleasant events that followed it. I really struggled with coming up with a name for this article, as there are many topics I wanted to touch upon (e.g. the burden of OSS stewardship, being respectful and adhering to the norms that once defined the Ruby community, creating a s

                                                                            • Apple’s Intelligent Strategy

                                                                              I’ve got perhaps five outlines of articles I want to write after what was easily one of the most feature-packed, developer-oriented WWDC keynotes last Monday. As we digest all the changes and cool down from the events, I simply had to write a short note on something that did not immediately strike me after the keynote, but slowly revealed itself as I started contemplating what Apple had just annou

                                                                                Apple’s Intelligent Strategy
                                                                              • KID FRESINO - that place is burning feat. ハナレグミ (Official Music Video)

                                                                                KID FRESINO - that place is burning feat. ハナレグミ https://kidfresino.lnk.to/tpib Cast : KID FRESINO, hanaregumi, MAAYA, TERU (NOVEMBER AGENCY) Director : Tomokazu Yamada Cinematographer : GAKU 2nd Camera : Tomokazu Yamada Lighting Director : Kazuhide Toya Drone Operator : Michito Tanaka Car Traction : SHADOW STUNT Hair&Make-up (MAAYA) : KANANE (PUNCH) Hair&Make-up (hanaregumi) : Chiaki Tsuda Co

                                                                                  KID FRESINO - that place is burning feat. ハナレグミ (Official Music Video)
                                                                                • The quest for a family-friendly password manager

                                                                                  With LastPass making a habit of getting pwned and generally sucking, I started to look for a proper™ cloud-based password manager that I could recommend to friends and family. Requirements A non-lame security level, by a entity that won't crash and burn in 3 months, and whose sole interest is keeping their customer's passwords safe: managing passwords can't be a side-hustle. Compromised passwords