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  • Why GitHub Actually Won

    A few days ago, a video produced by @t3dotgg was posted to his very popular YouTube channel where he reviews an article written by the Graphite team titled “How GitHub replaced SourceForge as the dominant code hosting platform”. Theo’s title was a little more succinct, “Why GitHub Won”. Being a cofounder of GitHub, I found Greg’s article and Theo’s subsequent commentary fun, but figured that it mi

      Why GitHub Actually Won
    • Foreword | Luca Palmieri

      Foreword May 24, 2020 1483 words 8 min This article is a sample from Zero To Production In Rust, a hands-on introduction to backend development in Rust. You can get a copy of the book at zero2prod.com. Who Is This Book For The Rust ecosystem has had a remarkable focus on smashing adoption barriers with amazing material geared towards beginners and newcomers, a relentless effort that goes from docu

        Foreword | Luca Palmieri
      • What a good debugger can do 🔮

        When people say “debuggers are useless and using logging and unit-tests is much better,” I suspect many of them think that debuggers can only put breakpoints on certain lines, step-step-step through the code, and check variable values. While any reasonable debugger can indeed do all of that, it’s only the tip of the iceberg. Think about it; we could already step through the code 40 years ago, sure

          What a good debugger can do 🔮
        • SendGrid の Event Webhook をサーバーレスアーキテクチャで構築した話 - JMDC TECH BLOG

          こんにちは。プロダクト開発部でバックエンドエンジニアをやっている野田です。 Ruby on Rails 製プロダクトの Pep Up でメールサービスを SendGrid へ移行するプロジェクトを行っていました。 メールサービス移行プロジェクトでは大きく分けて Pep Up から配信するメールを SendGrid から送信できるようにする SendGrid から送信したメールの送信数、開封数、クリック数を計測できるようにする の2点があったのですが、今日は後者の話をしようと思います。前者も機会があれば話をしたいなと思います。 移行の背景 サービスリリース当初からは別のメールサービスを使っていました。サービスがスケールした段階で改めて他のメールサービスを見てみると、コストや安定性の面で SendGrid が有利になったので移行することに決定しました。 元々使っていたメールサービスではメールの

            SendGrid の Event Webhook をサーバーレスアーキテクチャで構築した話 - JMDC TECH BLOG
          • GitHub - michael-andreuzza/Marketing-for-Engineers: A curated collection of marketing articles & tools to grow your product.

            💎 It’s a hand-picked collection of resources for solving practical marketing tasks, such as: finding beta testers growing first user base advertising project without a budget scaling marketing activities for building constant revenue streams. We faced these questions, when we made our first product (tool for iOS engineers). It took us almost 2 years to learn how to market our project. 😤 During t

              GitHub - michael-andreuzza/Marketing-for-Engineers: A curated collection of marketing articles & tools to grow your product.
            • A viable solution for Python concurrency [LWN.net]

              Concerns over the performance of programs written in Python are often overstated — for some use cases, at least. But there is no getting around the problem imposed by the infamous global interpreter lock (GIL), which severely limits the concurrency of multi-threaded Python code. Various efforts to remove the GIL have been made over the years, but none have come anywhere near the point where they w

              • 英検2級レベル(2019-3vol.3):ピクチャーディクショナリー&広がるイメージ:take down - Bossの英語旅

                日本人英語講師のBossです。 初公開!最新!英検2級過去問(2020年1月実施) 特注!ピクチャーディクショナリーvol.3 □英検2級レベルの英単語 「よく耳にし、よく目にする」知ってると理解が深まるインプット系の単語 「書きたい、話したい」使えるとグッと引き締まるアウトプット系の単語 つまり、 よく出会い、よく再会する単語! 初めに ダウンロード 使用英単語 2019-3vol.3使用単語一覧 使用頻度ランキングTop5(Vol.3編) take down 基本イメージ:高い位置から低い位置へ移動する 広がるイメトレ(連想ゲーム) ① 人をtake down する ② 鉛筆やペンをtakeしてdownする 書くはwriteじゃ? 感謝のプチリプライ 最後に 初めに 今回の第3弾から、1回分の英検2級過去問の英単語を 先にまとめて紹介します(vol1〜4/5の計4回予定) →印刷、ダウ

                  英検2級レベル(2019-3vol.3):ピクチャーディクショナリー&広がるイメージ:take down - Bossの英語旅
                • Rust to WebAssembly the hard way — surma.dev

                  What follows is a brain dump of everything I know about compiling Rust to WebAssembly. Enjoy. Some time ago, I wrote a blog post on how to compile C to WebAssembly without Emscripten, i.e. without the default tool that makes that process easy. In Rust, the tool that makes WebAssembly easy is called wasm-bindgen, and we are going to ditch it! At the same time, Rust is a bit different in that WebAss

                    Rust to WebAssembly the hard way — surma.dev
                  • 制限導入後のBing Chatの能力を確認してみた|IT navi

                    2月17日、Microsoftは「長い対話セッションは、新しいBingのチャットモデルを混乱させる可能性がある」として、Bingチャットでの1日当たりの質問を50回、1セッション当たりの質問を5回までとする制限を導入しました。 この制限導入後、Bing Chatへの規制が厳しくなり、能力が落ちたとの噂があったので確認してみました。 ※(2月22日追記) 質問回数の制限が1日当たり60回、1セッション当たり6回までに緩和されました。更に近日中に1日の上限を100回に増やす予定とのことです。 1.Bingチャットとの基本的な会話 最初に、基本的な会話を試してみました。 問 こんにちは、好きな食べ物は何ですか? 答 こんにちは、これはBingです。私は食べ物を食べませんが、色々な料理に興味があります。😊 問 年齢と趣味を教えて 答 申し訳ありませんが、私は自分のことについて話すことができません

                      制限導入後のBing Chatの能力を確認してみた|IT navi
                    • FFmpeg - Ultimate Guide | IMG.LY Blog

                      These last two sometimes are referred to as "8 bit" or "10 bit" respectively, especially when talking about videos. That means 8/10 bits per single color channel. TransparencySome image formats support an additional channel together with the red, green, and blue components: the alpha channel. The alpha channel determines how transparent a single pixel is, and it can have different bit-depths, it i

                        FFmpeg - Ultimate Guide | IMG.LY Blog
                      • 「Appleは悪役にiPhoneを持たせることを許可していない」とライアン・ジョンソン監督が告白 - ライブドアニュース

                        2020年2月27日 10時40分 リンクをコピーする by ライブドアニュース編集部 ざっくり言うと ある映画監督が、ミステリー映画の謎解きのヒントをインタビューで明かした Appleは映画の悪役にを持たせることを許可していない、などと発言 新作映画でも「を持っているキャラクターは犯人ではない」と述べた 「スター・ウォーズ/最後のジェダイ」などで知られるライアン・ジョンソン監督がインタビューで「Appleは悪役にを持たせることを許可していない」と述べました。 Watch Notes On A Scene | Director Rian Johnson Breaks Down a Scene from 'Knives Out' | Vanity Fair Video | CNE https://www.vanityfair.com/video/watch/notes-on-a-scene-

                          「Appleは悪役にiPhoneを持たせることを許可していない」とライアン・ジョンソン監督が告白 - ライブドアニュース
                        • A dozen COVID-19 questions Tokyo Olympics organisers need to answer

                          Key points:The Tokyo 2020 Olympics and Paralympics will take place under strict conditions to limit exposure to COVID-19 The IOC has asked all accredited personnel at the Olympics and Paralympics to sign a waiver indemnifying them for any 'loss, injury or damage' suffered by people at the gamesHuman rights lawyer and former Canadian Olympic swimmer, Nikki Dryden, says questions remain about the pr

                            A dozen COVID-19 questions Tokyo Olympics organisers need to answer
                          • A Complete Guide to CSS Cascade Layers | CSS-Tricks

                            This is your complete guide to CSS cascade layers, a CSS feature that allows us to define explicit contained layers of specificity, so that we have full control over which styles take priority in a project without relying on specificity hacks or !important. This guide is intended to help you fully understand what cascade layers are for, how and why you might choose to use them, the current levels

                              A Complete Guide to CSS Cascade Layers | CSS-Tricks
                            • A decent VS Code + Ruby on Rails setup

                              Setting up VS Code for Ruby on Rails development can be tricky, so I wrote this article to help. Plus, I've turned the extensions in this article into a VS Code Extension Pack. Use it to install all the extensions from this article in 1-click, to get started quickly with VS Code + Ruby on Rails. Table of Contents Using VS Code as a Ruby on Rails editor shouldn't be so hard! It's tricky deciding wh

                                A decent VS Code + Ruby on Rails setup
                              • Creating a Twitter Bot in Go

                                Creating a Twitter Bot in GoTable of ContentsIntroGetting Twitter CredentialsLoading CredentialsAdding a MainPutting It All TogetherDeploying on HerokuIntroThis is a short, step by step, tutorial for how to make a twitter bot. The bot I'll create in this tutorial is going to be called "Big Pineapple Guy" and it's purpose will be to comment on my friend's posts with facts about pineapples. I'm goin

                                  Creating a Twitter Bot in Go
                                • UI Security - Thinking Outside the Viewport

                                  Posted Jun 2, 2021 2021-06-02T07:00:00-07:00 by Abdulrahman Alqabandi IntroductionWhen it comes to an application’s user interface (UI), one may care for the aesthetics, design consistency, simplicity, and clarity to ensure a good UI. However, an application like a browser where untrusted content is loaded, parsed, and given APIs to invoke all sorts of UIs then a new layer of concern appears: Desi

                                    UI Security - Thinking Outside the Viewport
                                  • A jump-host SSH server that starts machines on-demand

                                    LazySSH LazySSH is an SSH server that acts as a jump host only, and dynamically starts temporary virtual machines. If you find yourself briefly starting a virtual machine just to SSH into it and try something out, LazySSH is an attempt to automate that flow via just the ssh command. LazySSH starts the machine for you when you connect, and shuts it down (some time after) you disconnect. Another pos

                                    • Getting started with Web Performance 🚀 - HTMHell

                                      by Alistair Shepherd published on Dec 14, 2023 Carefully observing websites in the wild As the murderous tortoises start to converge on Ryūji’s hideout, they pull out their phone. It’s a cheap, older device but it’s survived the toils of the tortoise-ageddon well so far. Thankfully the internet still exists, although a bit slower, so they’re able to search online for how to scare tortoises away. T

                                        Getting started with Web Performance 🚀 - HTMHell
                                      • あなたの声がチカラになります

                                        Please scroll down for the English version. (英語版はページ下部にあります) ツイッター上にはたくさんの誹謗中傷ツイートが放置されています。日本駐在の苦情担当者を任命することで、誹謗中傷ツイートに迅速に対応する体制を整えてください。 ツイッターは迷惑行為を報告する方法をいくつか提供していますが、どれも不完全でまったく意味をなしていません。不完全だと思う理由を列挙していきます。 問題点:AIによる自動判定の精度が低すぎる 単純に、日本語の誹謗中傷に対する判定精度が低すぎます。例えば、下記の単語を「迷惑行為」や「不適切または攻撃的な内容を含んでいる」と報告しても、「問題なし」という機械的なメッセージが返ってきます。日本語の話者が見れば、ひと目で問題だらけだと分かる単語なのに、です。 ツイッターに報告しても問題なしと判定される単語の例: 死ね|殺す|黙

                                        • Testing sync at Dropbox

                                          …and how we rewrote the heart of sync with confidence. Executing a full rewrite of the Dropbox sync engine was pretty daunting. (Read more about our goals and how we made the decision in our previous post here.) Doing so meant taking the engine that powers Dropbox on hundreds of millions of user’s machines and swapping it out mid-flight. To pull this off, we knew we would need a serious investment

                                            Testing sync at Dropbox
                                          • shogihax - Remote Code Execution on Nintendo 64 through Morita Shogi 64

                                            shogihax - Remote Code Execution on Nintendo 64 through Morita Shogi 64 Introduction I've been wanting to develop Nintendo 64 homebrew for a while, but have been put off due to the limited options available for testing on the hardware. Instead of shelling out money for a flashcard (which have inflated prices since they are marketed for pirating games), I decided to invest some time systematically

                                            • Why Zoom Chose Oracle Cloud Over AWS and Maybe You Should Too

                                              04.28.2020 Why Zoom Chose Oracle Cloud Over AWS and Maybe You Should Too By Corey Quinn Updated: May 1, 2020. See the bottom of this article for some clarifications. Today, news broke that Zoom signed a deal with Oracle Cloud to host their cloud infrastructure, beating out AWS,… Updated: May 1, 2020. See the bottom of this article for some clarifications. Today, news broke that Zoom signed a deal

                                                Why Zoom Chose Oracle Cloud Over AWS and Maybe You Should Too
                                              • 【令和4年版】「報道の自由度2022」の報道の仕方から不自由を見る - ネットロアをめぐる冒険

                                                今年も「報道の自由度ランキング2022」が公表されました。 rsf.org これは毎年、国境なき記者団(RSF)が発表する、各国のジャーナリズムの自由度を公表するものです。 ところが、日本の報道機関は、あまりこれを正確に伝えていません。 各紙ひどいといえばひどいんですが、特に朝日は突出していて、2018年の「報道の自由度ランキング」の記事から、「記者が「反愛国的」なことを書くと「SNS上で攻撃される」」という内容のみを金太郎飴のように毎年書き続けています。RSFが毎年指摘している「スポンサーのご機嫌うかがいによる自己検閲」や「記者クラブの排外的課題」についてはいっさい書こうとしてないんですね。「報道の自由度ランキング」について書けば書くほど、日本の「報道の不自由さ」が明るみに出るという、なんとも残念なおはなしになっているわけです*1。 そんな感じなので、5月3日にRSFが今年のやつを公表し

                                                  【令和4年版】「報道の自由度2022」の報道の仕方から不自由を見る - ネットロアをめぐる冒険
                                                • Why Rust strings seem hard | Brandon's Website

                                                  Why Rust strings seem hard April 13, 2021 Lately I've been seeing lots of anecdotes from people trying to get into Rust who get really hung up on strings (&str, String, and their relationship). Beyond Rust's usual challenges around ownership, there can be an added layer of frustration because strings are so easy in the great majority of languages. You just add them together, split them, whatever!

                                                  • Fast Rust Builds

                                                    Fast Rust Builds Sep 4, 2021 It’s common knowledge that Rust code is slow to compile. But I have a strong gut feeling that most Rust code out there compiles much slower than it could. As an example, one fairly recent post says: With Rust, on the other hand, it takes between 15 and 45 minutes to run a CI pipeline, depending on your project and the power of your CI servers. This doesn’t make sense t

                                                    • Low-Level Software Security for Compiler Developers

                                                      1 Introduction Compilers, assemblers and similar tools generate all the binary code that processors execute. It is no surprise then that these tools play a major role in security analysis and hardening of relevant binary code. Often the only practical way to protect all binaries with a particular security hardening method is to have the compiler do it. And, with software security becoming more and

                                                      • A *magical* AWS serverless developer experience

                                                        A common question developers bring up when wanting to develop serverless and cloud native applications is: what will the developer experience be like? It is an important question as a good developer experience with a quick feedback loop results in happier and more productive developers who are able to ship features rapidly. Since we’re building Plain to be intentionally small, an outstanding devel

                                                          A *magical* AWS serverless developer experience
                                                        • Refactoring optional chaining into a large codebase: lessons learned • Lea Verou

                                                          Refactoring optional chaining into a large codebase: lessons learned Chinese translation by Coink Wang Now that optional chaining is supported across the board, I decided to finally refactor Mavo to use it (yes, yes, we do provide a transpiled version as well for older browsers, settle down). This is a moment I have been waiting for a long time, as I think optional chaining is the single most subs

                                                          • Airfoil – Bartosz Ciechanowski

                                                            The dream of soaring in the sky like a bird has captivated the human mind for ages. Although many failed, some eventually succeeded in achieving that goal. These days we take air transportation for granted, but the physics of flight can still be puzzling. In this article we’ll investigate what makes airplanes fly by looking at the forces generated by the flow of air around the aircraft’s wings. Mo

                                                              Airfoil – Bartosz Ciechanowski
                                                            • Visual Studio Code April 2022

                                                              Register now for a full day of community, learning, and all things Visual Studio Code April 2022 (version 1.67) Update 1.67.1: The update addresses this security issue. Update 1.67.2: The update addresses these issues. Downloads: Windows: x64 Arm64 | Mac: Universal Intel silicon | Linux: deb rpm tarball Arm snap Welcome to the April 2022 release of Visual Studio Code. There are many updates in thi

                                                                Visual Studio Code April 2022
                                                              • The End of Silicon Valley as We Know It?

                                                                Join the O'Reilly online learning platform. Get a free trial today and find answers on the fly, or master something new and useful. Learn more Consumer internet entrepreneurs lack many of the skills needed for the life sciences revolution.Internet regulation is upon us.Climate response is capital intensive, and inherently local.The end of the betting economy. Inventing the future “The best way to

                                                                  The End of Silicon Valley as We Know It?
                                                                • 【和訳あり】Peppa Pigの「Windy Autumn Day」で字幕なし英語動画に挑戦! - 塾の先生が英語で子育て

                                                                  Peppa Pigの「Windy Autumn Day」で字幕なし英語動画に挑戦! この記事の英語の難易度はレベル1(★☆☆☆☆)です。 難易度の詳細についてはこちらの記事をご覧ください。 www.jukupapa.com 海外アニメを使って楽しく英語学習ができれば最高ですね。 「Peppa Pig」は日本で手軽に見られる英語アニメの中でも、もっとも簡単な番組のひとつです。 そして日本のアンパンマンのように、イギリスで親しまれているキャラクターです。 「Peppa Pig」については、こちらで詳しく解説しています。 www.jukupapa.com この記事では「Peppa Pig」の実際の動画を使って、英語多観の練習ができるように構成されています。 この記事に沿って英語多観をして頂ければ、聞き取れる、理解できる英語表現が多くなっていることを実感できるはずです。 Peppa Pigの「Wi

                                                                    【和訳あり】Peppa Pigの「Windy Autumn Day」で字幕なし英語動画に挑戦! - 塾の先生が英語で子育て
                                                                  • Confessions of an Ex Philosopher - リーファトロジーの哲学 / Philosophy of Lifatology

                                                                    Confessions of an Ex Philosopher 元哲学者の告白 To begin with, I have yet to ask the author for the translation permission as the article was written anonymously. If any request arises to retract this translation by the author or anyone concerned, I hereby promise that I will do so as immediately as possible. 初めに、私はこの記事の著者に翻訳許可を得ていません。記事が匿名で書かれていたためです。もしも、著者及びその関係者からこの翻訳を取り下げるよう要請があれば、可能な限りすぐにそうすると、ここに私は

                                                                      Confessions of an Ex Philosopher - リーファトロジーの哲学 / Philosophy of Lifatology
                                                                    • Machine Learning Field Guide

                                                                      We all have to deal with data, and we try to learn about and implement machine learning into our projects. But everyone seems to forget one thing... it's far from perfect, and there is so much to go through! Don't worry, we'll discuss every little step, from start to finish 👀. All you'll need are these fundementals The Story Behind it All We all start with either a dataset or a goal in mind. Once

                                                                        Machine Learning Field Guide
                                                                      • Incident management for data teams

                                                                        Data teams are no strangers to incidents. But there’s often no standard way of acting on data issues and many teams only sporadically declare data incidents. In this post I’ve teamed up with Jack Cook, analytics manager, from incident.io. incident.io have helped hundreds of engineering teams manage tens of thousands of incidents so there’s a thing or two we can learn from them. The five steps of i

                                                                          Incident management for data teams
                                                                        • Custom Editor API

                                                                          Version 1.93 is now available! Read about the new features and fixes from August. Custom editors allow extensions to create fully customizable read/write editors that are used in place of VS Code's standard text editor for specific types of resources. They have a wide variety of use cases, such as: Previewing assets, such as shaders or 3D models, directly in VS Code. Creating WYSIWYG editors for l

                                                                            Custom Editor API
                                                                          • AST vs. Bytecode: Interpreters in the Age of Meta-Compilation

                                                                            233 AST vs. Bytecode: Interpreters in the Age of Meta-Compilation OCTAVE LAROSE, University of Kent, UK SOPHIE KALEBA, University of Kent, UK HUMPHREY BURCHELL, University of Kent, UK STEFAN MARR, University of Kent, UK Thanks to partial evaluation and meta-tracing, it became practical to build language implementations that reach state-of-the-art peak performance by implementing only an interprete

                                                                            • 【和訳あり】Peppa Pigの「At The Beach」で字幕なし英語動画に挑戦! - 塾の先生が英語で子育て

                                                                              Peppa Pigの「At The Beach」で字幕なし英語動画に挑戦! 海外アニメを使って楽しく英語学習ができれば最高ですね。 「Peppa Pig」は日本で手軽に見られる英語アニメの中でも、もっとも簡単な番組のひとつです。 そして日本のアンパンマンのように、イギリスで親しまれているキャラクターです。 「Peppa Pig」については、こちらで詳しく解説しています。 www.jukupapa.com この記事では「Peppa Pig」の実際の動画を使って、英語多観の練習ができるように構成されています。 この記事に沿って英語多観をして頂ければ、聞き取れる、理解できる英語表現が多くなっていることを実感できるはずです。 Peppa Pigの「At The Beach」で字幕なし英語動画に挑戦! 練習の流れ 第46話「At The Beach」 動画の原稿、スクリプト(script) もう一度

                                                                                【和訳あり】Peppa Pigの「At The Beach」で字幕なし英語動画に挑戦! - 塾の先生が英語で子育て
                                                                              • Testing a new encrypted messaging app's extraordinary claims

                                                                                How I accidentally breached a nonexistent database and found every private key in a 'state-of-the-art' encrypted messenger called Converso I recently heard this ad on a podcast: I use the Converso app for privacy because I care about privacy, and because other messaging apps that tell you they're all about privacy look like the NSA next to Converso. With Converso, you've got end-to-end encryption,

                                                                                  Testing a new encrypted messaging app's extraordinary claims
                                                                                • MicroMac, a Macintosh for under £5

                                                                                  A microcontroller Macintosh This all started from a conversation about the RP2040 MCU, and building a simple desktop/GUI for it. I’d made a comment along the lines of “or, just run some old OS”, and it got me thinking about the original Macintosh. The original Macintosh was released 40.5 years before this post, and is a pretty cool machine especially considering that the hardware is very simple. I