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  • The Intelligence Age

    In the next couple of decades, we will be able to do things that would have seemed like magic to our grandparents. This phenomenon is not new, but it will be newly accelerated. People have become dramatically more capable over time; we can already accomplish things now that our predecessors would have believed to be impossible. We are more capable not because of genetic change, but because we bene

      The Intelligence Age
    • エレクトロニカの王様Four Tetによる音楽制作哲学とテクニック8選|Minimal Order

      同内容を元に、抜粋・抄訳していきたいと思います。 Four Tetが語る音楽制作の哲学とテクニック1) 創造的自由Four Tetは、自分の作品において創造的な自由を大切にしていて、周りからの期待に縛られずにさまざまな音楽スタイルやプロジェクトに挑戦することを重視しています。 実験的な音楽制作や異なるジャンルやパフォーマンスの間を移動することを楽しんでいます。 I feel quite liberated these days that I've got things to a point where a lot of the records I do have pretty much no connection sometimes with what's going on with some of the performance. I'm doing the live music and

        エレクトロニカの王様Four Tetによる音楽制作哲学とテクニック8選|Minimal Order
      • "SRE" doesn't seem to mean anything useful any more

        This seems to be a thing now: someone finds out that you worked as an SRE ("site reliability engineer", something from the big G back in the day) somewhere, and now all you're good for is "devops" - that is, you're going to be the "ops bitch" for the "real" programmers. You are the consumer. They are the producer. They squeeze one out and you have to make it sing and dance. You keep things running

        • Why GitHub Actually Won

          A few days ago, a video produced by @t3dotgg was posted to his very popular YouTube channel where he reviews an article written by the Graphite team titled “How GitHub replaced SourceForge as the dominant code hosting platform”. Theo’s title was a little more succinct, “Why GitHub Won”. Being a cofounder of GitHub, I found Greg’s article and Theo’s subsequent commentary fun, but figured that it mi

            Why GitHub Actually Won
          • How to succeed in MrBeast production (leaked PDF)

            How to succeed in MrBeast production (leaked PDF). Whether or not you enjoy MrBeast’s format of YouTube videos (here’s a 2022 Rolling Stone profile if you’re unfamiliar), this leaked onboarding document for new members of his production company is a compelling read. It’s a snapshot of what it takes to run a massive scale viral YouTube operation in the 2020s, as well as a detailed description of a

            • First Look: Exploring OpenAI o1 in GitHub Copilot

              Today, OpenAI released OpenAI o1, a new series of AI models equipped with advanced reasoning capabilities to solve hard problems. Like you, we are excited to put the new o1 model through its paces and have tested integrating o1-preview with GitHub Copilot. While we are exploring many use cases with this new model, such as debugging large-scale systems, refactoring legacy code, and writing test sui

                First Look: Exploring OpenAI o1 in GitHub Copilot
              • How Discord Reduced Websocket Traffic by 40%

                At Discord, we’re always thinking about ways to improve our services and increase performance. After all, the faster our app gets, the sooner you can return to your friends and conversations! Over the last six months, we embarked on a quest to support this endeavor, working to reduce the amount of bandwidth our clients use, especially on iOS and Android, hoping that decreasing bandwidth usage woul

                  How Discord Reduced Websocket Traffic by 40%
                • How to Use React Compiler – A Complete Guide

                  In this tutorial, you'll learn how the React compiler can help you write more optimized React applications. React is a user interface library that has been doing its job quite well for over a decade. The component architecture, uni-directional data flow, and declarative nature stand out in helping devs building production-ready, scalable software applications. Over the releases (even up until the

                    How to Use React Compiler – A Complete Guide
                  • GitHub Notification Emails Hijacked to Send Malware

                    As an open source developer I frequently get emails from GitHub, most of these emails are notifications sent on behalf of GitHub users to let me know that somebody has interacted with something and requires my attention. Perhaps somebody has created a new issue on one of my repos, or replied to a comment I left, or opened a pull request, or perhaps the user is trying to impersonate GitHub security

                      GitHub Notification Emails Hijacked to Send Malware
                    • CSS @property and the New Style

                      The @property at-rule recently gained support across all modern browsers, unlocking the ability to explicitly define a syntax, initial value, and inheritance for CSS custom properties. It seems like forever ago that CSS Houdini and its CSS Properties and Values API were initially introduced. I experimented sparingly over time, reading articles that danced around the concepts, but I had barely scra

                        CSS @property and the New Style
                      • Web Components Are Not the Future

                        A few years ago I wrote an article suggesting that Web Components might not be the most beneficial direction for Web development to head. It was a soft-handed look at where they made sense and where things fall apart. It wasn't geared as a "us against them" argument and I hoped people would come to reasonable conclusions for themselves. But over the past few years, I've only seen the situation wor

                        • 美しいイラストと詩的な言葉で魅せる!「Have You Ever Seen a Flower?」で親子英語学習

                          「Have You Ever Seen a Flower?」は、花との五感を通した触れ合いを通して、生命の力強さ、世界の美しさ、そして自分自身の存在の不思議さを、詩的な言葉と鮮やかなイラストで表現した絵本で、2022 Caldecott受賞作品です。 ここでは「Have You Ever Seen a Flower?」の簡単なあらすじの他、文中に出てくる日常の英語表現、おすすめの読み聞かせ動画のご紹介や日本語訳などを掲載しています。 お話の内容この絵本は、「花を見たことがありますか?」というシンプルな問いかけから始まります。 読者は、主人公の子供と一緒に、花の色、香り、感触を、五感をフルに使って体験していきます。 花の中に入り込んだような、不思議な感覚。 花びらの奥底に広がる、生命の神秘。 そして、私たち自身の体の中にも、同じように生命が脈打っていることに気づかされます。 英語学習のポイン

                            美しいイラストと詩的な言葉で魅せる!「Have You Ever Seen a Flower?」で親子英語学習
                          • 心温まる英語絵本『The Smartest Giant in Town』- 楽しみながら学ぶ英語表現

                            「The Smartest Giant in Town」は、思いやりと優しさの大切さを教えてくれる心温まる絵本です。ジュリア・ドナルドソンの魅力的な文章と、アクセル・シェフラーの楽しいイラストで、お子さんと一緒に英語を楽しみながら学べる素晴らしい作品です。 ここでは「The Smartest Giant in Town」の簡単なあらすじの他、文中に出てくる日常の英語表現、おすすめの読み聞かせ動画のご紹介や日本語訳などを掲載しています。 お話のあらすじジョージは町で一番だらしない巨人でしたが、ある日新しい服を買って町で一番おしゃれな巨人に変身します。しかし、帰り道で困っている動物たちに出会い、次々と新しい服を分け与えていきます。最後には元の姿に戻りますが、動物たちから「町で一番親切な巨人」として感謝されます。 英語学習のポイント“Cheer up!”この表現は「元気出して!」という意味で、誰

                              心温まる英語絵本『The Smartest Giant in Town』- 楽しみながら学ぶ英語表現
                            • What's in an (Alias) Name? - The Go Programming Language

                              The Go Blog What's in an (Alias) Name? Robert Griesemer 17 September 2024 This post is about generic alias types, what they are, and why we need them. Background Go was designed for programming at scale. Programming at scale means dealing with large amounts of data, but also large codebases, with many engineers working on those codebases over long periods of time. Go’s organization of code into pa

                                What's in an (Alias) Name? - The Go Programming Language
                              • Windows NT vs. Unix: A design comparison

                                Over the years, I’ve repeatedly heard that Windows NT is a very advanced operating system and, being a Unix person myself, it has bothered me to not know why. I’ve been meaning to answer this question for years and I can do so now, which means I want to present you my findings. My desire to know about NT’s internals started in 2006 when I applied to the Google Summer of Code program to develop Boo

                                  Windows NT vs. Unix: A design comparison
                                • Oneiblog

                                  You descend into the pit of exit codes and one-character flags, The sunken abyss of the Makefiles, The mill of 11-year-old legacy scripting. The writhen shell commands serve in adoration, Immured beneath a rotten run-make directory. Before you lies the servitor of order, The cleaver, The redeemer, The recreator, The run-make-support crate. Vessel of rust-lang, You are the unmaker, You bring the ra

                                  • We Spent $20 To Achieve RCE And Accidentally Became The Admins Of .MOBI

                                    Welcome back to another watchTowr Labs blog. Brace yourselves, this is one of our most astounding discoveries. SummaryWhat started out as a bit of fun between colleagues while avoiding the Vegas heat and $20 bottles of water in our Black Hat hotel rooms - has now seemingly become a major incident. We recently performed research that started off "well-intentioned" (or as well-intentioned as we ever

                                      We Spent $20 To Achieve RCE And Accidentally Became The Admins Of .MOBI
                                    • Rewriting Rust

                                      The Rust programming language feels like a first generation product. You know what I mean. Like the first iPhone - which was amazing by the way. They made an entire operating system around multitouch. A smart phone with no keyboard. And a working web browser. Within a few months, we all realised what the iPhone really wanted to be. Only, the first generation iphone wasn't quite there. It didn't ha

                                      • Rearchitecting: Redis to SQLite | Wafris

                                        Pssst - want to skip right to the chart? click here Background We're Wafris, an open-source web application firewall company that, among other frameworks, ships a Rails middleware client. At launch, the v1 client required a local Redis datastore to be deployed with your app. We're now releasing v2 of our Rails client which uses SQLite as the backing datastore. This article covers the decision-maki

                                        • Introducing TanStack Router – Frontend Masters Boost

                                          TanStack Router is an incredibly exciting project. It’s essentially a fully-featured client-side JavaScript application framework. It provides a mature routing and navigation system with nested layouts and efficient data loading capabilities at every point in the route tree. Best of all, it does all of this in a type-safe manner. What’s especially exciting is that, as of this writing, there’s a Ta

                                            Introducing TanStack Router – Frontend Masters Boost
                                          • Sanding UI

                                            One of the ways I like to do development is to build something, click around a ton, make tweaks, click around more, more tweaks, more clicks, etc., until I finally consider it done. The clicking around a ton is the important part. If it’s a page transition, that means going back and forth a ton. Click, back button. Click, right-click context menu, “Back”. Click, in-app navigation to go back (if th

                                              Sanding UI
                                            • Zero-latency SQLite storage in every Durable Object

                                              Zero-latency SQLite storage in every Durable Object2024-09-26 Traditional cloud storage is inherently slow, because it is normally accessed over a network and must carefully synchronize across many clients that could be accessing the same data. But what if we could instead put your application code deep into the storage layer, such that your code runs directly on the machine where the data is stor

                                                Zero-latency SQLite storage in every Durable Object
                                              • ‘He was in mystic delirium’: was this hermit mathematician a forgotten genius whose ideas could transform AI – or a lonely madman?

                                                One day in September 2014, in a hamlet in the French Pyrenean foothills, Jean-Claude, a landscape gardener in his late 50s, was surprised to see his neighbour at the gate. He hadn’t spoken to the 86-year-old in nearly 15 years after a dispute over a climbing rose that Jean-Claude had wanted to prune. The old man lived in total seclusion, tending to his garden in the djellaba he always wore, writin

                                                  ‘He was in mystic delirium’: was this hermit mathematician a forgotten genius whose ideas could transform AI – or a lonely madman?
                                                • Manga: The Curious World of Japanese Comics

                                                  Manga is a famous form of Japanese art developed as a comic. For the Japanese, Manga is not just a source of entertainment but a core part of their culture. The word Manga (漫画) consists of two Kanji characters 漫, which means comics, and 画, which means drawing or painting. Meaning of MangaIf you are new to the world of manga, you may wonder what manga literally means. What is the meaning of the wor

                                                    Manga: The Curious World of Japanese Comics
                                                  • What’s in a name? Resistance to genocide

                                                    Shakespeare left us the much-quoted adage about the relationship between things and names. In his tragedy Romeo and Juliet, his character Juliet complains that her family won’t accept her lover Romeo and boils it down to his name: “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose / By any other name would smell as sweet.” In essence, Shakespeare gives us the theory of the arbitrariness of signs long be

                                                      What’s in a name? Resistance to genocide
                                                    • Can Solar Costs Keep Shrinking?

                                                      Thank you John Arnold, Casey Handmer, and Austin Vernon for having a look at this article. You can check out Austin’s two articles that inspired mine here and here. I’ve shared this graph before: The price of solar photovoltaic (PV) panels has been shrinking around 12% per year for decades. That decline is because of this: We’ve been installing more and more solar panels. They’re now the lion’s sh

                                                        Can Solar Costs Keep Shrinking?
                                                      • GTF :: Why Haskell?

                                                        “Impractical”, “academic”, “niche”. These are a few of the reactions I get when someone discovers that my favourite programming language is Haskell, and not only my favourite in some sort of intellectually-masturbatory way, but favourite for building things, real things, mostly involving web servers. Hobby projects would be one thing, but it gets worse: I have actual teams at Converge working in H

                                                        • ‘Sophisticated evil’: Beirut medics and civilians horrified by pager attacks

                                                          Two beeps and a pause was the only warning Yusuf got. He turned around to face the noise, thinking it was one of his medical instruments, but instead was met with an explosion, throwing shrapnel into his leg. His patient fared much worse. “The patient lost consciousness; he started bleeding. His face, neck and lips were burned. He had knife-like cuts, as if he was hit by a rocket,” Yusuf, a doctor

                                                            ‘Sophisticated evil’: Beirut medics and civilians horrified by pager attacks
                                                          • The Art of Finishing | ByteDrum

                                                            It’s a quiet Saturday afternoon. I’ve carved out a few precious hours for coding, armed with a steaming cup of coffee and the familiar urge to dive into a project. As I settle into my chair and open my terminal, I’m confronted with a challenge that’s become all too familiar: deciding which of my many unfinished projects to tackle. I navigate to my project directory, greeted by a graveyard of half-

                                                              The Art of Finishing | ByteDrum
                                                            • The Starliner spacecraft has started to emit strange noises

                                                              Enlarge / Boeing's Starliner spacecraft is seen docked at the International Space Station on June 13. On Saturday NASA astronaut Butch Wilmore noticed some strange noises emanating from a speaker inside the Starliner spacecraft. "I've got a question about Starliner," Wilmore radioed down to Mission Control at Johnson Space Center in Houston. "There's a strange noise coming through the speaker... I

                                                                The Starliner spacecraft has started to emit strange noises
                                                              • 山下達郎サンデーソングブック2024年3月10日『フィリー・ソウルで棚からひとつかみ Part1』 - おとのほそみち

                                                                番組中の曲解説の主要な部分を書き起こしています。 1. 希望という名の光 / 山下達郎 '10 2. STOP, LOOK, LISTEN (TO YOUR HEART) / THE STYLISTICS '71 3. DON'T PUT ME DOWN / THE FINISHING TOUCH      '7? 4. THEY SAY THE GIRL'S CRAZY / THE INVITATIONS '73 5. WHO AM I? / FLASHLIGHT '76 6. I DON'T WANT TO MAKE YOU WAIT / THE DELFONICS '73 7. BIG STONE WALL (AROUND YOUR HEART) / TAPESTRY '73 8. YOU GOT TO KNOW BETTER / TOUCH OF CLASS '77 9. GOOD

                                                                  山下達郎サンデーソングブック2024年3月10日『フィリー・ソウルで棚からひとつかみ Part1』 - おとのほそみち
                                                                • Linux/4004 - Dmitry.GR

                                                                  Linux/4004 Slowly booting full Linux on the intel 4004 for fun, art, and absolutely no profit TL;DR I booted Debian Linux on a 4-bit intel microprocessor from 1971 - the first microprocessor in the world - the 4004. It is not fast, but it is a real Linux kernel with a Debian rootfs on a real board whose only CPU is a real intel 4004 from the 1970s. The video is sped up at variable rates to demonst

                                                                  • How to Make Windows XP Safe

                                                                    If you want to skip the introduction, and jump right in, then just start reading from here. If I told you that you can still use Windows XP to surf the web safely without a firewall, antivirus software, and updates, you would probably think I am crazy. But that is possible! I have been doing it for many years. And just to make things clear, I don't use Windows 10 at all. I don't run XP in a sandbo

                                                                    • About hybrid search  |  Vertex AI  |  Google Cloud

                                                                      Try Gemini 1.5 models, the latest multimodal models in Vertex AI, and see what you can build with up to a 2M token context window. Try Gemini 1.5 models, the latest multimodal models in Vertex AI, and see what you can build with up to a 2M token context window. Vector Search supports hybrid search, a popular architecture pattern in information retrieval (IR) that combines both semantic search and

                                                                        About hybrid search  |  Vertex AI  |  Google Cloud
                                                                      • How I Built an NFC Movie Library for my Kids

                                                                        When I was a kid, my sister and I had a tower of VHS tapes we watched endlessly. Fast-forward to today, and my children's movie collection is vastly different. It's completely digital and dispersed across services. I wanted to recreate the tangible magic of my childhood for them. Here's our current media routine. We have two boys, and the eldest is permitted a 30-minute TV session in the morning a

                                                                          How I Built an NFC Movie Library for my Kids
                                                                        • The 10-minute guide to SOC 1 vs. SOC 2 | 1Password

                                                                          🍪 We use cookies to provide necessary functionality and improve your experience. Read our Cookie Policy. OK Your browser is out of date. For the best experience, upgrade your browser now. For companies looking to get SOC 1 or 2 compliant, it can be hard to find out where to start, so we’re providing a straightforward guide to the ins and outs of SOC audits. Chances are, if you clicked on this blo

                                                                            The 10-minute guide to SOC 1 vs. SOC 2 | 1Password
                                                                          • Beyond Ctrl-C: The dark corners of Unix signal handling :: sunshowers

                                                                            In this table: SIGKILL is also known as kill -9, and it’s a special signal used to kill a process. What sets SIGKILL apart is that unlike almost all other signals, its behavior can’t be customized in any way. SIGSEGV might be familiar to you if you’ve ever encountered a core dump. Somewhat surprisingly, the behavior of SIGSEGV can be customized. For example, the Rust standard library customizes SI

                                                                              Beyond Ctrl-C: The dark corners of Unix signal handling :: sunshowers
                                                                            • A good day to trie-hard: saving compute 1% at a time

                                                                              A good day to trie-hard: saving compute 1% at a time2024-09-10 Cloudflare’s global network handles a lot of HTTP requests – over 60 million per second on average. That in and of itself is not news, but it is the starting point to an adventure that started a few months ago and ends with the announcement of a new open-source Rust crate that we are using to reduce our CPU utilization, enabling our CD

                                                                                A good day to trie-hard: saving compute 1% at a time
                                                                              • READ: Harris-Trump presidential debate transcript

                                                                                DAVID MUIR: Welcome to you both. It's wonderful to have you. It's an honor to have you both here tonight. LINSEY DAVIS: Good evening, we are looking forward to a spirited and thoughtful debate. DAVID MUIR: So let's get started. I want to begin tonight with the issue voters repeatedly say is their number one issue, and that is the economy and the cost of living in this country. Vice President Harri

                                                                                  READ: Harris-Trump presidential debate transcript
                                                                                • inferred implicit parameters for ergonomic object capabilities

                                                                                  inferred implicit parameters for ergonomic object capabilitiesSeptember 11, 2024 a system that elegantly provides the security benefits of an effect system and ocaps, while also being convenient to use. inspired by scala's implicit paramaters and the object-capability model (ocaps). background: what is an ocap put simply, an object-capability is an object that represents a capability to do somethi

                                                                                    inferred implicit parameters for ergonomic object capabilities