
WebAssemblyとperformanceに関するreboot_inのブックマーク (1)

  • Fast, parallel applications with WebAssembly SIMD · V8

    Show navigation SIMD stands for Single Instruction, Multiple Data. SIMD instructions are a special class of instructions that exploit data parallelism in applications by simultaneously performing the same operation on multiple data elements. Compute intensive applications like audio/video codecs, image processors, are all examples of applications that take advantage of SIMD instructions to acceler

    reboot_in 2023/08/15
    “SIMD がないと、最新のラップトップでは約 14 ~ 15 FPS (フレーム/秒) しか得られませんが、Chrome Canary で SIMD を有効にすると、 38 ~ 40 FPS ではるかにスムーズなエクスペリエンスが得られます。”
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