
ブックマーク / takayuki.free.fr (1)

  • 略語一覧

    A tetra P  adenosine tetraphosphate a-GBT  a-bungarotoxin a-GD  a-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase a-glob  a-globulin A-LM  acetylkitasamycin A-MLV  Abelson-murine leukemia virus a-T  a-tocopherol A-V fistura  arteriovenous fistula A-V  atrioventricular a-v  動静脈瘻 A. to O.C.  attached to other correspondence A.A.  Automatic Approval System A.A.P.  amino-antipyrine フォスファターゼ測定試薬 A.A.R.  against all ris

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