
2012年11月1日のブックマーク (4件)

  • How To Enable HTML5 In Chrome | Robots.net

    Introduction In the ever-evolving landscape of web browsing, staying abreast of the latest technologies is crucial. HTML5, the fifth and current version of the Hypertext Markup Language, has revolutionized the way we experience the web. With its advanced features and enhanced capabilities, HTML5 has become the cornerstone of modern web development, offering a more seamless and interactive user exp

    How To Enable HTML5 In Chrome | Robots.net
  • HTML5 & CSS3 Resources for Designers

    Updated: 2011-08-30 (new items highlighted below) CSS3 Examples (including Media Queries) http://www.html5rocks.com/tutorials/flexbox/quick/ https://github.com/doctyper/flexie http://thebox.maxvoltar.com/ http://hardboiledwebdesign.com http://lostworldsfairs.com http://www.informationarchitects.jp/ http://colly.com http://hicksdesign.co.uk http://jordandobson.com/better_rounded_border_demo/ http:/

  • BonBon Buttons - Sweet CSS3 buttons

    Sweet CSS3 Buttons Button Call Stars Reddit Blog Love Quit Upload RSS There was a goal: Create CSS buttons that are sexy looking, really flexible, but with the most minimalistic markup as possible. And voila.. here they are, the BonBon Buttons. Named after the French word for "Candy". So, let's take a tour trough the candy store. No, wait! Before you click that download button and try to use them

  • 博鱼·(中国)官方网站-BOYU SPORTS

    以技术为驱动,创新为目标,我们致力于提供卓越的服务品质 博鱼·(中国)官方网站-BOYU SPORTS 广州博鱼官网科技股份有限公司是一家专注于自主研发创新药物,具有全球竞争力的中国企业。公司拥有由多名全球著名科学家、专家领导的研发团队。凭借我们的研发能力及高效的营运能力,我们自主研发了一系列多元化而具有协同效应的产品管线,包括眼科药物、重组蛋白肉毒毒素、肿瘤免疫药物及宠物免疫药物,其中包括多种潜在first-in-class创新药物,且所有主要产品都已进入临床阶段。 2013年公司创始人黄希先生率先在行业内提出了数据超融合理念,该理念为博鱼官网的信息技术应用创新发展奠定了坚实基础。经过近十年的创新发展,博鱼官网已经构建了“数据融合、技术融合、平台融合、业务融合”的超融合体系,并形成了具有自主知识产权的安全、可靠、全栈适配且自主可控的P7技术体系。P7技术体系具有先进、灵活、高效、稳定等特