
ブックマーク / www.bbc.com (4)

  • 米国防総省、空軍機撮影のUFO映像を公開 - BBCニュース

    米国防総省はこのほど、米カリフォルニア州サンディエゴ付近で空軍戦闘機が2004年に撮影した未確認飛行物体(UFO)の映像を公開した。パイロットたちが見て驚いた物体がなんだったのか、最終的な特定がされたのは明らかになっていない。 米紙ニューヨーク・タイムズは16日、国防総省が「高度航空宇宙脅威識別プログラム」と呼ばれる取り組みでUFOの調査を2012年まで5年間行っていたと報じた。今回公開された映像も調査の対象だった。

    米国防総省、空軍機撮影のUFO映像を公開 - BBCニュース
    synbizmix 2017/12/20
    BBCよなぁ...(虚構新聞かと思う見出しw)/BBCニュース - 米国防総省、空軍機撮影のUFO映像を公開
  • Toshiba files unaudited results and says future is in doubt

    Toshiba has filed its delayed financial results, warning that the company's survival is at risk. "There are material events and conditions that raise substantial doubt about the company's ability to continue as a going concern," the company said in a statement, external. The electronics-to-construction giant reported a loss of 532bn yen (£3.8bn; $4.8bn) for April to December. However, the results

    Toshiba files unaudited results and says future is in doubt
    synbizmix 2017/04/12
    東芝さん、BBCにも取り上げられてますね。。。/BBC News - Toshiba files unaudited results and says future is in doubt
  • Brexit: David Cameron to quit after UK votes to leave EU

    Prime Minister David Cameron is to step down by October after the UK voted to leave the European Union. Speaking outside 10 Downing Street, he said "fresh leadership" was needed. The PM had urged the country to vote Remain but was defeated by 52% to 48% despite London, Scotland and Northern Ireland backing staying in. UKIP leader Nigel Farage hailed it as the UK's "independence day", while Boris J

    Brexit: David Cameron to quit after UK votes to leave EU
    synbizmix 2016/06/24
    EU離脱/BBC News - EU referendum: BBC forecasts UK vote to leave
  • EgyptAir hijack: Man surrenders at Larnaca airport

    A hijacking that diverted a domestic Egyptian flight to Cyprus has ended with all hostages released and the hijacker surrendering. EgyptAir Flight MS181 was taken over, external by a passenger claiming to be wearing a suicide explosive belt. Airline officials later said they had been told by Cypriot authorities that the belt was fake. The hijacker's motives remain unclear but the Cypriot president

    EgyptAir hijack: Man surrenders at Larnaca airport
    synbizmix 2016/03/29
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