
2014年9月8日のブックマーク (1件)

  • The Psychologist’s View of UX Design

    Psychologist and cognitive scientist Dr. Susan Weinschenk explains how her science informs UX design. You may have heard this story about an elephant: A king brings six men into a dark building. They cannot see anything. The king says to them, “I have bought this animal from the wild lands to the East. It is called an elephant.” “What is an elephant?” the men ask. The king says, “Feel the elephant

    The Psychologist’s View of UX Design
    tyutyupet 2014/09/08
    “ughter also bonds people.If you do a favor for me then I will feel indebted to give you a favor back (reciprocity). Research shows that if you want people to fill out a form, give them something they want and then ask for them to fill out the form, not vice versa.When you watch someone do somethi