2012年6月5日のブックマーク (1件)

  • Abacus Classes: Let your child improve himself with experts

    MASTERMIND ABACUS PROGRAM IMPROVES YOUR CHILD'S MENTAL MATH AND OVERALL ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE Mastermind Abacus Classes & Training have a proven track record of enhancing math skills and promoting whole brain development in young minds, setting them up for academic and lifelong success. Our abacus training is available both offline and online, with a first-of-its-kind live online portal that brings

    Abacus Classes: Let your child improve himself with experts
    ucmas36 2012/06/05
    Abacus has been for times immemorial an instrument to have been used as a counting devise. There have been many organizations that have contributed to the development, improvisation & popularization of training methods to get the best out of Abacus training Center. There have been many organizations
    • 2012年6月5日