
AjaxとYouTubeに関するwackyのブックマーク (1)

  • Google AJAX Search API - AJAX Video Bar

    AJAX Video Bar The Video Bar is a simple to use application of the Google AJAX Search API that is designed to let you easily add a strip of playable videos to your pages, sites, and blogs. The sample video bars to the right and below demonstrate some of the key features of this control. The control is highly customizable, allowing you to specify the orientation of the video bar, the number of vide

    wacky 2007/03/21
    指定キーワードに関するYouTube / Google Video動画を任意のページに貼り付けるためのウィジェット。横置きと縦置きを選択可能。ウィザードで簡単生成。Google AJAX Search APIを利用。
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