ブックマーク / longtail.typepad.com (4)

  • Long Tail vs. Bottom of Pyramid

    In January I spent a week in India in part to wrap my head around C.K Prahalad's "Bottom of the Pyramid" theory, which in many ways resembles the Long Tail. Are they in fact the same? As I mentioned in an earlier post, The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid: Eradicating Poverty Through Profits, like the Long Tail, is about finding ways to efficiently address sub-economic markets. In this case, P

    Long Tail vs. Bottom of Pyramid
    yojana 2005/03/27
  • Exploding Radio II

    This week has brought more evidence that radio is an industry in the midst of disruptive transformation.  The big news was that Viacom is planning to split off its broadcasting side, including the troubled Infinity radio division. But there were many smaller signals as well that radio as we know it is about to change. For instance: * Arbitron and comScore Media Metrix released the online radio rat

    Exploding Radio II
    yojana 2005/03/27
  • Long Tail vs. Lessig

    David Hornik, a smart lawyer-turned-VC friend of mine who teaches a class on Intellectual Property and Business at Stanford Business School, recently gave his students an interesting assignment: Consider the apparent contradictions between the Long Tail and the work of Stanford law professor (and Wired columnist) Larry Lessig in the context of advising Congress on the future of copyright law. Good

    yojana 2005/03/23
  • Exploding Radio

    All media is getting Long Tailed at breathtaking speed these days. Music, TV, film, news and even advertising are being transformed by an explosion of variety and availability as the traditional bottlenecks of distribution fall. This month in Wired we focused on radio, where the combination of satellite, streaming, digital broadcast, radio TiVo, and podcasting is doing the same. The features in th

    Exploding Radio
    yojana 2005/03/07
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