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generatorとexpressに関するyosuke_furukawaのブックマーク (1)

  • ES6 Generators in Express

    There has been a lot of news about Javascript lately. The release of iojs 1.0.1 and new ES6 features popping in the latest version of Chrome, its a very exciting time to be a Javascript developer. However the feature I am most interested in would be ES6 Generator Functions. Generator functions have the ability pause execution of the function using the yield statement. That on its own might not see

    yosuke_furukawa 2015/01/21
    ExpressでES6 generatorsを使おうとするアプローチ。koaじゃんって思ったけど、アプローチの違いで既にexpress使ってる人たちへのオプションの一つにしたいらしい。
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