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  • AWS Solutions Architect ブログ

    こんにちは、ソリューションアーキテクトの岡です。 先日開催致しました、AWSソリューションカットのオンラインセミナー「IoT向け最新アーキテクチャパターン」の資料が公開されております。QAの回答と併せてご紹介させて頂きます。 【Q&A】 Q1: Greengrassはsoracomと組み合わせて使えますか? A1: Greengrassは、エッジコンピューティングのサービスになります。どのような要件を実現したいかによりますが、組み合わせることは可能だと思います。 Q2: GreenGrassで、Python以外の言語のサポート予定はありますか? A2: 現時点で公開された予定はございません。 Q3: AWSダッシュボード上からAWS IoTを用いてIoT端末の遠隔操作等を行いたいが、どの資料を読めばよいかご教示下さい A3: 遠隔操作などをAWS IoTの機能であるDevice Shad

    bopperjp 2017/03/12
    Green Grass知らなかったな。 エッジ -> クラウド間プロトコルは、 CoAP じゃなくて、HTTP/MQTT 推しか。
  • AWS News Blog

    Build RAG applications with MongoDB Atlas, now available in Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedrock Foundational models (FMs) are trained on large volumes of data and use billions of parameters. However, in order to answer customers’ questions related to domain-specific private data, they need to reference an authoritative knowledge base outside of the model’s training data sources. This is commonly ac

    bopperjp 2016/06/27
    ELBから裏のサービスをHTTPのレスポンスを待って切り離す。Connection Draining
  • AWS News Blog

    Build RAG applications with MongoDB Atlas, now available in Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedrock Foundational models (FMs) are trained on large volumes of data and use billions of parameters. However, in order to answer customers’ questions related to domain-specific private data, they need to reference an authoritative knowledge base outside of the model’s training data sources. This is commonly ac

    bopperjp 2016/01/26
  • AWS News Blog

    Top Announcements of the AWS Summit in New York, 2023 It’s probably no surprise that generative artificial intelligence and machine learning were the stars of the show, but there were several other bright lights from the day-long cloud conference. New Seventh-Generation General Purpose Amazon EC2 Instances (M7i-Flex and M7i) Today we are launching Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) M7i-Flex

    bopperjp 2016/01/23
  • AWS Solutions Architect ブログ

    AWS初心者向けWebinar「AWS ではじめてみよう、IoT システム構築(リピート開催)」で頂いたご質問と回答 こんちには、SAの舟崎です。 2015/12/22にリピート開催いたしました AWS 初心者向け Webinar 「 AWS ではじめてみよう、IoT システム構築」の資料および頂いたご質問とその回答を掲載いたします。 頂いたご質問と回答は以下です。 Q1: Pull型のデータ取得方法の場合、複数のメッセージが一括して取得できると思いますが、その場合、コストダウンにつながるのでしょうか? AWS IoTの場合メッセージ数による課金となりますので、データ取得方法を問わずコストは変わりません。 Q2; 認証機能があることによる性能劣化は見られるのでしょうか? 認証とTLSによる暗号化によって若干の性能低下が見られますが、一般的にHTTPとHTTPSとの性能差と同様をお考えくださ

  • AWS News Blog

    Top Announcements of the AWS Summit in New York, 2023 It’s probably no surprise that generative artificial intelligence and machine learning were the stars of the show, but there were several other bright lights from the day-long cloud conference. New Seventh-Generation General Purpose Amazon EC2 Instances (M7i-Flex and M7i) Today we are launching Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) M7i-Flex

    bopperjp 2015/12/15
    Route53 スゲー
  • AWS News Blog

    New — File Release for Amazon FSx for Lustre Amazon FSx for Lustre provides fully managed shared storage with the scalability and high performance of the open-source Lustre file systems to support your Linux-based workloads. FSx for Lustre is for workloads where storage speed and throughput matter. This is because FSx for Lustre helps you avoid storage bottlenecks, increase utilization of compute

    bopperjp 2015/07/18
    DynamoDB Streams
  • AWS News Blog

    Stop the CNAME chain struggle: Simplified management with Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall Starting today, you can configure your DNS Firewall to automatically trust all domains in a resolution chain (such as aCNAME, DNAME, or Alias chain). Let’s walk through this in nontechnical terms for those unfamiliar with DNS. Why use DNS Firewall? DNS Firewall provides protection for outbound DNS requests fro

  • AWS News Blog

    New Solution – Clickstream Analytics on AWS for Mobile and Web Applications Starting today, you can deploy on your AWS account an end-to-end solution to capture, ingest, store, analyze, and visualize your customers’ clickstreams inside your web and mobile applications (both for Android and iOS). The solution is built on top of standard AWS services. This new solution Clickstream Analytics on AWS a

    bopperjp 2014/12/10
  • AWS News Blog

    AWS Weekly Roundup – AWS AppSync, AWS CodePipeline, Events and More – August 21, 2023 In a few days, I will board a plane towards the south. My tour around Latin America starts. But I won’t be alone in this adventure, you can find some other News Blog authors, like Jeff or Seb, speaking at AWS Community Days and local events in Peru, Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay. If you see […] New – Amazon EC2 H

    bopperjp 2014/09/20
  • AWS News Blog

    New – Amazon EC2 Hpc7a Instances Powered by 4th Gen AMD EPYC Processors Optimized for High Performance Computing In January 2022, we launched Amazon EC2 Hpc6a instances for customers to efficiently run their compute-bound high performance computing (HPC) workloads on AWS with up to 65 percent better price performance over comparable x86-based compute-optimized instances. As their jobs grow more co

    bopperjp 2014/08/22
  • AWS News Blog

    In the Works – AWS Region in Malaysia We launched an AWS Region in Australia earlier this year, four more (Switzerland, Spain, the United Arab Emirates, and India) in 2022, and are working on regions in Canada, Israel, New Zealand, and Thailand. All told, we now have 99 Availability Zones spread across 31 geographic regions. Malaysia in the Works Today I am happy […] New – Amazon Lightsail for Res

  • AWS News Blog

    Stop the CNAME chain struggle: Simplified management with Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall Starting today, you can configure your DNS Firewall to automatically trust all domains in a resolution chain (such as aCNAME, DNAME, or Alias chain). Let’s walk through this in nontechnical terms for those unfamiliar with DNS. Why use DNS Firewall? DNS Firewall provides protection for outbound DNS requests fro

    bopperjp 2013/11/21
    DynamoDB Local
  • AWS News Blog

    Amazon SageMaker Geospatial Capabilities Now Generally Available with Security Updates and More Use Case Samples At AWS re:Invent 2022, we previewed Amazon SageMaker geospatial capabilities, allowing data scientists and machine learning (ML) engineers to build, train, and deploy ML models using geospatial data. Geospatial ML with Amazon SageMaker supports access to readily available geospatial dat

    bopperjp 2011/01/19
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