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41 - 80 件 / 1560件

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"how+to"の検索結果41 - 80 件 / 1560件

  • How to Automatically Move Files From One Folder to Another on Windows and Mac

    Whether clearing out your Downloads or organizing your tax receipts, you can automate the process with these easy techniques. Do you want to automatically move files from one folder to another on your Windows or Mac computer? Well, you can do it pretty easily on both types of computer. This guide covers how to automate your file transfer tasks on Windows and macOS. Why Move Files From One Folder t

      How to Automatically Move Files From One Folder to Another on Windows and Mac
    • How to Set Up a Python Project For Automation and Collaboration

      How to Set Up a Python Project For Automation and Collaboration [ engineering production python productivity 🔥 ] · 20 min read As your Python project gets larger in scope, it can become difficult to manage. How can we automate checks (e.g., unit testing, type-checking, linting)? How can we minimise collaboration overhead (e.g., code reviews, consistency)? How can we maximise developer experience

        How to Set Up a Python Project For Automation and Collaboration
      • Twitterで話題の「ミニキャラの描き方」が41万再生 3方向から描くイラストHow toに「わかりやすい!」の声

        キャラクターの特徴を捉えデフォルメした「ミニキャラ」の描き方を紹介する動画がTwitterに投稿され、8月3日現在41万回以上再生されるなど話題になっています。動画には2万5000件以上のいいねとともに「これいいよ」「わかりやすい」と絶賛の声が届いています。 3方向からミニキャラの描き方を伝授! 投稿者は、さまざまなイラストの描き方動画を配信している、KawaiiSensei@絵のレシピ動画(@KawaiiSensei_jp)さん。今回話題になった動画では、おかっぱヘアで緩いパーカを身にまとったかわいい女の子のミニキャラを3方向から描いています。 動画はキャラクターの骨格部分を描くところからスタート。骨格を描くときのポイントとして、頭は“まる”、体は“ひし形”でシルエットを考えるのがおすすめだといいます。 また、動画のキャラクターの骨格通りマネをするのではなく、自分の描きたいキャラクターの

          Twitterで話題の「ミニキャラの描き方」が41万再生 3方向から描くイラストHow toに「わかりやすい!」の声
        • 生成AIの活用方法 - 2024年現在、 結局どのように使えばいいのだろうか? / How to use Generative AI in 2024

          2024年6月13日に開催された APPS JAPAN の講演資料です。 講演詳細についてはこちらをご覧ください。 https://forest.f2ff.jp/introduction/9185?project_id=20240601

            生成AIの活用方法 - 2024年現在、 結局どのように使えばいいのだろうか? / How to use Generative AI in 2024
          • How to choose the best rendering strategy for your app – Vercel

            How to choose the best rendering strategy for your appOptimizing performance in the way you deliver code. Web rendering has evolved from simple server-rendered HTML pages to highly interactive and dynamic applications, and there are more ways than ever to present your app to users. Static Site Generation (SSG), Server-Side Rendering (SSR), Client-Side Rendering (CSR), Incremental Static Regenerati

              How to choose the best rendering strategy for your app – Vercel
            • How to Make an Old Mac, MacBook, or iMac Faster

              Every computer begins to show its age over time. You likely know the signs of an outdated Mac: you can make a sandwich in the time it takes to boot your machine, it doesn't support the newest version of macOS, and modern resource-intensive software struggles to run. But you might not have to get a new computer just yet. Macs hold their value for a reason, and there are steps you can take (both fre

                How to Make an Old Mac, MacBook, or iMac Faster
              • ブログの収益化を目指すならAmazonアソシエイトの『HOW TOガイド』をぜひ読んでほしい - なみのりすと

                今回は、Amazonアソシエイトの「HOW TOガイド」がブログ初心者にとっても、そうじゃない人にとっても、素晴らしい内容だったのでご紹介したいと思います。 多くのブロガーが収益化を目指している Amazonアソシエイトの『HOW TOガイド』について ブログとは自分資産の積み上げである 多くのブロガーが収益化を目指している ブログ始める理由っていくつかあると思うんですけど、「ブログの収益化」を目指している人って結構多いんじゃないでしょうか? で、ブログの収益化といえば主に以下のような方法があります。 Googleアドセンス Amazonアソシエイト その他アフィリエイト 広告収入や販売・契約などの手数料で収益を得る方法ですね。 ※他にもnoteの有料マガジンなんかもあったりします。 でも実際に収益を得るためには、どのようにブログを運営したらいいのでしょうか。 そんな「収益化をしたくてブロ

                  ブログの収益化を目指すならAmazonアソシエイトの『HOW TOガイド』をぜひ読んでほしい - なみのりすと
                • Notionによる情報収集と活かし方 / How to collect and utilize information by Notion

                  Notionを使うと情報収集と情報を活かす活動がしやすいよ、という話。 1. 情報をどう集めるか 2.情報をどう整理するか

                    Notionによる情報収集と活かし方 / How to collect and utilize information by Notion
                  • インターフェイスデザインとの向き合い方(公開版)/ How to face interface design

                    Goodpatch Engineer Meetup Vol.5 で登壇した際のスライドです。iOS Developerだった者がどのようにしてUIデザイナーとして取り組んでいったのか、Interface Architectの動き方や自己の紹介を兼ねながら、エンジニアリングの発想を活かすUI設計の観点を簡単にお話しいたしました。 https://goodpatch.connpass.com/event/156462/

                      インターフェイスデザインとの向き合い方(公開版)/ How to face interface design
                    • How to become a platform engineer | Google Cloud 公式ブログ

                      ※この投稿は米国時間 2024 年 1 月 12 日に、Google Cloud blog に投稿されたものの抄訳です。 あなたは Acme Corp という架空の会社のエンジニアで、CI / CD と自動化を用いたソフトウェアの統合と配信、データ主導型の指標およびオブザーバビリティ ツールの実装を行う大型プロジェクトに関わっているとします。しかし仲間のエンジニアの多くは、認知負荷が高すぎることで苦戦しています。Kubernetes クラスタのデプロイと自動化、CI / CD パイプラインの構成、セキュリティに関する懸念事項など、検討すべきことはさまざまです。会社の拡大と成長を支援するには、そのような課題の解決方法に関する考え方を改める必要があるとあなたは気付きます。そこで役立つ可能性があるのが、プラットフォーム エンジニアリングです。 プラットフォーム エンジニアリングは「コンピューティ

                        How to become a platform engineer | Google Cloud 公式ブログ
                      • How to review code effectively: A GitHub staff engineer’s philosophy

                        As a staff engineer at GitHub, code review is one of my main focus areas in my day to day work. Over the past eight years, I’ve reviewed more than 7,000 pull requests. Why so many? Because code review is crucial to building good software and another set of eyes can often spot issues you would have otherwise missed. I see code review as one of the most important aspects of my job. In fact, whenever

                          How to review code effectively: A GitHub staff engineer’s philosophy
                        • How to (and how not to) design REST APIs

                          You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.

                            How to (and how not to) design REST APIs
                          • How to Write Good Documentation (And Its Essential Elements)

                            This post highlights some of the key components of good documentation, and goes through some of the steps you could take to improve the way you document your code. Documentation is one of the most important and under-rated aspects of any library or open-source project. If you are writing code that will be used by someone other than yourself, it needs to be documented. Period. After using many libr

                              How to Write Good Documentation (And Its Essential Elements)
                            • How to Use ChatGPT With Siri on Your iPhone

                              With ChatGPT being all the rage today, Apple users are likely wondering how to access it on their iPhones. For those of you who aren't aware, ChatGPT is an AI-powered chatbot that allows you to have human-like conversations. Although ChatGPT doesn't have an official mobile app, you can access its capabilities on your iPhone via Siri. So, if you're already interested, read on as we'll teach you how

                                How to Use ChatGPT With Siri on Your iPhone
                              • React Architecture: How to Structure and Organize a React Application

                                There is no consensus on the right way to organize a React application. React gives you a lot of freedom, but with that freedom comes the responsibility of deciding on your own architecture. Often the case is that whoever sets up the application in the beginning throws almost everything in a components folder, or maybe components and containers if they used Redux, but I propose there's a better wa

                                  React Architecture: How to Structure and Organize a React Application
                                • チームビルディングの始め方 / How to start team building

                                  スクラムフェス神奈川初陣 LT登壇

                                    チームビルディングの始め方 / How to start team building
                                  • 創業1年目のスタートアップでAWSコストを抑えるために取り組んでいること / How to Keep AWS Costs Down at a Startup

                                    「JAWS-UG SRE支部 #5」で発表した資料 https://jawsug-sre.connpass.com/event/270152/

                                      創業1年目のスタートアップでAWSコストを抑えるために取り組んでいること / How to Keep AWS Costs Down at a Startup
                                    • Javaの起動時間といかに戦うか / How to fight against Java warmup time

                                      2019/11/23に開催されたJJUG CCC 2019 Fallでの登壇資料です

                                        Javaの起動時間といかに戦うか / How to fight against Java warmup time
                                      • Is Windows 10 Slow After an Update? Here's How to Fix It

                                        Windows updates add a lot of good features and security patches to your system. But as useful as these updates are, they can also make your computer slow down after you've installed them. If your copy of Windows 10 has crawled to a slow after an update, these tips should help you troubleshoot the problem and get it back to its original state. Is Windows 10 Slow After Applying an Update? Here's Why

                                          Is Windows 10 Slow After an Update? Here's How to Fix It
                                        • How to Clean Up Your Computer to Its Original State (Without Reinstalling Windows)

                                          Is your computer slow? Or maybe you want to clear everything before you sell it? Here's the easiest way to wipe your Windows computer clean! The easiest way to revert your Windows computer to its original state is to wipe it clean, but what if you don't want to go through the hassle of reinstalling Windows? Fortunately, there are plenty of ways you can clean your PC of virtual cobwebs without usin

                                            How to Clean Up Your Computer to Its Original State (Without Reinstalling Windows)
                                          • 今日から使える「実例マッピング」 / How to Use Example Mapping #pmconf2022

                                            Product Manager Conference 2022での登壇資料です!

                                              今日から使える「実例マッピング」 / How to Use Example Mapping #pmconf2022
                                            • ゲームのマスタデータ特有の3つの困難と、カヤックでの解決方法 / How to solve three problems when handling the master-data of mobile games

                                              マスタデータNight #1 https://masterdata.connpass.com/event/155533/

                                                ゲームのマスタデータ特有の3つの困難と、カヤックでの解決方法 / How to solve three problems when handling the master-data of mobile games
                                              • チームの状況にあったいろいろなタイプのスクラムマスターの見つけ方 / How to find the Scrum Master that fits your team's situation

                                                ScrumFestOsaka2021 での発表資料です

                                                  チームの状況にあったいろいろなタイプのスクラムマスターの見つけ方 / How to find the Scrum Master that fits your team's situation
                                                • Windows 10 quietly got a built-in network sniffer, how to use

                                                  HomeNewsMicrosoftWindows 10 quietly got a built-in network sniffer, how to use Microsoft has quietly added a built-in network packet sniffer to the Windows 10 October 2018 Update, and it has gone unnoticed since its release. A packet sniffer, or network sniffer, is a program that monitors the network activity flowing over a computer down to an individual packet level. This can be used by network a

                                                    Windows 10 quietly got a built-in network sniffer, how to use
                                                  • How to debug C and C++ programs with rr | Red Hat Developer

                                                    The common theme in many time-travel movies is to go back in time to find out what went wrong and fix it. Developers also have that desire to go back in time and find why the code broke and fix it. But, often, that crucial step where everything went wrong happened long ago, and the information is no longer available. The rr project lets programmers examine the entire life of a C or C++ program run

                                                      How to debug C and C++ programs with rr | Red Hat Developer
                                                    • これ以上ないほど簡単にAnsibleを試すHow to #ansiblejp - 赤帽エンジニアブログ

                                                      ご存知の方もいらっしゃると思いますが、Katacodaというサイトで簡単にAnsibleを試すことができます。これからAnsibleを入門、学習する方はもちろん、Ansibleを使ったことのない人に普及したい人もこちらを知らない人にお伝えいただくと仲間が増えるかと思います。以下では、@Irix_jpさんが作成したKatacodaでの学習コンテンツの使いかたをご紹介いたします。 (1) https://www.katacoda.com/irixjp/ にアクセスする Ansible 101 の 「Start Scenario」をクリックする (2) 任意の方法でログインする GitHub、Facebook、Twitter、Googleなどのアカウントでログインすることが可能です。 ログインが求められるので、お好きな方法でログイン。 (3) ブラウザベースで教材通り進めてみましょう! Star

                                                        これ以上ないほど簡単にAnsibleを試すHow to #ansiblejp - 赤帽エンジニアブログ
                                                      • 品質活動を事業に結びつけるためのQA文化の築き方 / how to build QA culture

                                                        2024/06/21に開催されたJaSST'24 Kansaiで登壇した発表資料です。 https://www.jasst.jp/symposium/jasst24kansai.html ▼セッションの内容について 令和トラベルではコアローンチとともにQA組織を創設し、QA文化のなかった環境に…

                                                          品質活動を事業に結びつけるためのQA文化の築き方 / how to build QA culture
                                                        • How to Delete All Emails in Gmail

                                                          Want to know how you can remove those countless emails that are eating up a huge chunk of storage? You might want to delete all the emails, but removing them one by one can be tiresome. In this post, we will discuss how you can delete multiple emails at once from your Gmail inbox. How to Mass Delete Emails in Gmail The majority of electronic mail platforms provide email filters that you can use in

                                                            How to Delete All Emails in Gmail
                                                          • How to start SRE in a small team, all by yourself. - Money Forward Developers Blog

                                                            「少人数のチームにて、一人からSREを始めるにはどうすればいいのか?」 2021年の10月からHR領域(マネーフォワードクラウド勤怠)でSRE組織を立ち上げているVTRyoです。 もっとサービスをより安定させたい!より向上したいといった話から、SREという役割を設置するケースは増えています。 しかし、SREという概念のなかったチームや部署で始めるにはどこから手をつければよいのでしょう。 SREの基本について記されたSRE サイトリライアビリティエンジニアリング――Googleの信頼性を支えるエンジニアリングチームには多くの原則が書かれていますが、同じことを丸々取り組むには前提や環境が違う部分も出てきます(SREのプラクティスを知るにはよい参考資料であることは間違いありません)。 というわけでこの記事では、以下の部分に答えられるよう進めていきます。 SRE本を読んだが、実際の組織やチームでは

                                                              How to start SRE in a small team, all by yourself. - Money Forward Developers Blog
                                                            • Got a Windows 11 Wi-Fi Problem? Here's How to Fix It

                                                              Windows 11 Wi-Fi is not working? Keep reading to learn how to fix some of the most common Wi-Fi problems on Windows 11. When your Windows 11 Wi-Fi is not working, it is one of the most frustrating issues you can encounter. Given that so much of modern computing relies on a web connection, being cut off from the internet can bring your productivity to a screeching halt. Keep reading to learn how to

                                                                Got a Windows 11 Wi-Fi Problem? Here's How to Fix It
                                                              • アジャイル開発の練習のはじめかた / how to start practice of agile development


                                                                  アジャイル開発の練習のはじめかた / how to start practice of agile development
                                                                • How to Use ES Modules in Node.js

                                                                  Starting version 13.2.0, Node.js has stable support of ES modules. In this post, you'll learn how to enable and use ES modules in Node.js. 1. Enabling ECMAScript modules in Node.js The default format of modules in Node.js is the CommonJS. But Node.js will treat a JavaScript file as an ECMAScript modules format if: The module's file extension is .mjs Or the module's nearest parent folder has { "typ

                                                                    How to Use ES Modules in Node.js
                                                                  • エンジニアに広く刺さるセッション内容の考え方 #engineers_lt / how to write a proposal that attracts many engineers

                                                                    「プロポーザルの書き方を学ぼう」登壇の技術を勉強する会 での発表資料です。 https://engineers.connpass.com/event/154495/

                                                                      エンジニアに広く刺さるセッション内容の考え方 #engineers_lt / how to write a proposal that attracts many engineers
                                                                    • 開運研修_2020Chrome Developer_Toolsの使い方 / How_to_use_Chrome_Developer_Tools_Training_2020

                                                                      開運研修_2020Chrome Developer_Toolsの使い方 / How_to_use_Chrome_Developer_Tools_Training_2020

                                                                        開運研修_2020Chrome Developer_Toolsの使い方 / How_to_use_Chrome_Developer_Tools_Training_2020
                                                                      • [レポート] モノリシックなシステムをサーバーレス化するための8つのステップ API310-R How to refactor a monolith to serverless in 8 steps #reinvent | DevelopersIO

                                                                        CX事業本部@大阪の岩田です。 本エントリはAPI310-R How to refactor a monolith to serverless in 8 stepsのレポートとなります。 セッション概要 Refactoring a monolith to serverless can be intimidating, but there are discrete steps that you can take to simplify the process. In this chalk talk, we outline eight steps for successfully refactoring your monolith and highlight key decision points such as language and tooling choices. Through re

                                                                          [レポート] モノリシックなシステムをサーバーレス化するための8つのステップ API310-R How to refactor a monolith to serverless in 8 steps #reinvent | DevelopersIO
                                                                        • GitHub - pinksawtooth/how_to_become_a_malware_analyst

                                                                          You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                            GitHub - pinksawtooth/how_to_become_a_malware_analyst
                                                                          • How to make an awesome Python package

                                                                            If you are like me, every once in a while you write a useful python utility and want to share it with your colleagues. The best way to do this is to make a package: it easy to install and saves from copy-pasting. If you are like me, you might be thinking that creating packages is a real headache. Well, that's not the case anymore. And I am going to prove it with this step-by-step guide. Just three

                                                                              How to make an awesome Python package
                                                                            • 10 Hidden Modes in Windows and How to Use Them

                                                                              Want to make the most of Windows 10? You should know about these hidden modes and what they're used for. Did you know that Windows has lots of extra modes that enable extra functionality, help you troubleshoot, or enhance performance for certain tasks? Some of these are hidden, while you may have heard about others but never tried them yourself. Let's take a look at some of the hidden modes in Win

                                                                                10 Hidden Modes in Windows and How to Use Them
                                                                              • Replit — How to train your own Large Language Models

                                                                                Header ImageHow Replit trains Large Language Models (LLMs) using Databricks, Hugging Face, and MosaicML IntroductionLarge Language Models, like OpenAI's GPT-4 or Google's PaLM, have taken the world of artificial intelligence by storm. Yet most companies don't currently have the ability to train these models, and are completely reliant on only a handful of large tech firms as providers of the techn

                                                                                  Replit — How to train your own Large Language Models
                                                                                • How to do effective video calls

                                                                                  During 2011-2012 there was a small but significant revolution in how we worked at Thoughtworks. When we needed to communicate while separated we used to do telephone meetings, but within a year the telephone disappeared and we started using video calls instead. As we got more comfortable with video, we took more opportunity to collaborate with video meetings rather than trying to get everyone toge

                                                                                    How to do effective video calls