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241 - 280 件 / 1451件

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Future styleの検索結果241 - 280 件 / 1451件

  • Migrating from Vue 2 to Svelte

    Svelte offers a better typing experience with easier components' designing processes and built-in typed events, making it very user-friendly for us. Restricted global access. With Svelte, it is possible to import enums from other files and use them in the template, which is not the case for Vue 3. Escape Benchmark about frontend stackSyntax. Personally, I find Svelte syntax more elegant and user-f

      Migrating from Vue 2 to Svelte
    • Visual Studio Code February 2021

      Version 1.88 is now available! Read about the new features and fixes from March. February 2021 (version 1.54) Update 1.54.1: The update addresses an issue with an extension dependency. Update 1.54.2: The update addresses these issues. Update 1.54.3: The update addresses this issue. Downloads: Windows: x64 Arm64 | Mac: Universal Intel silicon | Linux: deb rpm tarball Arm snap Welcome to the Februar

        Visual Studio Code February 2021
      • Visual Studio Code June 2023

        Version 1.88 is now available! Read about the new features and fixes from March. June 2023 (version 1.80) Update 1.80.1: The update addresses these issues. Update 1.80.2: The update addresses this security issue. Downloads: Windows: x64 Arm64 | Mac: Universal Intel silicon | Linux: deb rpm tarball Arm snap Welcome to the June 2023 release of Visual Studio Code. There are many updates in this versi

          Visual Studio Code June 2023
        • Our Experience Porting the YJIT Ruby Compiler to Rust

          Opens in a new windowOpens an external siteOpens an external site in a new window Last year, my team at Shopify implemented YJIT, a new Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler for CRuby, which was recently upstreamed as part of Ruby 3.1. Because the CRuby codebase is implemented in C99, we also decided to implement YJIT in C99 so that integration with the rest of the CRuby codebase would be as simple as possi

            Our Experience Porting the YJIT Ruby Compiler to Rust
          • The Winding Road to Better Machine Learning Infrastructure Through Tensorflow Extended and Kubeflow - Spotify Engineering

            The Winding Road to Better Machine Learning Infrastructure Through Tensorflow Extended and Kubeflow When Spotify launched in 2008 in Sweden, and in 2011 in the United States, people were amazed that they could access almost the world’s entire music catalog instantaneously. The experience felt like magic and as a result, music aficionados dug in and organized that content into millions of unique pl

              The Winding Road to Better Machine Learning Infrastructure Through Tensorflow Extended and Kubeflow - Spotify Engineering
            • GIMP - Development release GIMP 2.99.2 is out

              The new unstable version of GIMP, 2.99.2, marks the first step towards GIMP 3 based on the GTK3 user interface toolkit. Release highlights: GTK3-based user interface, with native support for Wayland and HiDPI displays. Major refactoring and cleanup Multiple layers selection More (color) space invasion Render caching available for better performance New plug-in API Plugins now possible with Python

                GIMP - Development release GIMP 2.99.2 is out
              • Non-lexical lifetimes (NLL) fully stable | Rust Blog

                As of Rust 1.63 (releasing next week), the "non-lexical lifetimes" (NLL) work will be enabled by default. NLL is the second iteration of Rust's borrow checker. The RFC actually does quite a nice job of highlighting some of the motivating examples. "But," I hear you saying, "wasn't NLL included in Rust 2018?" And yes, yes it was! But at that time, NLL was only enabled for Rust 2018 code, while Rust

                  Non-lexical lifetimes (NLL) fully stable | Rust Blog
                • Write OpenAPI with TypeSpec

                  I've spent the last few years at Microsoft working on an API definition language called TypeSpec. It's essentially a super flexible protocol-agnostic DSL for describing API shapes. You can try it in your browser at the TypeSpec playground. Many things about it are exciting, but I want to talk about one thing in particular: why TypeSpec is the best way to write OpenAPI. OpenAPI: the good and the no

                  • Declarative Shadow DOM  |  CSS and UI  |  Chrome for Developers

                    Declarative Shadow DOM is a web platform feature, currently in the standardization process. It is enabled by default in Chrome version 111. Shadow DOM is one of the three Web Components standards, rounded out by HTML templates and Custom Elements. Shadow DOM provides a way to scope CSS styles to a specific DOM subtree and isolate that subtree from the rest of the document. The <slot> element gives

                    • Actually, Japan has changed a lot

                      Reading the widely discussed farewell essay by the BBC’s outgoing Tokyo correspondent, Rupert Wingfield-Hayes, I felt a deep sense of frustration. The veteran journalist summed up his impression of Japan — where he has lived and worked since 2012 — as one of stagnation and stasis, declaring that “after a decade here I have got used to the way Japan is and come to accept the fact that it is not abo

                        Actually, Japan has changed a lot
                      • ソースコードの続きを自動補完するGitHub Copilotに「著作権で保護されたコードを出力している」という指摘が寄せられる

                        ソフトウェア開発プラットフォームのGitHubは2022年6月、プログラマーが書きたいコードを自動で補完してくれるサービス「GitHub Copilot」をすべてのユーザーに公開しました。GitHub Copilotはうまく利用することで開発速度を格段に向上させられると期待されていますが、テキサスA&M大学のコンピューターサイエンス教授であるTim Davis氏は、「GitHub Copilotは自分が書いた著作権で保護されたコードを出力している」と指摘しています。 @github copilot, with "public code" blocked, emits large chunks of my copyrighted code, with no attribution, no LGPL license. For example, the simple prompt "sparse

                          ソースコードの続きを自動補完するGitHub Copilotに「著作権で保護されたコードを出力している」という指摘が寄せられる
                        • Could an AI experiment called project Q* be the reason for the OpenAI meltdown?

                          Inside OpenAI, a rift between billionaires and altruistic researchers unravelled over the future of artificial intelligence Inside OpenAI, a rift between billionaires and altruistic researchers unravelled over the future of artificial intelligence Posted Sat 25 Nov 2023 at 7:13pmSaturday 25 Nov 2023 at 7:13pmSat 25 Nov 2023 at 7:13pm, updated Sun 26 Nov 2023 at 9:39pmSunday 26 Nov 2023 at 9:39pmSu

                            Could an AI experiment called project Q* be the reason for the OpenAI meltdown?
                          • How Uber Deals with Large iOS App Size

                            You’re seeing information for Japan . To see local features and services for another location, select a different city. Show more The App Size Problem Uber’s iOS mobile Apps for Rider, Driver, and Eats are large in size. The choice of Swift as our primary programming language, our fast-paced development environment and feature additions, layered software and its dependencies, and statically linked

                              How Uber Deals with Large iOS App Size
                            • Dependent method types を利用した軽量Clean Architecture の紹介

                              class: center, middle # <strong>Dependent method types</strong><br/>を利用した<br/>軽量<span style="color: blue;">Clean Architecture</span><br/>の紹介 Scala関西Summit 2019 10/26 --- class: left, middle ## 自己紹介 * 中村 学(Nakamura Manabu) * [@gakuzzzz](https://twitter.com/gakuzzzz) * Tech to Value 代表取締役 * Opt Technologies 技術顧問 <img src="../images/opt_logo_1.jpg" alt="Opt Technologies" width="450" style="margin-lef

                              • 15 Best CSS Libraries for 2019

                                Hey kids, you ready for me to tell you all about this newfangled thing called Bootstrap? Well get un-ready, ‘cause I’d never do that to you. It’s not that Bootstrap isn’t great, it’s just that if you work in web design, and you’ve been paying any attention at all, you already know about it. And if you don’t… well… welcome to the industry! We have some articles you may want to check out. For everyo

                                  15 Best CSS Libraries for 2019
                                • Highlights from Git 2.35

                                  EngineeringOpen SourceHighlights from Git 2.35The open source Git project just released Git 2.35. Here's GitHub's look at some of the most interesting features and changes introduced since last time. The open source Git project just released Git 2.35, with features and bug fixes from over 93 contributors, 35 of them new. We last caught up with you on the latest in Git back when 2.34 was released.

                                    Highlights from Git 2.35
                                  • CSS Custom Highlight API: A First Look | CSS-Tricks

                                    CSS Custom Highlight API: The Future of Highlighting Text Ranges on the Web Styling ranges of text in software is a very useful thing to be able to do. Thankfully, we have the CSS Custom Highlight API to look forward to because it represents the future of styling text ranges on the web. One example: if you’ve ever used text editing software like Google Docs, Word, or Dropbox Paper, you’ll see they

                                      CSS Custom Highlight API: A First Look | CSS-Tricks
                                    • Visual Studio Code January 2021

                                      Version 1.88 is now available! Read about the new features and fixes from March. January 2021 (version 1.53) Update 1.53.1: The update addresses these security issues. Update 1.53.2: The update addresses these issues. Downloads: Windows: x64 Arm64 | Mac: Intel | Linux: deb rpm tarball Arm snap Welcome to the January 2021 release of Visual Studio Code. There are a number of updates in this version

                                        Visual Studio Code January 2021
                                      • CSS Houdini - Vincent De Oliveira

                                        Before we dive in, let me provide some background. In 2013, a bunch of people signed the extensible web manifesto, in favor of an Extensible Web Platform. The goal is pretty obvious: elaborate new kind of standards, that provides authors freedom and flexibility to build their own features. The aim is to define low-level APIs, an access to the core of the browsers, and so, involve authors into the

                                          CSS Houdini - Vincent De Oliveira
                                        • 今日は Haskell Day 2019 の日です - 北海道苫小牧市出身の初老PGが書くブログ

                                          咳が止まらない状態で非常に厳しいですが、来ていますので、自分用のメモを残しておきます。 関数型(function type)を見つめるプログラミング / 山下さん 関数の型、 Haskell では第一級 リスト型 a が型なら [a] も型 タプル a b が型なら (a, b) も型 タプル a b が型なら a -> b も型 a が domain 、 b が codomain 高階関数型 domain が関数 (a -> b) -> c codomain が関数 a -> (b -> c) こちらは意識されにくい 2変数関数 (a, b) -> c Haskell 以外でもよく使う セクション (+) は高階関数 a が domain、 b が codomain 逆に、 codomain が関数の高階関数は 2 項演算子 f: a -> a -> a `f` curry :: ((a

                                            今日は Haskell Day 2019 の日です - 北海道苫小牧市出身の初老PGが書くブログ
                                          • Help us invent CSS Grid Level 3, aka “Masonry” layout

                                            If you’ve been making websites for years, you know how frustrating it was to lay out a web page with CSS floats. Managing sizes and placement was tedious and time consuming. Being creative was often impossible. CSS Grid greatly eased that pain with Grid Level 1 in 2017, and now with Grid Level 2, aka Subgrid. But even with the powerful CSS of today, not every layout imaged by designers is possible

                                              Help us invent CSS Grid Level 3, aka “Masonry” layout
                                            • 【CSS実装予定】カスケードレイヤー「@layer」について - RAKUS Developers Blog | ラクス エンジニアブログ

                                              注意 カスケードレイヤーは正式実装の機能ではないため、これから仕様変更の可能性があります。 目次 注意 目次 はじめに カスケードについて Origin and Importance Context Specificity Order of Appearance カスケードレイヤーについて The Style Attribute Layers 従来のCSS カスケードレイヤーの記述方法について 複数レイヤー 使用例(リファクタリング) 修正前のコード リファクタリングの準備 FLOCSS化 リファクタリング後 カスケードレイヤーをブラウザで使う方法 Windows Mac 注意 最後に 参考 はじめに こんにちは、フロントエンドチームのta_kameです。 今回は、今後実装されるかもしれないCSSの新機能カスケードレイヤー(Cascade Layers)について紹介します。 CSS設計では

                                                【CSS実装予定】カスケードレイヤー「@layer」について - RAKUS Developers Blog | ラクス エンジニアブログ
                                              • 赤ちゃんを科学する | Netflix (ネットフリックス) 公式サイト

                                                '); doc.close(); } if (!doc) throw Error('base not supported'); var baseTag = doc.createElement('base'); baseTag.href = base; doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(baseTag); var anchor = doc.createElement('a'); anchor.href = url; return anchor.href; } finally { if (iframe) iframe.parentNode.removeChild(iframe); } }()); } // An inner object implementing URLUtils (either a native URL // ob

                                                  赤ちゃんを科学する | Netflix (ネットフリックス) 公式サイト
                                                • A Blog Post With Every HTML Element

                                                  After learning a little bit more about web accessibility last year I had been exploring some of the less common HTML elements, and making changes to this website, like wrapping the text of the posts on this blog in <article> tags and adding a <main> tag in the website’s layout templates (this website is built using Eleventy). I had previously done some work to make sure that <figure> and <figcapti

                                                  • 2020年の日本には2020年にふさわしい日本語の掲示板がない

                                                    情報の流通において最も効率的なのはテキストだ。テキストを効率よく流通させる方法として、古典的なインターネットにはメール、チャット、掲示板があった。 このうち、メールは古典的なEメールがまだ生き残っている他、現代的なSNSがメールの機能を代替し始めてきた。日本では今の所LINEが最も普及しているようだ。 チャットもそうだ。古典的なIRCはまだ生き残っている。しかし現代的なSNSや、Slackのようなサービスが代替し始めてきている。 では掲示板は? 現代の日本には現代的な掲示板サービスが欠けている。 もちろん、掲示板機能を提供するWebサービスはたくさんある。しかし、日本語圏でWebサービスを提供しているものは、いずれもかなり限定的な目的に特化したものだ。例えばユーザー同士で質問と回答をしあうサービス(Yahoo知恵袋など)とか、ソーシャルニュースアグリゲーション(はてなブックマーク)のような

                                                    • Kalyn: a self-hosting compiler for x86-64

                                                      Over the course of my Spring 2020 semester at Harvey Mudd College, I developed a self-hosting compiler entirely from scratch. This article walks through many interesting parts of the project. It’s laid out so you can just read from beginning to end, but if you’re more interested in a particular topic, feel free to jump there. Or, take a look at the project on GitHub. Table of contents What the pro

                                                      • 40 Favorite Interview Questions from Some of the Sharpest Folks We Know

                                                        People & Culture 40 Favorite Interview Questions from Some of the Sharpest Folks We Know Given the high-stakes nature of every hire, interviewing chops are always in need of sharpening. We’ve spent the past few months reaching out to some of the most thoughtful company builders in our network to pose a simple question: What’s your favorite interview question to ask and why? Here are the Here at Fi

                                                          40 Favorite Interview Questions from Some of the Sharpest Folks We Know
                                                        • An introduction to typeclass metaprogramming

                                                          Typeclass metaprogramming is a powerful technique available to Haskell programmers to automatically generate term-level code from static type information. It has been used to great effect in several popular Haskell libraries (such as the servant ecosystem), and it is the core mechanism used to implement generic programming via GHC generics. Despite this, remarkably little material exists that expl

                                                          • How Async/Await Really Works in C# - .NET Blog

                                                            Several weeks ago, the .NET Blog featured a post What is .NET, and why should you choose it?. It provided a high-level overview of the platform, summarizing various components and design decisions, and promising more in-depth posts on the covered areas. This post is the first such follow-up, deep-diving into the history leading to, the design decisions behind, and implementation details of async/a

                                                              How Async/Await Really Works in C# - .NET Blog
                                                            • Patterns for Building LLM-based Systems & Products

                                                              Patterns for Building LLM-based Systems & Products [ llm engineering production 🔥 ] · 66 min read Discussions on HackerNews, Twitter, and LinkedIn “There is a large class of problems that are easy to imagine and build demos for, but extremely hard to make products out of. For example, self-driving: It’s easy to demo a car self-driving around a block, but making it into a product takes a decade.”

                                                                Patterns for Building LLM-based Systems & Products
                                                              • GitHub - Twipped/InterviewThis: An open source list of developer questions to ask prospective employers

                                                                InterviewThis is an open source list of developer questions to ask prospective employers during the hiring process. I created this list because, frankly, the existing lists that I saw on this topic really sucked. Many of the starting questions came about from years of hiring into jobs only to find out about some lousy attribute of the company which, had I known about, I probably wouldn't have acce

                                                                  GitHub - Twipped/InterviewThis: An open source list of developer questions to ask prospective employers
                                                                • 2021-08-17のJS: Next.js 11.1、Rails 7で予定されているimport mapsベースのJSライブラリの利用

                                                                  Import mapsはChrome系ブラウザのみがサポートしているため、他のブラウザではES Module Shimsを利用する必要があります。(rails/importmap-railsにはshimが同梱されています) Rails 7では、JavaScriptのbuildやbundleをせずにCDNからライブラリを取得できる仕組みをImport mapsを使って実現して、現在のwebpackerをオプションへと変更する予定となっています。 TypeScriptやReactのようなビルドを前提とする仕組みはwebpackerを利用する必要があります。 詳しい動作については次の動画でデモが公開されています。 Alpha preview: Modern JavaScript in Rails 7 without Webpack - YouTube JSer.infoをサポートするには 😘

                                                                    2021-08-17のJS: Next.js 11.1、Rails 7で予定されているimport mapsベースのJSライブラリの利用
                                                                  • 監視資本主義: デジタル社会がもたらす光と影 | Netflix (ネットフリックス) 公式サイト

                                                                    '); doc.close(); } if (!doc) throw Error('base not supported'); var baseTag = doc.createElement('base'); baseTag.href = base; doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(baseTag); var anchor = doc.createElement('a'); anchor.href = url; return anchor.href; } finally { if (iframe) iframe.parentNode.removeChild(iframe); } }()); } // An inner object implementing URLUtils (either a native URL // ob

                                                                      監視資本主義: デジタル社会がもたらす光と影 | Netflix (ネットフリックス) 公式サイト
                                                                    • Informal Communication in an all-remote environment

                                                                      On this page, we’re detailing how informal communication occurs at GitLab, how it complements in-person interactions, and why it matters in an all-remote culture. There are over 20 different ways to foster informal communication below, and we are constantly discovering and adding new methods. What do we mean by informal communication? Informal communication in the workplace is made up of interacti

                                                                        Informal Communication in an all-remote environment
                                                                      • 3K, 60fps, 130ms: achieving it with Rust | tonari blog

                                                                        How we chose the Rust programming language to advance the state-of-the-art in real-time communication This post was written collectively with Ryo Kawaguchi, Andrea Law, Brian Schwind. Our goal for tonari is to build a virtual doorway to another space that allows for truly natural human interactions. Nearly two years in development, tonari is, to the best of our knowledge, the lowest-latency high r

                                                                          3K, 60fps, 130ms: achieving it with Rust | tonari blog
                                                                        • Tkrzw: a set of implementations of DBM

                                                                          In general, if you want a key-value storage with the highest performance, choosing the file hash database is recommended. If you need ordered access of records, choosing the file tree database is recommended. If you need scalability of ordered databases, choosing the file skip database is recommended. If you need extreme performance, the on-memory hash database and the on-memory tree database are

                                                                          • Idiomatic Redux: Redux Toolkit 1.0

                                                                            Random musings on React, Redux, and more, by Redux maintainer Mark "acemarke" Erikson This is a post in the Idiomatic Redux series. A look at the motivations, design, and goals for Redux Toolkit Today I am extremely excited to announce that: Redux Toolkit 1.0 is now available! Note: Redux Toolkit was formerly known as "Redux Starter Kit", but we renamed it to clarify the intended usage and audienc

                                                                              Idiomatic Redux: Redux Toolkit 1.0
                                                                            • ポピュリズム研究に関する文献一覧 | 研究プログラム | 東京財団政策研究所

                                                                              ※本稿は、2020年2月27日に開催されたポピュリズム国際歴史比較研究会の第一回会合で報告した内容の一部である。 板橋拓己(成蹊大学法学部教授) 日本語で読める最も基礎的な文献 水島治郎(2016)『ポピュリズムとは何か―民主主義の敵か、改革の希望か』中公新書。 ミュデ、カス/カルトワッセル、クリストバル・ロビラ(2018)『ポピュリズム―デモクラシーの友と敵』永井大輔・高山裕二訳、白水社(Cas Mudde / Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser, Populism: A Very Short Introduction, New York: Oxford University Press, 2017)。 ミュラー、ヤン=ヴェルナー(2017)『ポピュリズムとは何か』板橋拓己訳、岩波書店(Jan-Werner Müller, What Is Populism? Phil

                                                                                ポピュリズム研究に関する文献一覧 | 研究プログラム | 東京財団政策研究所
                                                                              • New WebKit Features in Safari 15

                                                                                With the release of Safari 15 for macOS Monterey, iPadOS 15, iOS 15, and watchOS, as well as macOS Big Sur and macOS Catalina, WebKit brings significant advancements in privacy and security, improved interoperability, and a host of new features for web developers. Take a look. Web Extensions This release brings Safari Web Extensions to iOS and iPadOS. Web Extensions use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript t

                                                                                  New WebKit Features in Safari 15
                                                                                • Zig And Rust

                                                                                  Zig And Rust Mar 26, 2023 This post will be a bit all over the place. Several months ago, I wrote Hard Mode Rust, exploring an allocation-conscious style of programming. In the ensuing discussion, @jamii name-dropped TigerBeetle, a reliable, distributed, fast, and small database written in Zig in a similar style, and, well, I now find myself writing Zig full-time, after more than seven years of Ru