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41 - 80 件 / 711件

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ReleaseNoteの検索結果41 - 80 件 / 711件

  • Announcing SvelteKit 1.0

    Announcing SvelteKit 1.0 Web development, streamlined The Svelte team Dec 14 2022 After two years in development, SvelteKit has finally reached 1.0. As of today, it’s the recommended way to build Svelte apps of all shapes and sizes. We’re so excited to share this release with you. It’s the culmination of thousands of hours of work, both from the Svelte core team and the wider community, and we thi

      Announcing SvelteKit 1.0
    • Node.js — Node.js 18 is now available!

      We’re excited to announce that Node.js 18 was released today! Highlights include the update of the V8 JavaScript engine to 10.1, global fetch enabled by default, and a core test runner module. Initially, Node.js 18 will replace Node.js 17 as our ‘Current’ release line. As per the release schedule, Node.js 18 will be the 'Current' release for the next 6 months and then promoted to Long-term Support

        Node.js — Node.js 18 is now available!
      • Announcing TypeScript 4.1 - TypeScript

        Today we’re proud to release TypeScript 4.1! If you’re unfamiliar with TypeScript, it’s a language that builds on JavaScript by adding syntax for type declarations and annotations. This syntax can be used by the TypeScript compiler to type-check our code, and then output clean readable JavaScript that runs on lots of different runtimes. Static type-checking can tell us about errors in our code bef

          Announcing TypeScript 4.1 - TypeScript
        • Highlights from Git 2.28

          EngineeringOpen SourceHighlights from Git 2.28The open source Git project just released Git 2.28 with features and bug fixes from over 58 contributors, 13 of them new. We last caught up with you on the… The open source Git project just released Git 2.28 with features and bug fixes from over 58 contributors, 13 of them new. We last caught up with you on the latest in Git back when 2.26 was released

            Highlights from Git 2.28
          • Announcing 3.0 · Nuxt Blog

            Announcing Nuxt 3.0 stableWe are thrilled to announce the first stable version of Nuxt 3.0.0 ✨ Nuxt 3 is a modern rewrite of the Nuxt framework based on Vite, Vue3, and Nitro with first-class TypeScript support and the result of more than two years of research, community feedback, innovation, and experiment to make a pleasant full-stack Developer Experience for Vue development to everyone. [Read M

              Announcing 3.0 · Nuxt Blog
            • Next.js 13.4

              Next.js 13.4 is a foundational release, marking stability for the App Router: App Router (Stable): React Server Components Nested Routes & Layouts Simplified Data Fetching Streaming & Suspense Built-in SEO Support Turbopack (Beta): Your local dev server, faster and with improved stability Server Actions (Alpha): Mutate data on the server with zero client JavaScript Since the release of Next.js 13

                Next.js 13.4
              • React 19 Beta – React

                This beta release is for libraries to prepare for React 19. App developers should upgrade to 18.3.0 and wait for React 19 stable as we work with libraries and make changes based on feedback. In our React 19 Beta Upgrade Guide, we shared step-by-step instructions for upgrading your app to React 19 Beta. In this post, we’ll give an overview of the new features in React 19, and how you can adopt them

                  React 19 Beta – React
                • Announcing TypeScript 3.9 - TypeScript

                  Today we’re excited to announce the release of TypeScript 3.9! If you’re unfamiliar with TypeScript, it’s a language that builds on JavaScript by adding syntax for type declarations and annotations. This syntax can be used by the TypeScript compiler to type-check our code, and then output clean readable JavaScript that runs on lots of different runtimes. Static type-checking can tell us about erro

                    Announcing TypeScript 3.9 - TypeScript
                  • Announcing TypeScript 4.4 - TypeScript

                    Today we’re excited to announce the availability of TypeScript 4.4! If you haven’t heard of TypeScript yet, it’s a language that builds on JavaScript by adding syntax for static types. Tools like the TypeScript compiler just erase those types, leaving you with clean readable JavaScript that you can run anywhere; but those types are there to be type-checked! Types make your intentions explicit, and

                      Announcing TypeScript 4.4 - TypeScript
                    • Next.js 11

                      As we announced at Next.js Conf, our mission to create the best developer experience continues with Next.js 11, featuring: Conformance: A system that provides carefully crafted solutions to support optimal UX. Improved Performance: Further optimizations to improve cold startup time so you can start coding faster. next/script: Automatically prioritize loading of third-party scripts to improve perfo

                        Next.js 11
                      • Announcing TypeScript 3.8 - TypeScript

                        Today we’re proud to release TypeScript 3.8! For those unfamiliar with TypeScript, it’s a language that adds syntax for types on top of JavaScript which can be analyzed through a process called static type-checking. This type-checking can tell us about errors like typos and values that are potentially null and undefined before we even run our code. More than just that, that same type analysis can

                          Announcing TypeScript 3.8 - TypeScript
                        • React Router v5.1

                          Today, we are releasing React Router version 5.1. This post will discuss the 5.1 release as well as discuss a few things you can do to prepare for the future. We are hard at work incorporating the best ideas from @reach/router, as well as community feedback about the 4/5 API, into version 6 which we expect will be ready sometime around the beginning of the new year. That being said, we are putting

                            React Router v5.1
                          • Announcing Vite 5

                            Vite 5.0 is out! ​November 16, 2023 Vite 4 was released almost a year ago, and it served as a solid base for the ecosystem. npm downloads per week jumped from 2.5 million to 7.5 million, as projects keep building on a shared infrastructure. Frameworks continued to innovate, and on top of Astro, Nuxt, SvelteKit, Solid Start, Qwik City, between others, we saw new frameworks joining and making the ec

                              Announcing Vite 5
                            • Announcing TypeScript 4.0 Beta - TypeScript

                              Today we’re excited to release the beta of the next major milestone in the TypeScript programming language: TypeScript 4.0. This beta takes us on our first step into TypeScript 4.0, and while it brings a new major version, don’t fret – there are no substantially larger breaking changes than usual. Our philosophy in evolving TypeScript has always been to provide an upgrade path that minimizes disru

                                Announcing TypeScript 4.0 Beta - TypeScript
                              • Git security vulnerabilities announced | The GitHub Blog

                                Open SourceSecurityGit security vulnerabilities announcedGit users are encouraged to upgrade to the latest version, especially if they use `git archive`, work in untrusted repositories, or use Git GUI on Windows. Today, the Git project released new versions to address a pair of security vulnerabilities, CVE-2022-41903, and CVE-2022-23521, that affect versions 2.39 and older. Git for Windows was al

                                  Git security vulnerabilities announced | The GitHub Blog
                                • Announcing TypeScript 4.5 - TypeScript

                                  Today we’re excited to announce the release of TypeScript 4.5! If you’re not yet familiar with TypeScript, it’s a language that builds on JavaScript by adding statically checked types. When you use static types, you can run the TypeScript compiler to check for bugs like typos and mismatches in the shapes of your data, and get handy suggestions. These types don’t change your program, and you can re

                                    Announcing TypeScript 4.5 - TypeScript
                                  • Storybook 8

                                    Storybook is the industry standard UI tool for building, testing, and documenting components and pages. It’s used by thousands of teams globally, integrates with all major JavaScript frameworks, and combines with most leading design and developer tools. Today, I’m thrilled to announce the release of Storybook 8! This latest version of Storybook brings together 8,865 commits across 773 PRs from 218

                                      Storybook 8
                                    • Webpack 5 release (2020-10-10) | webpack

                                      Webpack 4 was released in February 2018. Since then we shipped a lot of features without breaking changes. We know that people dislike major changes with breaking changes. Especially with webpack, which people usually only touch twice a year, and the remaining time it "just works". But shipping features without breaking changes also has a cost: We can't do major API or architectural improvements.

                                        Webpack 5 release (2020-10-10) | webpack
                                      • Next.js 10

                                        We are excited to introduce Next.js 10, featuring: Built-in Image Component and Automatic Image Optimization: Automatically optimize images using the new next/image component Internationalized Routing: Start internationalizing your Next.js applications with built-in primitives Next.js Analytics: Measure and act on real user performance Next.js Commerce: An all-in-one starter kit for high-performan

                                          Next.js 10
                                        • Announcing TypeScript 3.7 Beta - TypeScript

                                          We’re pleased to announce TypeScript 3.7 Beta, a feature-complete version of TypeScript 3.7. Between now and the final release, we’ll be fixing bugs and further improving performance and stability. To get started using the beta, you can get it through NuGet, or use npm with the following command: You can also get editor support by Downloading for Visual Studio 2019/2017 Following directions for Vi

                                            Announcing TypeScript 3.7 Beta - TypeScript
                                          • textlint 12リリース、ブラウザで動くtextlint editorをベータリリース

                                            日本語などの文章を校正できるルールをもっているLintツールであるtextlint v12をリリースしました。 Markdownプラグインのアップデートと各パッケージのバージョン統一が主な変更となります。 リリースノートは次のページにも書いているので、興味がある人は見てください。 textlint v12.0.0 · textlint 簡単に変更のサマリを書いておきます。 textlint利用者向けの変更点 次のコマンドでtextlint 12へアップデートできます。 textlintは、文章の構文を認識してLintすることで誤検知を減らしています。 たとえば、MarkdownのCodeBlockの中のコードを単純にスペルチェックしてしまうと赤線だらけになってしまいます。 textlintの各ルールには、CodeBlockの中はチェックしないといったように、各ルールごとに文章のどの構文(リ

                                              textlint 12リリース、ブラウザで動くtextlint editorをベータリリース
                                            • Highlights from Git 2.38

                                              EngineeringOpen SourceHighlights from Git 2.38Another new release of Git is here! Take a look at some of our highlights on what's new in Git 2.38. The open source Git project just released Git 2.38, with features and bug fixes from over 92 contributors, 24 of them new. We last caught up with you on the latest in Git back when 2.37 was released. To celebrate this most recent release, here’s GitHub’

                                                Highlights from Git 2.38
                                              • Announcing Sandpack 2.0 and a Node.js runtime for any browser - CodeSandbox

                                                Today, we are announcing Sandpack 2.0, which introduces Nodebox—a fast Node.js runtime that allows you to run server-side code in any browser. One year ago, we introduced Sandpack, an open-source in-browser bundler that allows you to run live running code examples on your website. We couldn’t have made a better decision. We knew how powerful Sandpack is (it's the bundler that powers CodeSandbox it

                                                  Announcing Sandpack 2.0 and a Node.js runtime for any browser - CodeSandbox
                                                • Announcing TypeScript 3.8 Beta - TypeScript

                                                  Today we’re announcing the availability of TypeScript 3.8 Beta! This Beta release contains all the new features you should expect from TypeScript 3.8’s final release. To get started using the beta, you can get it through NuGet, or through npm with the following command: You can also get editor support by Downloading for Visual Studio 2019/2017 Following directions for Visual Studio Code and Sublim

                                                    Announcing TypeScript 3.8 Beta - TypeScript
                                                  • Announcing Docusaurus 2.0 | Docusaurus

                                                    Today we are extremely happy to finally announce Docusaurus 2.0! 🥳️ At Meta Open Source, we believe Docusaurus will help you build the best documentation websites with minimal effort, letting you focus on what really matters: writing the content. After 4 years of work, 75 alphas and 22 betas, the next generation of Docusaurus is ready for prime time. From now on, we now plan to respect Semantic V

                                                      Announcing Docusaurus 2.0 | Docusaurus
                                                    • Announcing TypeScript 5.1 - TypeScript

                                                      Today we’re excited to announce the release of TypeScript 5.1! If you’re not yet familiar with TypeScript, it’s a language that builds on JavaScript by adding constructs called types. These types can describe some details about our program, and can be checked by TypeScript before they’re compiled away in order to catch possible typos, logic bugs and more. TypeScript also uses these types to provid

                                                        Announcing TypeScript 5.1 - TypeScript
                                                      • Prettier 3.0: Hello, ECMAScript Modules! · Prettier

                                                        We are excited to announce the release of the new version of Prettier! We have made the migration to using ECMAScript Modules for all our source code. This change has significantly improved the development experience for the Prettier team. Please rest assured that when using Prettier as a library, you can still use it as CommonJS as well. This update comes with several breaking changes. One notabl

                                                          Prettier 3.0: Hello, ECMAScript Modules! · Prettier
                                                        • Next.js 12.3

                                                          We've shipped some quality-of-life improvements to Next.js with 12.3: Improved Fast Refresh: .env, jsconfig.json, and tsconfig.json files now hot reload. TypeScript Auto-Install: Add a .ts file to automatically configure TypeScript and install deps. Image Component: next/future/image is now stable. SWC Minifier: Minification with the Next.js compiler is now stable. New Router + Layouts Update: Imp

                                                            Next.js 12.3
                                                          • First-class Support for TypeScript · React Native

                                                            With the release of 0.71, React Native is investing in the TypeScript experience with the following changes: New app template is TypeScript by defaultTypeScript declarations shipped with React NativeReact Native documentation is TypeScript FirstIn this post we’ll cover what these changes mean for you as a TypeScript or Flow user. New App Template is TypeScript By Default​Starting with 0.71, when y

                                                              First-class Support for TypeScript · React Native
                                                            • Wasmtime Reaches 1.0: Fast, Safe and Production Ready!

                                                              As of today, the Wasmtime WebAssembly runtime is now at 1.0! This means that all of us in the Bytecode Alliance agree that it is fully ready to use in production. In truth, we could have called Wasmtime production-ready more than a year ago. But we didn’t want to release just any WebAssembly engine. We wanted to have a super fast and super safe WebAssembly engine. We wanted to feel really confiden

                                                                Wasmtime Reaches 1.0: Fast, Safe and Production Ready!
                                                              • Presenting v7.0.0 of the npm CLI

                                                                ProductPresenting v7.0.0 of the npm CLIWe’re releasing v7.0.0 of the npm CLI, which includes exciting new features such as Workspaces, automatically installed peer deps, and more! It’s hard to believe that just over 11 years ago the JavaScript community didn’t have npm. Fast forward to today, and npm now has millions of developers and over 1.3M packages with 75B downloads a month. We first introdu

                                                                  Presenting v7.0.0 of the npm CLI
                                                                • Announcing TypeScript 4.4 Beta - TypeScript

                                                                  Today we are excited to announce the beta release of TypeScript 4.4! To get started using the beta, you can get it through NuGet, or use npm with the following command: You can also get editor support by Downloading for Visual Studio 2019/2017 Following directions for Visual Studio Code and Sublime Text 3. Some major highlights of TypeScript 4.4 are: Control Flow Analysis of Aliased Conditions Sym

                                                                    Announcing TypeScript 4.4 Beta - TypeScript
                                                                  • Announcing SWR 2.0 – SWR

                                                                    We are thrilled to announce the release of SWR 2.0, the popular React data-fetching library that enables components to fetch, cache, and mutate data and keeps the UI up-to-date with changes in that data over time. This new version comes packed with improvements and new features, such as new mutation APIs, improved optimistic UI capabilities, new DevTools, and better support for concurrent renderin

                                                                      Announcing SWR 2.0 – SWR
                                                                    • Next.js 9.4

                                                                      We are excited today to introduce Next.js 9.4, featuring: Fast Refresh: fast and reliable live-editing experience, as proven at Facebook scale Incremental Static Regeneration (beta): re-build static pages after you've deployed, in milliseconds CMS Examples: examples for Contentful, DatoCMS, Prismic, Sanity, and TakeShape using our new next-gen static site generation New Environment Variables Suppo

                                                                        Next.js 9.4
                                                                      • WinterJS 1.0 · Blog · Wasmer

                                                                        Back to articlesWinterJS 1.0Announcing WinterJS 1.0, the fastest Javascript web server now also supporting Cloudflare applications and React Server Components WinterJS 1.0 is finally here. WinterJS is an incredibly fast WinterCG-compatible Javascript runtime written in Rust using the SpiderMonkey engine to execute JavaScript, and Tokio to handle the underlying HTTP requests and JS event loop. Wint

                                                                          WinterJS 1.0 · Blog · Wasmer
                                                                        • Announcing TypeScript 4.6 Beta - TypeScript

                                                                          Today we are excited to announce the beta release of TypeScript 4.6! To get started using the beta, you can get it through NuGet, or use npm with the following command: You can also get editor support by Downloading for Visual Studio 2019/2017 Following directions for Visual Studio Code and Sublime Text 3. Here’s a quick list of what’s new in TypeScript 4.6! Allowing Code in Constructors Before su

                                                                            Announcing TypeScript 4.6 Beta - TypeScript
                                                                          • Vue 2.7 is Now in Beta | The Vue Point

                                                                            We are happy to announce that Vue 2.7 is now in beta. Despite Vue 3 now being the default version, we understand that there are still many users who have to stay on Vue 2 due to dependency compatibility, browser support requirements, or simply not enough bandwidth to upgrade. In Vue 2.7, we have backported some of the most important features from Vue 3 so that Vue 2 users can benefit from them as

                                                                              Vue 2.7 is Now in Beta | The Vue Point
                                                                            • Announcing TypeScript 4.7 - TypeScript

                                                                              Today we’re excited to announce the availability of TypeScript 4.7! If you’re not yet familiar with TypeScript, it’s a language that builds on JavaScript and adds syntax for types. Types help describe what kinds of values you’re working with and what kinds of functions you’re calling. TypeScript can use this information to help you avoid about mistakes like typos, missing arguments, or forgetting

                                                                                Announcing TypeScript 4.7 - TypeScript
                                                                              • Storybook 6.1

                                                                                Storybook is the industry standard UI component workshop. It organizes components and their states to structure UI development, testing, and documentation. It's used by teams at Twitter, Slack, Airbnb, Shopify, Stripe, and Microsoft. As Storybook grows in popularity, companies are building more components in it than ever before. Atomic components, full blown pages, and everything in between. Perfo

                                                                                  Storybook 6.1
                                                                                • Announcing Rome v10

                                                                                  We are thrilled to announce Rome v10, the first stable release since the start of the Rust rewrite. Rome is an ambitious project aiming to unify the dozens of frontend language tools into a single easy-to-use tool built from scratch. This release includes our fast linter and formatter; they require minimal configuration, come with beautiful and descriptive diagnostics, and have built-in support fo

                                                                                    Announcing Rome v10