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botnetに関するエントリは10件あります。 securityセキュリティiot などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『Akamai Blog | Panchan’s Mining Rig: New Golang Peer-to-Peer Botnet Says “Hi!”』などがあります。
  • Akamai Blog | Panchan’s Mining Rig: New Golang Peer-to-Peer Botnet Says “Hi!”

    Compute Build, release, and scale faster with VMs for every workload

      Akamai Blog | Panchan’s Mining Rig: New Golang Peer-to-Peer Botnet Says “Hi!”
    • 日本製アニメをダウンロードするためだけに構築された謎のbotnet「Cereals」が発見される

      ハッキングによって支配され、ハッカーの思うがままに操れるコンピューター群「botnet」は、近年のネットであらゆる悪事に使われています。しかし中には「日本製アニメの海賊版を根こそぎダウンロードする」ただそれだけのために構築された、非常にユニークなbotnetも存在しています。 IoT機器とサイバー攻撃 それまでは独立していた電気製品をインターネットに繋げ、色々な機能を付加するIoTが流行していますが、一方でこうしたIoT機器がサイバー攻撃に悪用されるのが問題ともなっています。特に家庭のIoT機器は継続的に監視されているわけでもなく、内部のソフトウェアのアップデートもきちんと行われるわけではありません。 ハッカー達はこうした脆弱なIoT機器を探し出し、侵入して、思い通りに操ることができるbotに仕立てます。こうしたbotを何千、何万台と集めたものが「botnet」です。botnetの使い道と

      • Emotet botnet switches to 64-bit modules, increases activity

        “The aim of the email is to convince users to either (i) follow the link and download an archived document and open it – sometimes using a password mentioned in the email, or (ii) simply open an email attachment,” the researchers note. Because the threat actors have access to previous correspondence, it is reasonably easy for them to present the attachment as something the recipient would expect a

          Emotet botnet switches to 64-bit modules, increases activity
        • Feodo Tracker | Browse Botnet C&Cs

          Browse Botnet C&Cs Here you can browse the list of botnet Command&Control servers (C&Cs) tracked by Feodo Tracker, associated with Dridex, TrickBot, QakBot (aka QuakBot/Qbot), BazarLoader (aka BazarBackdoor) and Emotet (aka Heodo). When Feodo Tracker was launched in 2010, it was meant to track Feodo botnet C&Cs. However, Feodo evolved further and different piece of malware of Feodo appeared: Emote

          • Emotet botnet returns after law enforcement mass-uninstall operation

            Emotet botnet returns after law enforcement mass-uninstall operation The Emotet malware botnet is back up and running once again almost ten months after an international law enforcement operation took down its command and control servers earlier this year in January. The comeback is surprising because after taking over Emotet's server infrastructure, law enforcement officials also orchestrated a m

              Emotet botnet returns after law enforcement mass-uninstall operation
            • Emotet botnet starts blasting malware again after 4 month break

              HomeNewsSecurityEmotet botnet starts blasting malware again after 4 month break The Emotet malware operation is again spamming malicious emails after almost a four-month "vacation" that saw little activity from the notorious cybercrime operation. Emotet is a malware infection distributed through phishing campaigns containing malicious Excel or Word documents. When users open these documents and en

                Emotet botnet starts blasting malware again after 4 month break
              • Emotet malware is back and rebuilding its botnet via TrickBot

                HomeNewsSecurityEmotet malware is back and rebuilding its botnet via TrickBot The Emotet malware was considered the most widely spread malware in the past, using spam campaigns and malicious attachments to distribute the malware. Emotet would then use infected devices to perform other spam campaigns and install other payloads, such as the QakBot (Qbot) and Trickbot malware. These payloads would th

                  Emotet malware is back and rebuilding its botnet via TrickBot
                • The Strange Story of the Teens Behind the Mirai Botnet

                  First-year college students are understandably frustrated when they can’t get into popular upper-level electives. But they usually just gripe. Paras Jha was an exception. Enraged that upper-class students were given priority to enroll in a computer-science elective at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, Paras decided to crash the registration website so that no one could enroll. On Wednes

                    The Strange Story of the Teens Behind the Mirai Botnet
                  • New Kaiji Botnet Targets IoT, Linux Devices

                    The botnet uses SSH brute-force attacks to infect devices and uses a custom implant written in the Go Language. A new botnet has been infecting internet of things (IoT) devices and Linux-based servers, to then leverage them in distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. The malware, dubbed Kaiji, has been written from scratch, which researchers say is “rare in the IoT botnet landscape” today. Ka

                      New Kaiji Botnet Targets IoT, Linux Devices
                    • Dit doet de politie tegen botnet

                      Het lukt de politie, samen met andere veiligheidspartners, regelmatig om botnets uit de lucht te halen. Hierbij worden soms grote hoeveelheden gestolen inloggegevens (e-mailadressen, gebruikersnamen en wachtwoorden) in beslag genomen. Helaas betekent dit niet dat de gestolen gegevens niet meer kunnen worden misbruikt. Het kan immers zo zijn dat gestolen gegevens al eerder zijn gedeeld met andere c

                        Dit doet de politie tegen botnet
