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  • Google TypeScript Style Guide

    // Good: choose between two options as appropriate (see below). import * as ng from '@angular/core'; import {Foo} from './foo'; // Only when needed: default imports. import Button from 'Button'; // Sometimes needed to import libraries for their side effects: import 'jasmine'; import '@polymer/paper-button'; Import paths TypeScript code must use paths to import other TypeScript code. Paths may be r

    • Go: A Documentary

      Go: A Documentary by Changkun Ou <changkun.de> (and many inputs from contributors) This document collects many interesting (publicly observable) issues, discussions, proposals, CLs, and talks from the Go development process, which intends to offer a comprehensive reference of the Go history. Disclaimer Most of the texts are written as subjective understanding based on public sources Factual and ty

      • Gamedev in Lisp. Part 1: ECS and Metalinguistic Abstraction - cl-fast-ecs by Andrew

        Gamedev in Lisp. Part 1: ECS and Metalinguistic Abstraction In this series of tutorials, we will delve into creating simple 2D games in Common Lisp. The result of the first part will be a development environment setup and a basic simulation displaying a 2D scene with a large number of physical objects. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with some high-level programming language, has a gener

          Gamedev in Lisp. Part 1: ECS and Metalinguistic Abstraction - cl-fast-ecs by Andrew
        • Golang Mini Reference 2022: A Quick Guide to the Modern Go Programming Language (REVIEW COPY)

          Golang Mini Reference 2022 A Quick Guide to the Modern Go Programming Language (REVIEW COPY) Harry Yoon Version 0.9.0, 2022-08-24 REVIEW COPY This is review copy, not to be shared or distributed to others. Please forward any feedback or comments to the author. • feedback@codingbookspress.com The book is tentatively scheduled to be published on September 14th, 2022. We hope that when the release da

          • Designing a Ruby Serverless Runtime

            Last week, Google announced the public beta of the Ruby runtime for Cloud Functions, Google’s functions-as-a-service (FaaS) hosting platform. Ruby support has lagged a bit behind other languages over the past year or so, but now that we’ve caught up, I thought I’d share some of the design process behind the product. This article is not a traditional design document. I won’t go through the design i

            • GitHub - robpike/lisp: Toy Lisp 1.5 interpreter

              To install: go get robpike.io/lisp. This is an implementation of the language defined, with sublime concision, in the first few pages of the LISP 1.5 Programmer's Manual by McCarthy, Abrahams, Edwards, Hart, and Levin, from MIT in 1962. It is a pedagogical experiment to see just how well the interpreter (actually EVALQUOTE/APPLY) defined on page 13 of that book really works. The answer is: perfect

                GitHub - robpike/lisp: Toy Lisp 1.5 interpreter
              • The Next 7000 Programming Languages

                In 1966 the ACM published Peter Landin’s landmark paper “The next 700 programming languages” [22]. Seven years later, Springer’s “Lecture Notes in Computer Science” (LNCS) was born with Wilfred Brauer as editor of the first volume [5]. Impressively, the contributed chapters of this first volume covered almost every topic of what we now see as core computer science—from computer hardware and operat

                  The Next 7000 Programming Languages
                • Daslang - The High Performance Programming Language

                  News July 7th, 2024: Version 0.5 is comming very soon. It will include a lot of new features and improvements. Stay tuned! Expect JIT, serialization, performance improvements, new syntax features, and more. July 1st, 2024: daScript renamed to Daslang! May 1st, 2023: Version 0.4 of Daslang has been released. The development team is currently working on the next major release, which will include a f

                  • 10 Most(ly dead) Influential Programming Languages

                    The other day I read 20 most significant programming languages in history, a “preposterous table I just made up.” He certainly got preposterous right: he lists Go as “most significant” but not ALGOL, Smalltalk, or ML. He also leaves off Pascal because it’s “mostly dead”. Preposterous! That defeats the whole point of what “significant in history” means. So let’s talk about some “mostly dead” langua

                    • What's New in Emacs 28.1?

                      Try Mastering Emacs for free! Are you struggling with the basics? Have you mastered movement and editing yet? When you have read Mastering Emacs you will understand Emacs. It’s that time again: there’s a new major version of Emacs and, with it, a treasure trove of new features and changes. Notable features include the formal inclusion of native compilation, a technique that will greatly speed up y

                      • Google TypeScript Style Guide

                        // Good: choose between two options as appropriate (see below). import * as ng from '@angular/core'; import {Foo} from './foo'; // Only when needed: default imports. import Button from 'Button'; // Sometimes needed to import libraries for their side effects: import 'jasmine'; import '@polymer/paper-button'; Import paths TypeScript code must use paths to import other TypeScript code. Paths may be r

                        • Scheme in Scheme on Wasm in the browser -- Spritely Institute

                          Hey, folks! Today we want to talk about the wonderful read-eval-print-loop (REPL). Thanks to WebAssembly (Wasm), it's becoming increasingly common for programming language websites to embed a REPL in which passersby can easily evaluate code and get a feel for the language without having to install anything on their computer. We'd like to do the same thing for our language of choice, Guile Scheme,

                            Scheme in Scheme on Wasm in the browser -- Spritely Institute
                          • Dynamic scoping is an effect, implicit parameters are a coeffect : ezyang’s blog

                            For the longest time, I thought of implicit parameters and dynamic scoping were basically the same thing, since they both can be used to solve similar problems (e.g., the so called "configuration problem" where you need to plumb down some configuration deep into a nested body of function definitions without defining them all explicitly). But implicit parameters have a reputation of being something

                            • ~zjm/Cassette - A little programming language - sourcehut git

                              Cassette is a small, Lisp-like programming language. It is a home-cooked meal. It looks like this: import List import Math import Canvas import System let width = 800, height = 480, canvas = Canvas.new(width, height) canvas.text("Lines!", {200, 2}) System.seed(System.time()) def rand-line(i) do let x0 = Math.floor(i * width / 100), y0 = Math.rand-int(20, height / 10), x1 = Math.rand-int(0, width),

                              • Lisp Compiler

                                Introduction This page examines the earliest surviving Lisp compiler, written by Timothy Hart and Michael Levin around 1961. To avoid repetition of phrases like “the compiler”, we will use the abbreviation “HLC” (for “Hart–Levin Compiler”) to refer to it. The HLC was introduced in M.I.T. AIM-039 and documented more fully in the LISP 1.5 Programmer's Manual by McCarthy et al. For information about

                                • [PDF] Evolution of Emacs Lisp

                                  74 Evolution of Emacs Lisp STEFAN MONNIER, Université de Montréal, Canada MICHAEL SPERBER, Active Group GmbH, Germany Shepherd: Brent Hailpern, IBM Research, USA While Emacs proponents largely agree that it is the world’s greatest text editor, it is almost as much a Lisp machine disguised as an editor. Indeed, one of its chief appeals is that it is programmable via its own programming language. Em
