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mathematical functionsの検索結果1 - 40 件 / 234件

  • 探しものがはかどる検索エンジンDuckDuckGo、NDC順Bangリスト

    DuckDuckGo(https://duckduckgo.com)はプライバシーの保護に重きを置いている検索エンジンのひとつである。 特筆すべきは、Bangという機能があって、探しものがとてもはかどる。 たとえば「!a 図書館」(ビックリマーク+アルファベットのa+スペース+検索語)と入力するとAmazonを検索してくれる。 こんな風に「!+何か」 で特定のサイトのみの検索ができる機能がBangである。 検索エンジンが使えなくなった(クズみたいなサイトが上位に来て、欲しい情報が見つからない等)と言われて久しいが、探すべきサイトにダイレクトで検索することで、この問題のかなりの部分が解決する。 よく使いそうなのは ! (キーワード) 最初の検索結果へ直接ジャンプ !i イメージ検索 !m 地図検索 !n ニュース検索 !v 動画検索 !w ウィキペディア検索 !pdf PDFファイルだけを検

    • This is The Entire Computer Science Curriculum in 1000 YouTube Videos

      This is The Entire Computer Science Curriculum in 1000 YouTube Videos In this article, we are going to create an entire Computer Science curriculum using only YouTube videos. The Computer Science curriculum is going to cover every skill essential for a Computer Science Engineer that has expertise in Artificial Intelligence and its subfields, like: Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Vision,

        This is The Entire Computer Science Curriculum in 1000 YouTube Videos
      • PHP: PHP 8.0.0 Release Announcement

        Getting Started Introduction A simple tutorial Language Reference Basic syntax Types Variables Constants Expressions Operators Control Structures Functions Classes and Objects Namespaces Enumerations Errors Exceptions Fibers Generators Attributes References Explained Predefined Variables Predefined Exceptions Predefined Interfaces and Classes Predefined Attributes Context options and parameters Su

          PHP: PHP 8.0.0 Release Announcement
        • 2019-nCoVについてのメモとリンク

          リンク集目次 国内外の状況 政府機関・国際機関等 学術情報 疫学論文 分子生物学/ウイルス学論文 臨床論文 インフォデミック関係 ワクチン関係 変異株関係 時系列メモ目次 新型コロナウイルス(2020年1月6日,11日) インペリグループによる患者数推定(2020年1月18日) 患者数急増,西浦さんたちの論文(2020年1月20日,23日) WHOはPHEIC宣言せず(2020年1月23-24日) 絶対リスクと相対リスク(2020年1月26日) 研究ラッシュが起こるかも(2020年1月27日) なぜ新感染症でなく指定感染症なのか? なぜ厚労省令でなく閣議決定なのか?(2020年1月27日) コロナウイルスに対する個人防御(2020年1月27日) 国内ヒト=ヒト感染発生(2020年1月28日) フォローアップセンター設置,緊急避難等(2020年1月29日) PHEICの宣言(2020年1月3

          • PHP: PHP 8.1.0 Release Announcement

            Getting Started Introduction A simple tutorial Language Reference Basic syntax Types Variables Constants Expressions Operators Control Structures Functions Classes and Objects Namespaces Enumerations Errors Exceptions Fibers Generators Attributes References Explained Predefined Variables Predefined Exceptions Predefined Interfaces and Classes Predefined Attributes Context options and parameters Su

              PHP: PHP 8.1.0 Release Announcement
            • Go: A Documentary

              Go: A Documentary by Changkun Ou <changkun.de> (and many inputs from contributors) This document collects many interesting (publicly observable) issues, discussions, proposals, CLs, and talks from the Go development process, which intends to offer a comprehensive reference of the Go history. Disclaimer Most of the texts are written as subjective understanding based on public sources Factual and ty

              • 関数型プログラミング言語における関数適用構文の歴史的経緯についてのメモ - Arantium Maestum

                先日こういうツイートがあった: Haskellとかの関数型言語を使用しているプログラマの皆様にお聞きしたいんですけど、「関数名 引数 引数 ...」みたいな関数呼び出し構文って見にくくは無いですか?「関数名(引数, 引数, ...)」に慣れたこちらからすると、丸括弧が無いからコード中のどこが関数呼び出しなのかパット見で把握しにくい。— sounisi5011/プログラム (@sounisi5011Prog) February 22, 2022 「見にくくは無いですか?」と聞かれると、個人的には「全然大丈夫です」と答えざるを得ないのだが、次のツイートに関しては考えさせられた: 数式でも函数には丸括弧を使ってるのに、どこのタイミングで丸括弧が消失したのかわからないし、その選択をした理由も思いつかない。— sounisi5011/プログラム (@sounisi5011Prog) February

                  関数型プログラミング言語における関数適用構文の歴史的経緯についてのメモ - Arantium Maestum
                • PHP: PHP 8.2.0 Release Announcement

                  Getting Started Introduction A simple tutorial Language Reference Basic syntax Types Variables Constants Expressions Operators Control Structures Functions Classes and Objects Namespaces Enumerations Errors Exceptions Fibers Generators Attributes References Explained Predefined Variables Predefined Exceptions Predefined Interfaces and Classes Predefined Attributes Context options and parameters Su

                    PHP: PHP 8.2.0 Release Announcement
                  • ChatGPTでジェネレーティブアートジェネレータ - ABAの日誌

                    ChatGPTに特定の機能を持つコードのスニペットを書くように頼むのはよくある使い方だ。ただChatGPTは回答の長さに制限があるので、あまり長いコードの出力をお願いするのは現実的ではない。プログラム全体の仕様をプロンプトで投げて、そのコードを返してもらう、みたいな使い方はまだ難しい。 でもジェネレーティブアートみたいな、比較的短いコードでプログラムが完結するものであれば、プログラムコード全体を出力してもらうのも現実的だ。 例えば以下のプロンプトで、p5.jsで書かれたジェネレーティブアートっぽいコードが出てくる。 I want you to act as a generative art programmer. Conceive an unprecedented abstract and geometric animation piece, which loops infinitely,

                      ChatGPTでジェネレーティブアートジェネレータ - ABAの日誌
                    • Why I no longer recommend Julia

                      For many years I used the Julia programming language for transforming, cleaning, analyzing, and visualizing data, doing statistics, and performing simulations. I published a handful of open-source packages for things like signed distance fields, nearest-neighbor search, and Turing patterns (among others), made visual explanations of Julia concepts like broadcasting and arrays, and used Julia to ma

                      • PHP: PHP 7.4.x から PHP 8.0.x への移行 - Manual

                        Getting Started Introduction A simple tutorial Language Reference Basic syntax Types Variables Constants Expressions Operators Control Structures Functions Classes and Objects Namespaces Enumerations Errors Exceptions Fibers Generators Attributes References Explained Predefined Variables Predefined Exceptions Predefined Interfaces and Classes Predefined Attributes Context options and parameters Su

                          PHP: PHP 7.4.x から PHP 8.0.x への移行 - Manual
                        • The Scary Thing About Automating Deploys - Slack Engineering

                          Most of Slack runs on a monolithic service simply called “The Webapp”. It’s big – hundreds of developers create hundreds of changes every week. Deploying at this scale is a unique challenge. When people talk about continuous deployment, they’re often thinking about deploying to systems as soon as changes are ready. They talk about microservices and 2-pizza teams (~8 people). But what does continuo

                          • 100+ Best GitHub Repositories For Machine Learning

                            There are millions of GitHub repos and filtering them is an insane amount of work. It takes a huge time, effort, and a lot more. We have done this for you. In this article, we’ll share a curated list of 100+ widely-known, recommended, and most popular repositories and open source GitHub projects for Machine Learning and Deep Learning. So without further ado, Let’s see all the hubs created by exper

                              100+ Best GitHub Repositories For Machine Learning
                            • Web Neural Network API

                              Web Neural Network API W3C Candidate Recommendation Draft, 5 September 2024 More details about this document This version: https://www.w3.org/TR/2024/CRD-webnn-20240905/ Latest published version: https://www.w3.org/TR/webnn/ Editor's Draft: https://webmachinelearning.github.io/webnn/ Previous Versions: https://www.w3.org/TR/2024/CRD-webnn-20240830/ History: https://www.w3.org/standards/history/web

                              • Motoko, a programming language for building directly on the internet - Stack Overflow

                                At Dfinity, we’re building the Internet Computer, a decentralized cloud computing platform that we conceive as a seamless software universe in which developers can deploy applications and services directly on the Internet. To realize this vision, we decided on WebAssembly as the lingua franca of the platform’s execution environment, so that developers can program it in any language that compiles t

                                  Motoko, a programming language for building directly on the internet - Stack Overflow
                                • A non-mathematical introduction to Kalman Filters for programmers - Pravesh Koirala

                                  Read my manifesto on Code as an alternative to Mathematics. Code for this article can be found on this Colab Notebook should you choose to follow along. Why Kalman Filters? Kalman filters are ingenius. If you have never heard of them, then a very intuitive (and arguably reductive) way to think about them is to consider them as a funnel where you pour information from multiple noisy sources to cond

                                  • AI Feynman: A physics-inspired method for symbolic regression | Science Advances

                                    AbstractA core challenge for both physics and artificial intelligence (AI) is symbolic regression: finding a symbolic expression that matches data from an unknown function. Although this problem is likely to be NP-hard in principle, functions of practical interest often exhibit symmetries, separability, compositionality, and other simplifying properties. In this spirit, we develop a recursive mult

                                      AI Feynman: A physics-inspired method for symbolic regression | Science Advances
                                    • 【IQ1AdC】W理論こと特異学習理論の重要論文公式10本ノック【12/9】 - カイヤン雑記帳

                                      おはようございますまたはこんにちはまたはこんばんは,カイヤンです. 本記事はIQ1 Advent Calendar 2019(主催者 id:chakku000 )における12月9日の記事です. 参考:IQ1 Advent Calendar 2018 2018/12/11の拙著記事「IQが1のデータ分析:respects いつも何度でも尋ねられること」 おことわり 今回は,ベイズ推論の特異学習理論(Watanabe理論,W理論)についての記事です.IQ1なので数学的に厳密な書き方でないどころか数式が登場しませんのでご了承ください. また,IQ1なために各論文を肯定的に読んでいます(理論が中心の紹介ですが一部の数値実験についても).クリティカルリーディング要素はありません.申し訳ありません. よりおことわりらしいおことわりはIQ1AdCの雰囲気をぶち壊すので折り畳みます. IQ1AdCそのもの

                                        【IQ1AdC】W理論こと特異学習理論の重要論文公式10本ノック【12/9】 - カイヤン雑記帳
                                      • Logica

                                        Logica is an open source declarative logic programming language for data manipulation. Logica extends syntax of logic programming for intuitive and efficient data manipulation. It compiles to SQL thus providing you access to the power of SQL engines with the convenience of logic programming syntax. Examples One may say that for programming languages like Python and Java functions are the basic bui

                                        • The Roadmap of Mathematics for Machine Learning

                                          Understanding math will make you a better engineer.So, I am writing the best and most comprehensive book about it. I'm interested Knowing the mathematics behind machine learning algorithms is a superpower. If you have ever built a model for a real-life problem, you probably experienced that familiarity with the details goes a long way if you want to move beyond baseline performance. This is especi

                                            The Roadmap of Mathematics for Machine Learning
                                          • Here are 450 Ivy League courses you can take online right now for free

                                            By Dhawal Shah The eight Ivy League schools are among the most prestigious colleges in the world. They include Brown, Harvard, Cornell, Princeton, Dartmouth, Yale, and Columbia Universities, and the University of Pennsylvania. All eight schools place in the top fifteen of the U.S. News and World Report national university rankings. These Ivy League schools are also highly selective and extremely h

                                              Here are 450 Ivy League courses you can take online right now for free
                                            • CUPID—for joyful coding

                                              What started as lighthearted iconoclasm, poking at the bear of SOLID, has developed into something more concrete and tangible. If I do not think the SOLID principles are useful these days, then what would I replace them with? Can any set of principles hold for all software? What do we even mean by principles? I believe that there are properties or characteristics of software that make it a joy to

                                              • ChatGPT Gets Its “Wolfram Superpowers”!

                                                To enable the functionality described here, select and install the Wolfram plugin from within ChatGPT. Note that this capability is so far available only to some ChatGPT Plus users; for more information, see OpenAI’s announcement. In Just Two and a Half Months… Early in January I wrote about the possibility of connecting ChatGPT to Wolfram|Alpha. And today—just two and a half months later—I’m exci

                                                  ChatGPT Gets Its “Wolfram Superpowers”!
                                                • Modular: Mojo🔥 - It’s finally here!

                                                  Since our launch of the Mojo programming language on May 2nd, more than 120K+ developers have signed up to use the Mojo Playground and 19K+ developers actively discuss Mojo on Discord and GitHub. Today, we’re excited to announce the next big step in Mojo’s evolution: Mojo is now available for local download – beginning with Linux systems, and adding Mac and Windows in coming releases. While the Mo

                                                    Modular: Mojo🔥 - It’s finally here!
                                                  • Vacuous truth - Wikipedia

                                                    In mathematics and logic, a vacuous truth is a conditional or universal statement (a universal statement that can be converted to a conditional statement) that is true because the antecedent cannot be satisfied.[1] It is sometimes said that a statement is vacuously true because it does not really say anything.[2] For example, the statement "all cell phones in the room are turned off" will be true

                                                    • AlphaDev discovers faster sorting algorithms

                                                      Impact AlphaDev discovers faster sorting algorithms Published 7 June 2023 Authors Daniel J. Mankowitz and Andrea Michi New algorithms will transform the foundations of computing Digital society is driving increasing demand for computation, and energy use. For the last five decades, we relied on improvements in hardware to keep pace. But as microchips approach their physical limits, it’s critical t

                                                        AlphaDev discovers faster sorting algorithms
                                                      • AlphaDev discovers faster sorting algorithms

                                                        Impact AlphaDev discovers faster sorting algorithms Published 7 June 2023 Authors Daniel J. Mankowitz and Andrea Michi New algorithms will transform the foundations of computing Digital society is driving increasing demand for computation, and energy use. For the last five decades, we relied on improvements in hardware to keep pace. But as microchips approach their physical limits, it’s critical t

                                                          AlphaDev discovers faster sorting algorithms
                                                        • The quest for a family-friendly password manager

                                                          With LastPass making a habit of getting pwned and generally sucking, I started to look for a proper™ cloud-based password manager that I could recommend to friends and family. Requirements A non-lame security level, by a entity that won't crash and burn in 3 months, and whose sole interest is keeping their customer's passwords safe: managing passwords can't be a side-hustle. Compromised passwords

                                                          • Artificial Intelligence Risk Management Framework (AI RMF 1.0)

                                                            NIST AI 100-1 Artificial Intelligence Risk Management Framework (AI RMF 1.0) NIST AI 100-1 Artificial Intelligence Risk Management Framework (AI RMF 1.0) This publication is available free of charge from: https://doi.org/10.6028/NIST.AI.100-1 January 2023 U.S. Department of Commerce Gina M. Raimondo, Secretary National Institute of Standards and Technology Laurie E. Locascio, NIST Director and Und

                                                            • HTML: The Programming Language

                                                              Introduction HTML, the programming language, is a practical, turing-complete[1], stack-based programming language based on HTML, the markup language. It uses elements defined in HTML, the markup language, in order to do computations. To give you a sense of what HTML, the programming langauge, looks like, below is a sample program that prints the values from 1 to 10 to standard out (console.log) A

                                                              • The Architect’s Path (Part 2 - Bookshelf)

                                                                The Architect’s Path (Part 2 - Bookshelf) Growing an architect is different from growing a system. This bookshelf will help. I help enterprises with their architecture strategy and cloud transformation journey by connecting the penthouse with the engine room. Ex-Google, Allianz, ThoughtWorks, Deloitte. Updated: November 17, 2020 Updated: Architecture Part 1 of this mini-series contemplated an arch

                                                                  The Architect’s Path (Part 2 - Bookshelf)
                                                                • haku

                                                                  Haku A toy functional programming language based on literary Japanese. Is Haku for you? Haku lets you write programs that look very much like written Japanese. So you need to be familiar with written Japanese to program in Haku. I have added translations and explanations to the documentation. Haku is an experiment, not a practical programming language. Several of its features are rather contrary.

                                                                  • GitHub - typst/typst: A new markup-based typesetting system that is powerful and easy to learn.

                                                                    Typst is a new markup-based typesetting system that is designed to be as powerful as LaTeX while being much easier to learn and use. Typst has: Built-in markup for the most common formatting tasks Flexible functions for everything else A tightly integrated scripting system Math typesetting, bibliography management, and more Fast compile times thanks to incremental compilation Friendly error messag

                                                                      GitHub - typst/typst: A new markup-based typesetting system that is powerful and easy to learn.
                                                                    • Deep Dive on Amazon ECS Cluster Auto Scaling | Amazon Web Services

                                                                      Containers Deep Dive on Amazon ECS Cluster Auto Scaling Introduction Up until recently, ensuring that the number of EC2 instances in your ECS cluster would scale as needed to accommodate your tasks and services could be challenging.  ECS clusters could not always scale out when needed, and scaling in could impact availability unless handled carefully. Sometimes, customers would resort to custom to

                                                                        Deep Dive on Amazon ECS Cluster Auto Scaling | Amazon Web Services
                                                                      • KAN: Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks

                                                                        Inspired by the Kolmogorov-Arnold representation theorem, we propose Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KANs) as promising alternatives to Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs). While MLPs have fixed activation functions on nodes ("neurons"), KANs have learnable activation functions on edges ("weights"). KANs have no linear weights at all -- every weight parameter is replaced by a univariate function parametriz

                                                                        • Deep learning and Physics

                                                                          「ディープラーニングと物理学 オンライン」とはオンラインWeb会議システムを利用したセミナーです。2023年10月より、学習物理領域セミナーと合同で開催されています。 登録する際のメールアドレスは、できるだけ大学もしくは研究機関のものをご使用ください。 ZoomのミーティングURLおよびパスワードは、先着順300名様に限り、登録されたメールアドレスに送信されます。転載・転送は控えてください。 URLが掲載されたメールは当日の朝までに送られます。 参加したい方は下記よりお申し込みください。毎回開催時に参加URLのついたアナウンスのメールを送信します。 登録フォーム (締切は前日の夜11時までとします) 解約フォームは下記でございます。 解約フォーム 参加時の表示名は「登録時の名前@登録した機関名」に設定してください。 ノイズを防ぐためのミュートへご協力ください。 DLAP世話人: 橋本幸士(

                                                                          • Best of arXiv.org for AI, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning – July 2020 - insideAI News

                                                                            Best of arXiv.org for AI, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning – July 2020 In this recurring monthly feature, we filter recent research papers appearing on the arXiv.org preprint server for compelling subjects relating to AI, machine learning and deep learning – from disciplines including statistics, mathematics and computer science – and provide you with a useful “best of” list for the past month.

                                                                              Best of arXiv.org for AI, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning – July 2020 - insideAI News
                                                                            • Laurence Tratt: Which Parsing Approach?

                                                                              We all know that parsing is an important part of designing and implementing programming languages, but it’s the equivalent of Brussels sprouts: good for the diet, but a taste that only a select few enjoy. Unfortunately, I’ve come to realise that our general distaste for parsing is problematic. While many of us think that we’ve absorbed the advances of the 1960s into our collective understanding, I

                                                                              • 🦀 Translation of the Rust's core and alloc crates | Formal Land

                                                                                We continue our work on formal verification of Rust programs with our tool coq-of-rust, to translate Rust code to the formal proof system Coq. One of the limitation we had was the handling of primitive constructs from the standard library of Rust, like Option::unwrap_or_default or all other primitive functions. For each of these functions, we had to make a Coq definition to represent its behavior.

                                                                                  🦀 Translation of the Rust's core and alloc crates | Formal Land
                                                                                • NLP Research Highlights — Issue #1

                                                                                  Welcome to the first quarterly issue of the natural language processing (NLP) Research Highlights series. The goal is to provide you with a summary and a closer look at a collection of interesting NLP research papers and topics that we recently came across. We aim to distill the important parts of each paper and to make these works more approachable to the reader. This series will also allow us to

                                                                                    NLP Research Highlights — Issue #1