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visualizationの検索結果1 - 40 件 / 80件

  • GitHub - Avicted/galaxy_visualization_raylib: 100k real ( +100k random ) galaxies from a sector. Visualized with Raylib.

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      GitHub - Avicted/galaxy_visualization_raylib: 100k real ( +100k random ) galaxies from a sector. Visualized with Raylib.
    • ライブラリ間の依存関係を銀河のように視覚化してくれるサイト「Code Galaxies Visualization」

      ライブラリはプログラミングの「よく使用される機能」を切り出してまとめたもので、さまざまなライブラリを活用することで効率的にプログラムを組み上げることが可能です。そんなライブラリも他のライブラリの機能を利用して複雑な依存関係を築いていることが多いもの。「Code Galaxies Visualization」はライブラリ間の依存関係を銀河の形に視覚化してくれるサイトです。 Code Galaxies Visualization https://anvaka.github.io/pm/ サイトにアクセスするとこんな感じ。パッケージマネージャーごとにライブラリが整理されています。試しに、ウェブアプリのパッケージマネージャー「Bower」をクリック。 たくさんの星が表示されました。右側にカメラの操作方法が記載されており、マウスとキーボードのどちらでも操作可能な模様。 星にカーソルをあわせるとライブ

        ライブラリ間の依存関係を銀河のように視覚化してくれるサイト「Code Galaxies Visualization」
      • Flitter - Data Visualization Framework

        Bringing Flutter's Brilliance to JavaScript: Google's Genius, Your Power! "Flutter: Google's UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase." "Flitter brings Flutter's elegant and efficient API design to JavaScript, supercharging your web development." "Leverage 50+ ready-to-use widgets and a powerful rendering engine for stunn

          Flitter - Data Visualization Framework
        • 大規模言語モデルの構造を3Dで視覚化してどんな計算が行われているのかを見やすく表示してくれるサイト「LLM Visualization」

          ChatGPTなどのチャットAIは、内部で多数の計算を行って文章を生成しています。「LLM Visualization」は内部でどのようなパラメーターが保存されていてどういった計算が行われているのかを3D形式で見やすく視覚化してくれるサイトとなっています。 LLM Visualization https://bbycroft.net/llm サイトにアクセスするとこんな感じ。画面の左側に解説、右側に3Dモデルが設置されています。解説の「Continue」をクリックしてみます。 解説では約8万5000パラメーターのモデル「nano-gpt」で3種類の文字を並び替えるタスクを行い、大規模言語モデル内部の計算を確認していくとのこと。スペースキーを押すことで次のセクションへと進めます。 解説の段階に応じて3Dモデルの注目するべき場所がアップになるため、どの場所の話をしているのかが分かりやすくなって

            大規模言語モデルの構造を3Dで視覚化してどんな計算が行われているのかを見やすく表示してくれるサイト「LLM Visualization」
          • LLM Visualization

            A 3D animated visualization of an LLM with a walkthrough.

            • Data Visualization Using Python

              We have seen that Python language is a powerful tool for data science and data operations, but how powerful is Python for Data visualization? One of the key responsibilities of Data scientists is to communicate results effectively with the stakeholders. This is where the power of visualization comes into play. Creating effective visualizations helps businesses identify patterns and subsequently he

                Data Visualization Using Python
              • GitHub - mipmip/inkscape-cloud-architect: Make Inkscape a professional Cloud Visualization Studio for Cloud Architects

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                  GitHub - mipmip/inkscape-cloud-architect: Make Inkscape a professional Cloud Visualization Studio for Cloud Architects
                • GitHub - mckinsey/vizro: Vizro is a toolkit for creating modular data visualization applications.

                  Rapidly self-serve the assembly of customized dashboards in minutes - without the need for advanced coding or design experience - to create flexible and scalable, Python enabled data visualization applications Use a few lines of simple configuration to create complex dashboards, which are automatically assembled utilizing libraries such as Plotly and Dash, with inbuilt coding and design best pract

                    GitHub - mckinsey/vizro: Vizro is a toolkit for creating modular data visualization applications.
                  • Dynamic visualization of high-dimensional data - Nature Computational Science

                    Thank you for visiting nature.com. You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. To obtain the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in Internet Explorer). In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles and JavaScript.

                      Dynamic visualization of high-dimensional data - Nature Computational Science
                    • GitHub - ptyadana/Data-Science-and-Machine-Learning-Projects-Dojo: collections of data science, machine learning and data visualization projects with pandas, sklearn, matplotlib, tensorflow2, Keras, various ML algorithms like random forest classifier, boo

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                        GitHub - ptyadana/Data-Science-and-Machine-Learning-Projects-Dojo: collections of data science, machine learning and data visualization projects with pandas, sklearn, matplotlib, tensorflow2, Keras, various ML algorithms like random forest classifier, boo
                      • Data Visualization with R - Syllabus

                        Instructor Dr. Andrew Heiss 55 Park Place SE, Room 464 aheiss@gsu.edu andrewheiss Schedule an appointment Course details Any day June 5–July 30, 2023 Asynchronous Anywhere Slack Course objectives Data rarely speaks for itself. On their own, the facts contained in raw data are difficult to understand, and in the absence of beauty and order, it is impossible to understand the truth that the data sho

                          Data Visualization with R - Syllabus
                        • [アップデート]Amazon Detectiveが検出結果の相関を可視化するFinding Group Visualization機能が追加されました | DevelopersIO

                          こんにちは、臼田です。 みなさん、AWSのインシデント調査してますか?(挨拶 今回は、Amazon GuardDutyで検出したインシデントの調査が捗るAmazon Detectiveに神機能が追加されたので紹介します。(ちょっと前ですが Amazon Detective がインタラクティブなセキュリティ調査を可能にするグラフの視覚化を追加 まずはコチラを見てくれ… すっごく良くないですか?これ 検出したインシデントに関連するリソースの相関をグラフで表現してくれているんです。こちらはユーザーガイドよりお借りしました。 従来、Amazon Detectiveでは検出したインシデントに関連するリソースを一覧で出したり、検索したり、ドリルダウンしたりといろんな手法で確認することはできていましたが、こうやって1つの画面で関係性を可視化することはできませんでした。 それが一発で叶うという素晴らしい機

                            [アップデート]Amazon Detectiveが検出結果の相関を可視化するFinding Group Visualization機能が追加されました | DevelopersIO
                          • High-performance tidy trees visualization

                            NaiveTidyThis article introduces the algorithm to draw non-layered trees in linear time and re-layout partially when some nodes change in O(d) time, where d is the maximum depth of the changed node. The source code is available at zxch3n/tidy. It only takes a few milliseconds to finish the layout of a tree with tens of thousands of nodes within the web browser. IntroductionLayered and non-layeredA

                            • GitHub - finos/perspective: A data visualization and analytics component, especially well-suited for large and/or streaming datasets.

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                                GitHub - finos/perspective: A data visualization and analytics component, especially well-suited for large and/or streaming datasets.
                              • 地図と可視化とコミュニティ(それと言語) / Data Visualization Japan Meetup 2022

                                データ可視化ショーケースイベント Data Visualization Japan Meetup 2022 | Peatix / https://peatix.com/event/3452708 動画: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zu5oBYY7M0Y

                                  地図と可視化とコミュニティ(それと言語) / Data Visualization Japan Meetup 2022
                                • GitHub - f5/unovis: Modular data visualization framework for React, Angular, Svelte, Vue, and vanilla TypeScript or JavaScript

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                                    GitHub - f5/unovis: Modular data visualization framework for React, Angular, Svelte, Vue, and vanilla TypeScript or JavaScript
                                  • Polaris: A System for Query, Analysis, and Visualization of Multidimensional Databases By Chris Stolte, Diane Tang, and Pat Hanrahan

                                    • CISA releases open-source 'RedEye' C2 log visualization tool

                                      The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security (CISA) agency has announced RedEye, an open-source analytic tool for operators to visualize and report command and control (C2) activity. RedEye is for both red and blue teams, providing an easy way to gauge data that leads to practical decisions. Assessing attack campaigns A joint project from CISA and DOE’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory,

                                        CISA releases open-source 'RedEye' C2 log visualization tool
                                      • GitHub - cxli233/FriendsDontLetFriends: Friends don't let friends make certain types of data visualization - What are they and why are they bad.

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                                          GitHub - cxli233/FriendsDontLetFriends: Friends don't let friends make certain types of data visualization - What are they and why are they bad.
                                        • Python tools for data visualization — PyViz 0.0.1 documentation

                                          Python tools for data visualization¶ Welcome to PyViz! The PyViz.org website is an open platform for helping users decide on the best open-source (OSS) Python data visualization tools for their purposes, with links, overviews, comparisons, and examples. Contents: Overviews of the OSS visualization packages available in Python, how they relate to each other, and the core concepts that underlie them

                                          • GitHub - AykutSarac/jsoncrack.com: ✨ Innovative and open-source visualization application that transforms various data formats, such as JSON, YAML, XML, CSV and more, into interactive graphs.

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                                              GitHub - AykutSarac/jsoncrack.com: ✨ Innovative and open-source visualization application that transforms various data formats, such as JSON, YAML, XML, CSV and more, into interactive graphs.
                                            • GitHub - pmsipilot/docker-compose-viz: Docker compose graph visualization

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                                                GitHub - pmsipilot/docker-compose-viz: Docker compose graph visualization
                                              • NASA Scientific Visualization Studio | GISTEMP Climate Spiral

                                                The GISTEMP climate spiral 1880-2021. This version is in Celsius, see below for an alternate version in Fahrenheit. The GISTEMP climate spiral 1880-2021. This version is in The GISTEMP climate spiral 1880-2021. This version is in Fahrenheit, see above for an alternate version in Celsius. The visualization presents monthly global temperature anomalies between the years 1880-2021. These temperatures

                                                • GitHub - rougier/scientific-visualization-book: An open access book on scientific visualization using python and matplotlib

                                                  Nicolas P. Rougier, Bordeaux, November 2021. The Python scientific visualisation landscape is huge. It is composed of a myriad of tools, ranging from the most versatile and widely used down to the more specialised and confidential. Some of these tools are community based while others are developed by companies. Some are made specifically for the web, others are for the desktop only, some deal with

                                                    GitHub - rougier/scientific-visualization-book: An open access book on scientific visualization using python and matplotlib
                                                  • RubyKaigi Takeout 2021 Day 3: Charty: Statistical data visualization in Ruby - Speee DEVELOPER BLOG

                                                    開発部 R&D ユニットの村田 (mrkn) です。OSSの開発をしております。 RubyKaig Takeout 2021 が始まりましたね。みなさん楽しんでますか? 私は3日目の10:30から #rubykaigiB で、"Charty: Statistical data visualization in Ruby" というタイトルでデータ可視化ライブラリ Charty について喋ります。 Charty は、Red Data Tools プロジェクトで開発している可視化ライブラリです。このライブラリの特徴は次の2点に集約されます。 テーブル形式のデータ構造を表す複数のデータ型を統一的に扱える 様々な可視化バックエンドライブラリに対応している 今回 RubyKaigi Takeout 2021 では、私が開発した Charty の統計的可視化 API について説明しています。統計的可視化

                                                      RubyKaigi Takeout 2021 Day 3: Charty: Statistical data visualization in Ruby - Speee DEVELOPER BLOG
                                                    • GitHub - krzjoa/awesome-r-dataviz: Curated resources about Data Visualization, Drawing & Publishing in R

                                                      ggrgl - 3d extension to ggplot. waffle - Make waffle (square pie) charts in R. ggridges - Geoms to make ridgeline plots with ggplot2. ggchicklet - Create Chicklet (Rounded Segmented Column) Charts. ggdendro - Tools to extract dendrogram plot data for use with ggplot. ggcorrplot - Visualization of a correlation matrix using ggplot2. [Tutorial] corrgram - A simple way to create correlograms from raw

                                                        GitHub - krzjoa/awesome-r-dataviz: Curated resources about Data Visualization, Drawing & Publishing in R
                                                      • Workshop on Visualization for AI Explainability

                                                        7th Workshop on Visualization for AI Explainability October 13, 2024 at IEEE VIS in St. Pete Beach, Florida The role of visualization in artificial intelligence (AI) gained significant attention in recent years. With the growing complexity of AI models, the critical need for understanding their inner-workings has increased. Visualization is potentially a powerful technique to fill such a critical

                                                          Workshop on Visualization for AI Explainability
                                                        • GitHub - im2nguyen/rover: Interactive Terraform visualization. State and configuration explorer.

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                                                            GitHub - im2nguyen/rover: Interactive Terraform visualization. State and configuration explorer.
                                                          • GitHub - nakabonne/gosivy: Real-time visualization tool for Go process metrics

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                                                              GitHub - nakabonne/gosivy: Real-time visualization tool for Go process metrics
                                                            • Lightning Flash 0.3 — New Tasks, Visualization Tools, Data Pipeline, and Flash Registry API

                                                              Lightning Flash is a library from the creators of PyTorch Lightning to enable quick baselining and experimentation with state-of-the-art models for popular Deep Learning tasks. We are excited to announce the release of Flash v0.3 which has been primarily focused on the design of a modular API to make it easier for developers to contribute and expand tasks. In addition to that, we have included 8 n

                                                                Lightning Flash 0.3 — New Tasks, Visualization Tools, Data Pipeline, and Flash Registry API
                                                              • GitHub - observablehq/plot: A concise API for exploratory data visualization implementing a layered grammar of graphics

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                                                                  GitHub - observablehq/plot: A concise API for exploratory data visualization implementing a layered grammar of graphics
                                                                • 可視化法学 Japanese Law Visualization

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                                                                    可視化法学 Japanese Law Visualization
                                                                  • 可視化法学 Japanese Law Visualization

                                                                    Zoom 0 0 100 Degree Threshold 0 0 0 Label Threshold 0 0 0 < Back To Home Reset

                                                                      可視化法学 Japanese Law Visualization
                                                                    • GitHub - ChartsCSS/charts.css: Open source CSS framework for data visualization.

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                                                                        GitHub - ChartsCSS/charts.css: Open source CSS framework for data visualization.
                                                                      • 地球の空を埋め尽くす人工衛星が見られる「Low Earth Orbit Visualization」が登場、Starlinkの衛星が一列に並んで飛ぶ様子も観察可能

                                                                        数万基の人工衛星を打ち上げて全世界へのインターネット提供を目指す「Starlink」が、2021年1月に143基もの衛星を1度に打ち上げて世界記録を樹立させるなど、近年宇宙開発が活発化しています。地球低軌道(LEO)を飛ぶ人工衛星やデブリのデータを収集しているスタートアップのLeoLabsが公開している「Low Earth Orbit Visualization」にアクセスすると、無数の人工衛星が頭上を飛び交っている様子が一目で分かります。 Low Earth Orbit Visualization | LeoLabs https://platform.leolabs.space/visualization 上記のサイトに公開ページにアクセスしたのが以下。記事作成時点で1万6091基の人工衛星が追跡されており、「1日前に確認された人工衛星」を示す緑色の点や、「1週間前に確認された人工衛星」

                                                                          地球の空を埋め尽くす人工衛星が見られる「Low Earth Orbit Visualization」が登場、Starlinkの衛星が一列に並んで飛ぶ様子も観察可能
                                                                        • 10 Years of Open-Source Visualization

                                                                          Visualization toolmaker. Founder @observablehq. Creator @d3. Former @nytgraphics. Pronounced BOSS-tock.

                                                                            10 Years of Open-Source Visualization
                                                                          • OpenCelliD Visualization

                                                                            OpenCelliD is the world's largest open database of cell towers with a license CC BY-SA 4.0 Data has full world coverage and freely available for download. This tabular data[1] has ~40 million rows and 6 columns in it but only 3 columns (latitude, longitude, and type) are used in this visualization. [1] Structure of input data. Above table data is read line by line and grouped by their location inf

                                                                              OpenCelliD Visualization
                                                                            • Source Map Visualization

                                                                              This is a visualization of JavaScript/CSS source map data, which is useful for debugging problems with generated source maps. It's designed to be high-performance so it doesn't fall over with huge source maps. Drag and drop some files here or Upload files to get started. You can either drop a single JavaScript/CSS file with an inline source map comment, or a JavaScript/CSS file and a separate sour

                                                                              • Pandas DataFrame Visualization Tools - Practical Business Python

                                                                                Introduction I have talked quite a bit about how pandas is a great alternative to Excel for many tasks. One of Excel’s benefits is that it offers an intuitive and powerful graphical interface for viewing your data. In contrast, pandas + a Jupyter notebook offers a lot of programmatic power but limited abilities to graphically display and manipulate a DataFrame view. There are several tools in the

                                                                                  Pandas DataFrame Visualization Tools - Practical Business Python
                                                                                • Source Map Visualization

                                                                                  This is a visualization of JavaScript/CSS source map data, which is useful for debugging problems with generated source maps. It's designed to be high-performance so it doesn't fall over with huge source maps. Drag and drop some files here or Upload files to get started. You can either drop a single JavaScript/CSS file with an inline source map comment, or a JavaScript/CSS file and a separate sour