
ブックマーク / chadfowler.com (1)

  • Trash Your Servers and Burn Your Code: Immutable Infrastructure and Disposable Components - Chad Fowler

    As a developer and sometimes system administrator, one of the scariest things I ever encounter is a server that’s been running for ages which has seen multiple upgrades of system and application software. Why? Because an old system inevitably grows warts. They start as one-time hacks during outages. A quick edit to a config file saves the day. “We’ll put it back into Chef later,” we say, as we fin

    MIZZY 2013/10/26
    Trash Your Servers and Burn Your Code: Immutable Infrastructure and Disposable Components As a developer and sometimes system adminstrator, one of the scariest things I ever encounter is a server that’s been running for ages which has seen multiple upgrades of system and… from: on Readability: h
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