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<departmental bulletin paper> Cancel Culture and Freedom of Expression Creator
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<departmental bulletin paper> Introducing a Project Management Tool in Kyushu University Library Creator
九州大学附属図書館eリソース課システム企画係 System Planning Section, Electronic Resources Management Division, Kyushu University Library
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How does Article Deposition in Institutional Repositories Affect both Citations and E-journal Usage
Between Dec. 23, 2024 and Jan. 3, 2025, eCommons staff will not be available to answer email and will not be able to provide DOIs until after Jan. 6. If you need a DOI for a dataset during this period, consider Dryad or OpenICPSR. If you need support submitting material before the winter break, please contact us by Thursday, Dec. 19 at noon. Thank you!
"Hans A. Bethe, who discovered the violent reactions behind sunlight helped devise the atom bomb and eventually cried out against the military excesses of the cold war, died late Sunday. He was 98, among the last of the giants who inaugurated the nuclear age." William J. Broad, New York Times, March 8, 2005. Remembering Hans Bethe makes available a collection of more than five and one half hours o
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