
ブックマーク / medium.com (14)

  • Introducing Hyperapp 1.0 🎉

    Today, I’m excited to announce Hyperapp 1.0! This milestone means the API has reached stability and the churn is finally over. It took us almost a year to arrive at the current API and while it will never be perfect, done is better than perfect and I am extremely pleased with the result. Thank you, everyone, for contributing your time, your feedback, and your code to Hyperapp! ❤️ What is Hyperapp?

    Introducing Hyperapp 1.0 🎉
    mosco-mule 2018/11/12
    Introducing Hyperapp 1.0 ?? Today, I’m excited to announce Hyperapp 1.0! The 1.0 milestone means the API has reached stability and that the churn is finally over. It took us almost a year to arrive at the current API and while it will never be perfect, done is better than perfect and I am extreme
  • リファクタリングをいつ、どのようにやるか

    コードから不吉なにおいがしてきたなーと思うことはよくあるだろう。リファクタリングの機運かもしれないし、YAGNI原則を思い出して踏ん張るときかもしれない。では、いつリファクタリングをやるべきか、どのようにコードを整理していくべきだろうか? リファクタリングには方針が必要リファクタリングの目的は、コードの拡張性を高めることだ。ここではそういうことにしよう。Open-Closed原則に従うように、凝集度を高め、結合度を低くするようにやっていけばいい。つまり、何か既存機能を変更するときはたった1箇所だけの変更で済むとか、もしくは新しい機能を足すときには既存機能を触らないで済むとか、そういう状態であれば比較的マシなコードになりえるよねっていうことです。 では、あらゆる変更に対してOpen-Closedであることはできるのか?おそらくそれは難しい思う。なので僕らは、経験的に「どの辺に変更が入りそうで

    mosco-mule 2018/11/12
    リファクタリングをいつ、どのようにやるか コードから不吉なにおいがしてきたなーと思うことはよくあるだろう。リファクタリングの機運かもしれないし、YAGNI原則を思い出して踏ん張るときかもしれない。では、いつリ
  • Design Portfolio: Development. After deciding on a visual style for my… | by John Jordan | Medium

    mosco-mule 2018/11/12
    Design Portfolio: Development I’ve been quite busy the last week and I’ve struggled to find the time to develop — and write about developing! — my design portfolio. As discussed last week, I have a simple goal for the site: to showcase the design work that I want to be doing. Tags: f
  • Redesigning Chrome Desktop

    In the beginning of September 2016, the new Chrome Core UI redesign, or so called “Chrome MD” (for Material design), rolled out on Windows as part of our 53rd update. It is the last step of a three phase deployment of the new design,which started in 51 with Chrome OS and Linux, followed by macOS in 52. Windows is the culmination of that process and while Chrome is never finished, it felt to me lik

    Redesigning Chrome Desktop
    mosco-mule 2017/12/06
    Redesigning Chrome desktop In the beginning of this month of September, the new Chrome Core UI redesign, or so called “Chrome MD” (for Material design), rolled out on Windows as part of our 53rd update. Tags: 45 minutes from Pocket September 24, 2016 at 02:57PM
  • Forget the Click Bait. Here’s What the JavaScript Job Market Really Looks Like.

    Today, Mashable released a click-baity article about the software developer job market called “To be a star programmer in 2016, learn Javascript and move to Utah”. It paints a very misleading picture. Let’s set a few things straight. It’s a candidate’s market, and that won’t change in the foreseeable future. A little background. I’m a software developer. For the past several years, I have done a l

    Forget the Click Bait. Here’s What the JavaScript Job Market Really Looks Like.
    mosco-mule 2015/12/19
  • Become A Morning Person in 7 Easy Steps

    I noticed virtually all the Productivity posts on here are tips about how to do mornings. Here are mine! Drink lots of water. It is hard to sleep when you are thirsty. Same for hunger and food.Give up on work once it gets dark out. Tell yourself you can do everything tomorrow. Go to bed.When you next wake up, immediately start worrying about something. Ideally it’s something objectively serious, b

    Become A Morning Person in 7 Easy Steps
    mosco-mule 2015/12/18
  • 52 things I learned in 2015

    This year I got an amazing new job (at Magnetic) and continue to be surprised by the number of things still to be learned in the world. $8 pizza tastes 11% better than $4 pizza, even when the pizza is the same. [Bourree Lam]In 1990, more than 12 million children died before the age of 5. In 2015, that number will fall to 5.9 million. [Nicholas Kristof]18th Century books looked almost exactly like

    52 things I learned in 2015
  • Must See JavaScript Dev Tools That Put Other Dev Tools to Shame

    JavaScript sucks for large apps because it can’t even identify the type of a variable, and it sucks for refactoring.” ~ lots of very confused people When I got into JavaScript, there was only one browser that mattered: NetScape. It dominated completely until Microsoft started shipping IE with the OS. In those days, the argument that JavaScript’s developer tools were weak was actually true. But it

    Must See JavaScript Dev Tools That Put Other Dev Tools to Shame
    mosco-mule 2015/12/12
  • How do you judge a Javascript programmer by only 5 questions?

    I was recently asked this on Quora, and here are my answers. Please note -these questions only indicate if someone knows JavaScript, it does not assert their general programming knowlege. Also, these are hard. If you cannot answer all five, it doesn’t mean that you’re bad at JavaScriptit only means that you’re not awesome … yet. Can you talk about apply, please? This is a bit of a factoid, so t

    mosco-mule 2015/10/16
    How do you judge a Javascript programmer by only 5 questions? I was recently asked this on Quora, and here are my answers. Please note -these questions only indicate if someone knows JavaScript, it does not assert their general programming knowlege. Also, these are hard. Tags: from Pocket May 16, 20
  • JavaScript Scene Tech Survey Results

    This summer, JavaScript Scene conducted a JavaScript tech survey via social media over the course of a few days. Just under 800 people participated. Respondents are all engaged in JavaScript discussions on social media including Twitter, Facebook, and Google+. Most of the respondents came from Twitter. As promised, here are the results: React is RisingAlmost half (45%) currently use Angular, and m

    JavaScript Scene Tech Survey Results
    mosco-mule 2015/10/15
    JavaScript SceneTech Survey Results This summer, JavaScript Scene conducted a JavaScript tech survey via social media over the course of a few days. Just under 800 people participated. Respondents are all engaged in JavaScript discussions on social media including Twitter, Facebook, and Google+. Tag
  • Introducing Incremental DOM

    Over the last few years virtual DOM implementations like React, virtual-dom, Glimmer and others have gained major adoption and changed how developers think about their interaction with the DOM. In our own work with virtual DOM implementations we have found 2 major issues that we set out to fix: We really like templates. Our designers like templates. Lets make sure we can continue to use our existi

    mosco-mule 2015/10/15
    Introducing Incremental DOM — Google Developers — Medium Over the last few years virtual DOM implementations like React, virtual-dom, Glimmer and others have gained major adoption and changed how developers think about their interaction with the DOM. Incremental DOM is our work-in-progress solut
  • 本当は教えたくないイケてるアイコン素材集サイト「FLAT ICON DESIGN」がすごい

    パワーポイント等で資料を作ることがあるのですが、自分でも「もうちょっといけてる感じにならないかな」と思うことがあります。 そんなときに頼りになるのがアイコン素材集サイト。今回はその中でも、当は誰にも教えたくないイケてるサイトをご紹介します。 FLAT ICON DESIGN FLAT ICON DESIGNのなにがイケてるかって、 アイコンのデザインの質が高いアイコンの数・種類が多いタグで探せるサイズや拡張子を選択できる背景有無など1つのアイコンに複数のバリエーションがあるアイコンにしっかりした説明文が書いてある商用利用無料という感じ。すごいです。 ここのアイコンを資料に少し入れるだけで、それっぽくすることができます。 最近ちょこちょこ使うアイコンをご紹介します。 imac風のデスクトップPCimac風のデスクトップPCイラストアイコン素材です。最近ではWEBページはレスポンシブルデザ

    本当は教えたくないイケてるアイコン素材集サイト「FLAT ICON DESIGN」がすごい
    mosco-mule 2015/10/15
    本当は教えたくないイケてるアイコン素材集サイト「FLAT ICON DESIGN」がすごい パワーポイント等で資料を作ることがあるのですが、自分でも「もうちょっといけてる感じにならないかな」と思うことがあります。 Tags: from Pock
  • Common Misconceptions About Inheritance in JavaScript

    WAT? [wat] — interjection: A sound a programmer makes when something violates the principle of least astonishment by astonishing them with counter-intuitive behavior. > .1 + .2 0.30000000000000004 > WAT? OMG! STFU! STUPID JAVASCRIPT!!! …Also, WAT? is the sound I make when I talk to many seasoned JavaScript developers who have neglected to learn the basic mechanics of prototypal inheritance: one of

    Common Misconceptions About Inheritance in JavaScript
    mosco-mule 2015/04/26
    Common Misconceptions About Inheritance in JavaScript Also, WAT? is the sound I make when I talk to many seasoned JavaScript developers who have neglected to learn the basic mechanics of prototypal inheritance: one of the most important innovations in CS history, and one of the Two Pillars of JavaSc
  • Auto-formatting JavaScript Code Style

    Today, we’re going to look at the powerful new auto-formatting feature in JSCS for automatically applying style guide rules in our scripts. This has been in-development for some time and is in my view, a game changer. JSCSIn a number of the OSS projects we hack on at Google, we love using JSCS for linting JS against rules in our style guide. JSCS excels at catching style issues like mixing spaces

    Auto-formatting JavaScript Code Style
    mosco-mule 2015/04/05
    Auto-formatting JavaScript Code Style Today, we’re going to look at the powerful new auto-formatting feature in JSCS for automatically applying style guide rules in our scripts. This has been in-development for some time and is in my view, a game changer. Tags: from Pocket April 01, 2015 at 08:39P
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