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1 - 40 件 / 55件

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court caseの検索結果1 - 40 件 / 55件

  • Exclusive interview: ICC prosecutor seeks arrest warrants against Sinwar and Netanyahu for war crimes over October 7 attack and Gaza | CNN

    Khan said the charges against Sinwar, Haniyeh and al-Masri include “extermination, murder, taking of hostages, rape and sexual assault in detention.” “The world was shocked on the 7th of October when people were ripped from their bedrooms, from their homes, from the different kibbutzim in Israel,” Khan told Amanpour, adding that “people have suffered enormously.” Hamas-led militants killed around

      Exclusive interview: ICC prosecutor seeks arrest warrants against Sinwar and Netanyahu for war crimes over October 7 attack and Gaza | CNN
    • 写真を反転した絵で展覧会に入賞した作品をめぐる裁判で二審は写真家勝訴の判決

      ルクセンブルク政府主催の展覧会で入賞した作品が、写真を反転してアレンジしたものだったことがわかり、写真家が作品を制作した美術学生を著作権侵害で訴えています。2022年12月の第一審判決は「写真の独創性が不十分だった」として写真家の訴えを退けるものでしたが、2024年5月、著作権侵害を認める判決が第二審で下りました。 RTL Today - Legal blow for Luxembourg painter: Court rules in favour of US photographer in plagiarism lawsuit against Jeff Dieschburg https://today.rtl.lu/news/luxembourg/a/2193723.html Luxembourg Copyright Case Against Jeff Dieschburg - Jin

      • How Far Trump Would Go

        The former President, at Mar-a-Lago on April 12, is rallying the right at home and seeking common cause with autocratic leaders abroad.Photograph by Philip Montgomery for TIME Donald Trump thinks he’s identified a crucial mistake of his first term: He was too nice. We’ve been talking for more than an hour on April 12 at his fever-dream palace in Palm Beach. Aides lurk around the perimeter of a gil

          How Far Trump Would Go
        • The Beautiful Dissociation of the Japanese Language

          When I tell people around the world that I've been living in Japan for over a decade, many look both impressed and mystified at once. The place has a good reputation. Some folks are in awe at the temples and the gardens, others at the nature or the food. The extreme tidiness and civility of the local culture are the target of universal admiration. But many of those same people see the local langua

            The Beautiful Dissociation of the Japanese Language
          • Sex offender banned from using AI tools in landmark UK case

            A sex offender convicted of making more than 1,000 indecent images of children has been banned from using any “AI creating tools” for the next five years in the first known case of its kind. Anthony Dover, 48, was ordered by a UK court “not to use, visit or access” artificial intelligence generation tools without the prior permission of police as a condition of a sexual harm prevention order impos

              Sex offender banned from using AI tools in landmark UK case
            • Japanese-Language Translator Charged in Complaint with Illegally Transferring More Than $16 Million from Baseball Player’s Account

              LOS ANGELES – A Japanese-language translator was charged today via federal criminal complaint with unlawfully transferring more than $16 million from a Major League Baseball (MLB) player’s bank account – without the player’s knowledge or permission – to pay off his own substantial gambling debts incurred with an illegal bookmaking operation. Ippei Mizuhara, 39, of Newport Beach, is charged with ba

              • USA v Mizuhara COMPLAINT

                USA v Mizuhara COMPLAINT Contributed by Meghann M. Cuniff AO 91 (Rev. 11/11) Criminal Complaint(Rev. by USAO on 3/12/20) (cid:1798) Original (cid:1798)Duplicate Original UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for the Central District of California United States ofAmerica v. Defendant(s) Case No. CRIMINAL COMPLAINT BY TELEPHONE OR OTHER RELIABLE ELECTRONIC MEANS I, the complainant in this case, state that th

                  USA v Mizuhara COMPLAINT
                • In Landmark Climate Ruling, European Court Faults Switzerland

                  Europe’s top human rights court said on Tuesday that the Swiss government had violated its citizens’ human rights by not doing enough to stop climate change, a landmark ruling that experts said could bolster activists hoping to use human rights law to hold governments to account. In the case, which was brought by a group called KlimaSeniorinnen, or Senior Women for Climate Protection, the European

                    In Landmark Climate Ruling, European Court Faults Switzerland
                  • まとめ「中国:AI生成画像の著作権侵害を認めた初の判決~その概要と文化庁「考え方」との比較~」 : 企業法務ナビ

                    中国:AI生成画像の著作権侵害を認めた初の判決~その概要と文化庁「考え方」との比較~ 2024/04/03   海外法務, 知財・ライセンス, 中国法 1.  はじめに 近時, Chat GPT, Midjourney等, 生成AIの驚異的性能が注目されるとともに, 生成AIに関する法的問題[2]の一つとして, 生成AIにより他人著作物の類似物が生成された場合に著作権侵害が認められるかの問題が世界的に議論されている。例えば, 日本においても, 政府の文化審議会著作権分科会法制度小委員会の「AI と著作権に関する考え方について」(2024年3月15日)(以下「考え方」) [3]にこの問題の検討結果が示されている。 この問題に関し, 中国では, 本年(2024年) 2月8日に, 広州インターネット法院が, 画像生成AIにより生成された画像について, 生成AIサービスの提供事業者による著作権侵害

                      まとめ「中国:AI生成画像の著作権侵害を認めた初の判決~その概要と文化庁「考え方」との比較~」 : 企業法務ナビ
                    • Ohtani's interpreter fired, 'massive theft' alleged

                      Tisha Thompson: 'Lot of questions' still about Ohtani's involvement (3:38)ESPN investigative reporter Tisha Thompson says there are still lots of questions surrounding Shohei Ohtani's possible involvement in the wire transfers that led to his interpreter being fired. (3:38) The Los Angeles Dodgers interpreter for Shohei Ohtani was fired Wednesday afternoon after questions surrounding at least $4.5

                        Ohtani's interpreter fired, 'massive theft' alleged
                      • Ohtani's interpreter fired, 'massive theft' alleged

                        Close Tisha Thompson is an investigative reporter for ESPN based in Washington, D.C. Her work appears on all platforms, both domestically and internationally. The Los Angeles Dodgers interpreter for Shohei Ohtani was fired Wednesday afternoon after questions surrounding at least $4.5 million in wire transfers sent from Ohtani's bank account to a bookmaking operation set off a series of events. Ipp

                          Ohtani's interpreter fired, 'massive theft' alleged
                        • Claude 3 Haiku: our fastest model yet

                          Today we’re releasing Claude 3 Haiku, the fastest and most affordable model in its intelligence class. With state-of-the-art vision capabilities and strong performance on industry benchmarks, Haiku is a versatile solution for a wide range of enterprise applications. The model is now available alongside Sonnet and Opus in the Claude API and on claude.ai for our Claude Pro subscribers. Speed is esse

                            Claude 3 Haiku: our fastest model yet
                          • Lessons from the iSOON Leaks

                            Introduction A Chinese Ministry of Public Security (MPS) contractor called iSOON (also known as Anxun Information) that specializes in network penetration research and related services has had its data leaked to GitHub.Based on the level of detail, leaked chat logs, amount of data, and corroboration from overlaps indicators of compromise (IOCs), there is a high level of confidence it is legit.Prel

                              Lessons from the iSOON Leaks
                            • 「神が人間を創造したので凍結胚も完全な人格権を有する子どもである」と裁判所が認定、人工授精で余った胚を壊すとその死に責任が生じる可能性も

                              不妊治療の一環として行われる人工授精では、卵子と精子を体外で受精させる体外受精で胚を作り出し、この胚を子宮内に戻して妊娠を試み、使用されなかった胚の一部は破棄されます。ところが、「体外受精で作られた凍結胚は『子ども』であり、完全な人格権がある」とアメリカのアラバマ州最高裁判所が判決を下したことで、今後の不妊治療が停滞する危険性があると報じられています。 Decision - SUPREME COURT OF ALABAMA OCTOBER TERM, 2023-2024 SC-2022-0515.pdf (PDFファイル)https://publicportal-api.alappeals.gov/courts/68f021c4-6a44-4735-9a76-5360b2e8af13/cms/case/343d203a-b13d-463a-8176-c46e3ae4f695/dockete

                              • Why The New York Times might win its copyright lawsuit against OpenAI

                                The day after The New York Times sued OpenAI for copyright infringement, the author and systems architect Daniel Jeffries wrote an essay-length tweet arguing that the Times “has a near zero probability of winning” its lawsuit. As we write this, it has been retweeted 288 times and received 885,000 views. “Trying to get everyone to license training data is not going to work because that's not what c

                                  Why The New York Times might win its copyright lawsuit against OpenAI
                                • メッセージアプリのバックドア義務化は政府の監視を強化し人権侵害につながると欧州人権裁判所が判断

                                  欧州人権裁判所が「政府がメッセージアプリ開発者に対してのエンドツーエンド暗号化の解除を可能とする仕組みの導入を求めることは人権侵害に値する」という判決を下しました。 CASE OF PODCHASOV v. RUSSIA https://hudoc.echr.coe.int/eng/?i=001-230854 European Court of Human Rights bans weakening of secure end-to-end encryption – the end of EU‘s chat control CSAR mass surveillance plans? – Patrick Breyer https://www.patrick-breyer.de/en/european-court-of-human-rights-bans-weakening-of-secure

                                  • イスラエルでなく米覇権を潰すガザ戦争

                                    2024年2月8日 田中 宇 国連の国際司法裁判所(ICJ)が1月26日、イスラエルがガザ戦争で、人道犯罪を禁止したジェノサイド条約に違反する虐殺行為=人道犯罪を犯したと認定する判決を出した。ICJは、イスラエルに対してガザでの即時停戦を命じた。 (Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip) (Summary of the Order of 26 January 2024 (判決要旨)) この判決により、イスラエルは正式に「人道犯罪国」になった。日独と同じ「極悪」な国になった。イスラエルは日独みたいに、世界に向かって永久に「土下座」と「反省」を強要される国になった、はずだ。パレスチナ人の大勝利、なはずだった。 (International Court Says Israel Has Likely

                                    • トランプ氏の免責特権認めず、20年の大統領選巡り-連邦高裁

                                      トランプ前米大統領が2020年大統領選の結果を覆そうとしたとして起訴された事件を巡り、ワシントンの連邦高裁は大統領在任中の行動に対して刑事責任は問えないとするトランプ氏側の免責特権適用の訴えを退けた。11月の大統領選挙の前に公判が開かれる可能性が高まった。 今回の判断は、高裁の判事3人の全会一致だった。トランプ氏は、20年大統領選の結果を覆そうと共謀したとしてスミス特別検察官に起訴された。 判決は「大統領は犯罪に関して無制限の権力を有するとのトランプ氏の主張を受け入れることはできない。行政権限に対する最も根本的なチェック機能を無効にするものだ」と指摘した。 24年大統領選の共和党候補指名争いで先頭を走るトランプ氏は、選挙運動中に犯罪行為で刑事裁判を受ける初の有力候補者となる可能性がある。 トランプ氏の選対本部のスポークスマン、スティーブン・チェン氏は声明で、憲法違反などを理由にトランプ氏が

                                      • Japanese trading giant Itochu to cut ties with Israeli defense firm over Gaza war | CNN Business

                                        One of Japan’s biggest trading firms, Itochu, has decided to end its partnership with a major Israeli defense company due to the war in Gaza. The sprawling conglomerate, best known outside Japan for its Family Mart chain of convenience stores, said its aviation unit will cut ties with Elbit Systems, which bills itself as Israel’s largest defense contractor, by the end of February. The decision was

                                          Japanese trading giant Itochu to cut ties with Israeli defense firm over Gaza war | CNN Business
                                        • 理由もなくInstagramアカウントを削除されたカフェのオーナーが自ら代理人として出廷してMetaに法廷闘争で勝利

                                          近年は飲食店やカフェの宣伝をする上でSNSを活用することの重要性が高まっていますが、何らかの理由でSNSアカウントを削除されてしまうと、店舗の経営に大きな打撃となってしまいます。何の理由もなくInstagramアカウントを削除されてしまったカフェのオーナーが、自ら代理人として法廷に出廷して大企業であるMetaに勝利した事例が、アメリカ・ニューハンプシャー州のローカルメディアであるSeacoastonlineで取り上げられています。 Teatotaller cafe owner wins Instagram case in court https://www.seacoastonline.com/story/news/2024/01/26/teatotaller-cafe-owner-wins-instagram-case-nh-supreme-court/72345276007/ エメット

                                          • Apple対Epic Games訴訟の審理を連邦最高裁が拒否、Appleのほぼ勝訴が確定も「App Store外の決済システム」を認める必要あり

                                            AppleとEpic Gamesが長年にわたって争ってきたApp Storeの反競争的規約に関する訴訟で、アメリカの連邦最高裁判所が、両社からの個別の上告請求に対する審理を2024年1月16日付けで拒否しました。これによってAppleに有利な控訴審判決が確定しました。 Order List (01/16/2024) - 011624zor_e1pf.pdf (PDFファイル)https://www.supremecourt.gov/orders/courtorders/011624zor_e1pf.pdf US Supreme Court Declines to Hear Apple vs. Epic Games Case - MacRumors https://www.macrumors.com/2024/01/16/supreme-court-declines-to-hear-appl

                                              Apple対Epic Games訴訟の審理を連邦最高裁が拒否、Appleのほぼ勝訴が確定も「App Store外の決済システム」を認める必要あり
                                            • Happy New Year: GPT in 500 lines of SQL - EXPLAIN EXTENDED

                                              Translations: Russian This year, the talk of the town was AI and how it can do everything for you. I like it when someone or something does everything for me. To this end, I decided to ask ChatGPT to write my New Year's post: "Hey ChatGPT. Can you implement a large language model in SQL?" "No, SQL is not suitable for implementing large language models. SQL is a language for managing and querying d

                                                Happy New Year: GPT in 500 lines of SQL - EXPLAIN EXTENDED
                                              • The Curious Case of MD5

                                                Comments on Hacker News | Average reading time: 11 minutes. Recently I came across a puzzling fact: the International Criminal Court hashes electronic evidence with MD51. What’s wrong with that? Well, MD5 is badly broken. So broken that experts have been saying for over a decade that “no one should be using MD5 anymore.” Given the wide variety of better alternatives, using MD5 today makes no sense

                                                  The Curious Case of MD5
                                                • Jeffrey Epstein: Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton named in court files

                                                  The UK's Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton are among high-profile figures named in US court papers detailing connections of late sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. The newly released records form part of a case against Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein's girlfriend who has been jailed for helping him abuse girls.

                                                    Jeffrey Epstein: Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton named in court files
                                                  • How bad are search results? Let's compare Google, Bing, Marginalia, Kagi, Mwmbl, and ChatGPT

                                                    Marginalia does relatively well by sometimes providing decent but not great answers and then providing no answers or very obviously irrelevant answers to the questions it can't answer, with a relatively low rate of scams, lower than any other search engine (although, for these queries, ChatGPT returns zero scams and Marginalia returns some). Interestingly, Mwmbl lets users directly edit search res

                                                    • AIは特許の発明者とは認められないとイギリス最高裁が結論

                                                      人工知能(AI)は特許権を有する発明者として法的に名乗ることはできない、とイギリス最高裁判所が判決を下しました。最高裁は「現行法の下で特許を申請するには、発明者は人でなければならない」との見解を示しています。 Thaler (Appellant) v Comptroller-General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks (Respondent) - uksc-2021-0201-judgment.pdf (PDFファイル)https://www.supremecourt.uk/cases/docs/uksc-2021-0201-judgment.pdf AI cannot be named as patent ‘inventor’, UK supreme court rules | Artificial intelligence (AI) | Th

                                                      • The Best Anime Series of 2023

                                                        Like many segments of the entertainment industry, this year in anime was defined by an abundance of excellent works that came into being despite an array of labor issues. But unlike the American film and television industry, where creatives got a well-deserved happy ending in tentative new union contracts, 2023 signaled the continuation of brutal trends for those who create anime. Many series expe

                                                          The Best Anime Series of 2023
                                                        • Why We're Dropping Basecamp - Duke University Libraries Blogs

                                                          We at Duke University Libraries have decided to stop using the project management platform, Basecamp, to which we have subscribed for almost a decade. We came to this decision after weighing the level of its use in our organization, which is considerable, against the harms that we see perpetuated by the leadership of Basecamp’s parent company, 37signals. As a result of our discussions, we will not

                                                            Why We're Dropping Basecamp - Duke University Libraries Blogs
                                                          • 生成AI(Stable Diffusion)による生成画像の著作物性を認めた北京インターネット裁判所判決の日本語訳(仮)|ジャック

                                                            2023年12月1日に中国は北京インターネット裁判所が下した判決は、生成AIによる生成画像の著作物性を認めたものとして話題になりました。 Chinse AIGC images copyright infringement first case judgment!Recognition of copyright! Beijing Internet Court made a first-instance judgment on the copyright infringement dispute of AI-generated pictures (AIArt)! pic.twitter.com/uWIYXL5wBQ — 青龍聖者@ひぐらしのなく頃に 鑑賞勢 (@bdsqlsz) November 29, 2023 AIを使って生成した画像をSNSで無断使用されたとして提起された事件で、北京イン

                                                              生成AI(Stable Diffusion)による生成画像の著作物性を認めた北京インターネット裁判所判決の日本語訳(仮)|ジャック
                                                            • スウェーデンモデルが危ない! - hamachanブログ(EU労働法政策雑記帳)

                                                              スウェーデンで大騒ぎになっているテスラのストライキですが、テスラ相手にストライキを打ってる最大労組IFメタルのニルソン会長がフィナンシャルタイムズに登場して、誉れあるスウェーデンモデルを守れ!と訴えています。 Union chief warns of Tesla threat to Sweden’s model Marie Nilsson, the head of the IF Metall union behind the strike against Tesla, told the Financial Times that the famed Swedish model — developed in the 1930s — was at the heart of the country’s prosperity, with employers and unions taking joi

                                                                スウェーデンモデルが危ない! - hamachanブログ(EU労働法政策雑記帳)
                                                              • At SpaceX, worker injuries soar in Elon Musk’s rush to Mars

                                                                Reuters documented at least 600 previously unreported workplace injuries at Musk’s rocket company: crushed limbs, amputations, electrocutions, head and eye wounds and one death. SpaceX employees say they’re paying the price for the billionaire’s push to colonize space at breakneck speed. One windy night at Elon Musk’s SpaceX facility in McGregor, Texas, Lonnie LeBlanc and his co-workers realized t

                                                                  At SpaceX, worker injuries soar in Elon Musk’s rush to Mars
                                                                • A24: The Rise of a Cultural Conglomerate | The Generalist

                                                                  Even with big ambitions, only a small percentage of startups make it. Mercury Raise is here to change that. Introducing the comprehensive founder success platform built to remove roadblocks at every step of the startup journey. Looking to fundraise? Get your pitch in front of hundreds of the right investors with Investor Connect. Craving the company of people who get it? Join our Slack community o

                                                                    A24: The Rise of a Cultural Conglomerate | The Generalist
                                                                  • Getting a "Spouse of Japanese National" Visa

                                                                    If you’re planning to marry or are already married to a Japanese citizen and looking for information about getting a Japanese Spouse Visa or a Japanese marriage visa, you have come to the right place! Please note that this article is about the spouse visa of a Japanese national and not for a dependent spouse visa if the spouse is not a Japanese citizen. What is the Spouse Visa of a Japanese Nation

                                                                      Getting a "Spouse of Japanese National" Visa
                                                                    • In Agile, Where Change is Valued, Why Is a Stable Team So Important?

                                                                      A stable team is one in which team membership doesn’t change often and, instead, is consistent over time. Why should we care? Isn’t Scrum like basketball where you can change the players on the court anytime there is an interruption? Let’s find out… High-performing teams —or teams that gets stuff done with insanely high quality— is the goal of many who arrive in Scrum expecting to get amazing perf

                                                                      • From the river to the sea - Wikipedia

                                                                        Map showing Israel and the Palestinian Territories as outlined by the Oslo Accords. The Jordan River is on the right, and the Mediterranean Sea is on the left. "From the river to the sea" (Arabic: من النهر إلى البحر, romanized: min an-nahr ʾilā l-baḥr; Palestinian Arabic: من المية للمية, romanized: min il-ṃayye la-l-ṃayye, lit. 'from the water to the water')[1][2] is a political phrase that refers

                                                                          From the river to the sea - Wikipedia
                                                                        • The Bizarre Story Behind Shinzo Abe’s Assassination - The Atlantic

                                                                          This article was featured in One Story to Read Today, a newsletter in which our editors recommend a single must-read from The Atlantic, Monday through Friday. Sign up for it here. On the last morning of his life, Shinzo Abe arrived in the Japanese city of Nara, famous for its ancient pagodas and sacred deer. His destination was more prosaic: a broad urban intersection across from the city’s main t

                                                                            The Bizarre Story Behind Shinzo Abe’s Assassination - The Atlantic
                                                                          • 12年ぶりのシンガポール大統領選挙: 新大統領の妻は日系人 - 今日もシンガポールまみれ

                                                                            うにうに @ シンガポールウォッチャーです。シンガポールで12年ぶりに大統領選挙が実施され、ターマン・シャンムガラトナム氏が70.4%の得票で第九代大統領に当選しました。投票率は93%でした。国民の3/4が中華系を占めるシンガポールで、「国民の直接選挙になってから初の中華系でない大統領の選出」となります。 ターマン氏: 選挙ビラ前回の大統領選については、こちらを参照ください。 uniunichan.hatenablog.com ターマン氏の圧倒的人気 ターマン氏が「大統領選に出馬」と聞いた時に、「これで決まり」と大半の現地民は思ったはずです。それぐらい人気のある政治家です。シンガポールで大統領は儀礼的な役割が大半で、実際の権限は首相が持ちます。そのターマン氏が首相後継に選ばれなかったのは、 現首相から5歳しか若返らえない マイノリティであるインド系 が理由とされています。 1は決定的で妥当

                                                                              12年ぶりのシンガポール大統領選挙: 新大統領の妻は日系人 - 今日もシンガポールまみれ
                                                                            • Reaching the Unix Philosophy's Logical Extreme with Webassembly - Xe Iaso

                                                                              Reaching the Unix Philosophy's Logical Extreme with Webassembly YouTube link (please let me know if the iframe doesn't work for you) Good morning Berlin! How're you doing this fine morning? I'm Xe and today I'm gonna talk about something that I'm really excited about: WebAssembly. WebAssembly is a compiler target for an imaginary CPU that your phones, tablets, laptops, gaming towers and even watch

                                                                              • AI-Created Art Isn’t Copyrightable, Judge Says in Ruling That Could Give Hollywood Studios Pause

                                                                                The opinion stressed, “Human authorship is a bedrock requirement.” The push for protection of works created by AI has been spearheaded by Thaler, chief executive of neural network firm Imagination Engines. In 2018, he listed an AI system, the Creativity Machine, as the sole creator of an artwork called A Recent Entrance to Paradise, which was described as “autonomously created by a computer algori

                                                                                  AI-Created Art Isn’t Copyrightable, Judge Says in Ruling That Could Give Hollywood Studios Pause
                                                                                • Cocaine cartels encroach on Unification Church’s Paraguayan paradise

                                                                                  The South Korean religious organization founded by self-proclaimed messiah Sun Myung Moon bought a remote piece of land in Paraguay about a quarter century ago, hoping to create an oasis for followers. Now the area is a hub for global drug trafficking. PUERTO CASADO, Paraguay Early one morning in July of last year, about 30 Paraguayan anti-narcotics officers flew into a vast wooded wilderness know

                                                                                    Cocaine cartels encroach on Unification Church’s Paraguayan paradise