
proxyに関するpcodのブックマーク (4)

  • Apache Traffic Server

    Apache Traffic Server™ software is a fast, scalable and extensible HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 compliant caching proxy server. Formerly a commercial product, Yahoo! donated it to the Apache Foundation, and currently used by several major CDNs and content owners. Caching Improve your response time, while reducing server load and bandwidth needs by caching and reusing frequently-requested web pages, images,

    pcod 2011/08/07
  • Traffic Server Podling Status Page - Apache Incubator

    This page tracks the project status, incubator-wise. For more general project status, look on the project website. The Traffic Server project graduated on 2010-04-21 Traffic Server fills the need for a fast, extensible and scalable HTTP 1.1 proxy and cache. We have a production proven piece of software that can deliver HTTP traffic at high rates, and can scale well on modern SMP hardware. We have

    pcod 2009/11/08
  • Polipo ― a caching web proxy

    Polipo is no longer maintained When it was first written, Polipo was probably the best HTTP proxy available. Since then, the web has changed, and HTTP proxies are no longer useful: most traffic is encrypted, and a web proxy merely acts as a dumb intermediary for encrypted traffic. Polipo will no longer be maintained. Here are some alternatives: if you need your HTTP traffic to originate from a rem

  • NicoCache_nl

    べっ、別にアンタのためにキャッシュしてるんじゃないんだからね!! [2008/02/09] NicoCache_nl rc1 is now available!! ScreenShots: -1-, -2-, -3-, -4-, -5-. 使い方とか機能に関する説明の更新は間に合わなかったのでまたこんど! [2008/02/16] 雑誌掲載・Webでの再配布などについての文章を追加いたしました。 [2008/02/21] 聖地巡礼しててふと思いついて、こんなのをつくった。少し反省している。 [2008/04/21] 関連タグ検索をスタート。nlの拡張からでも使えます。 NicoCache_nlって? ニコニコ動画(RC2)で見た動画をキャッシュするツールNicoCacheの改造版です。 オミトロンと2つ使用するのはなんかだるいので勝手に改造。 増えた機能は、おおよそ次の感じ。 ページへ

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