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Cafeに関するhiroyuki-hのブックマーク (1)

  • Bird COFFEE

    HOURS 11:00AM - 7:00PM LAST ORDER FOOD 6:00PM / DRINK 6:30PM CLOSED Tuesdays and Wednesdays Bird DOUGHNUTBirdの自家製ドーナツ さっくりと軽い感で小麦の香りを感じる、見かけは懐かしい素朴なBirdのドーナツ。 実は、こだわりがいっぱい。揚げ油にいたるまで厳選した素材で作っています。 Light and soft texture, the gentle smell of wheat, and an old-fashioned look is what makes up our Bird doughnuts. But they aren’t just any old doughnuts. Up to the oil they are cooked in, our doughnuts a

    hiroyuki-h 2009/12/14
    TRUCK のCafe ケンタロウのごはん食べたい!
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