
関連タグで絞り込む (1)


Gigazineに関するmessiquoのブックマーク (1)

  • Kaboom

    What is this? This is a cruel, but fair Minesweeper game: The mines are not placed at the beginning, but determined as you play. There is no hidden state. If you try to guess, the game will always choose the worst scenario. Except when you are forced to guess (there are no safe cells anywhere). Then, guessing is completely safe. You are still expected to select one of the adjacent cells. Select "A

    messiquo 2019/12/31
    Web上で遊べる「cruel, but fair」なマインスイーパ風ゲーム。爆弾はゲームが進むにつれて決定される。離れたところを踏むと必ず機雷。決定済みセルの周りで当てずっぽうに踏む必要がある時は必ず安全。面白い。
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