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"General Health Services"の検索結果1 - 2 件 / 2件

  • General Healthcare Services

    General healthcare services We provide a wide range of general practice services for individual health needs. General Checkups We perform general check-ups like Smoking status, Blood pressure checks, Blood screening for cholesterol, Blood sugar levels etc. Men's Health Appointments for Men’s Health checks are available to discuss a fitness, nutrition, medical history of yourself and your family. W

      General Healthcare Services
    • General Practice Services | Corporate Health | My Family Health Medical Centre

      Our doctors have passion to provide best health services to the general public and to the local businesses. Our highly skilled multidisciplinary team of medical and allied health professionals specialise in occupational injury prevention, injury management, as well as general health check-ups and medical services. Our team consist of male and female doctors, physiotherapist, exercise physio, chiro

        General Practice Services | Corporate Health | My Family Health Medical Centre