弥生株式会社 もくテク 読んでよかった技術書・ビジネス書LT https://mokuteku.connpass.com/event/340131/
Software development topics I've changed my mind on after 10 years in the industry Published 2025-02-03 Four years ago I posted about the same topic. A kind email reminded me its time for another check in. Things I've changed my mind on:Things I now believe, which past me would've squabbled with: Simple is not given. It takes constant workThere is no pride in managing or understanding complexityTy
05 Sep, 2024 Note: This got posted on HN and got some attention. This post is not advice, it's what's working for me. It's easy to pick up bad habits and hard to create good ones. Writing down what's working for me helps me maintain any good habits I've worked hard to develop. Here's an unordered list of 10 things that have helped me increase speed and maintain a respectable level of quality in th