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"Solomon Islands"の検索結果1 - 4 件 / 4件

  • Solomon Islands: Men working for WW2 bomb clearing agency die in explosion

    Two men working for an aid agency which helps dispose of unexploded bombs have been killed in an explosion in the Solomon Islands. Briton Stephen Atkinson and Australian Trent Lee were employees of Norwegian People's Aid. The blast took place in a residential part of the capital Honiara on Sunday. The Solomon Islands, a WW2 battleground in the South Pacific, are littered with thousands of unexplod

      Solomon Islands: Men working for WW2 bomb clearing agency die in explosion
    • Professor Anne-Marie Brady on Twitter: "Yep, just as predicted, 19 February 2022, another PLA-Air Force plane landed in Solomon Islands. Also, "Solomon Isl… https://t.co/0zckA0ZWu0"

      Yep, just as predicted, 19 February 2022, another PLA-Air Force plane landed in Solomon Islands. Also, "Solomon Isl… https://t.co/0zckA0ZWu0

        Professor Anne-Marie Brady on Twitter: "Yep, just as predicted, 19 February 2022, another PLA-Air Force plane landed in Solomon Islands. Also, "Solomon Isl… https://t.co/0zckA0ZWu0"
      • Professor Anne-Marie Brady on Twitter: "$250,000SBD = USD$30,000 from PRC🇨🇳 slush fund paid to each Solomon Islands🇸🇧 MP who voted against no-confidence vo… https://t.co/bgJuUfgl7t"

        $250,000SBD = USD$30,000 from PRC🇨🇳 slush fund paid to each Solomon Islands🇸🇧 MP who voted against no-confidence vo… https://t.co/bgJuUfgl7t

          Professor Anne-Marie Brady on Twitter: "$250,000SBD = USD$30,000 from PRC🇨🇳 slush fund paid to each Solomon Islands🇸🇧 MP who voted against no-confidence vo… https://t.co/bgJuUfgl7t"
        • Geoff Wade on Twitter: "'The Australian' editorial: "Beijing’s Solomon Islands foothold" https://t.co/rlsRrXajXt https://t.co/4vZis5fMPO"

          'The Australian' editorial: "Beijing’s Solomon Islands foothold" https://t.co/rlsRrXajXt https://t.co/4vZis5fMPO

            Geoff Wade on Twitter: "'The Australian' editorial: "Beijing’s Solomon Islands foothold" https://t.co/rlsRrXajXt https://t.co/4vZis5fMPO"