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"Women’s Health"の検索結果1 - 6 件 / 6件

  • My Family Health Medical Centre - Women's Health - Gregory Hills

    Appointments can be made with Male or Female doctors and you are welcome to ask for your choice. Our centre offers pap smears, breast checks, can discuss fitness and nutrition, blood screening and mental health consults for woman. We also offer onsite allied health professionals to help with fitness goals and wellbeing such as Exercise Physiology, Chiropractic services, Dietitian, Physiotherapy an

      My Family Health Medical Centre - Women's Health - Gregory Hills
    • Women’s Health - Emerald Hills Medical Centre - Leppington

      Our doctors can help you for pap smears, breast checks, to discuss general health and fitness and nutrition, mental health consults for other women’s health issues. We also offer onsite allied health professionals to help with fitness goals and wellbeing such as Exercise Physiology, Chiropractic services, Dietitian, Physiotherapy and Psychology. Please contact us to get more information. Woman’s h

        Women’s Health - Emerald Hills Medical Centre - Leppington
      • Why women’s health is more important? - Emerald Hills Medical Centre

        Emerald Hills Medical Center is the most comprehensive health care center. we provide the best health care services to women. Our doctors can help you with pap smears, breast checks, to discuss general health and fitness and nutrition, mental health consults for other women’s health issues. Women also need health supervision more and access the health care system more than men. While part of this

          Why women’s health is more important? - Emerald Hills Medical Centre
        • 料金表|女性スタッフのみで診療する、市ケ谷・九段下・半蔵門の産婦人科 sowaka women’s health clinic

          健康保険の適応について お困りの症状がある場合はほとんど保険診療が適応となります。 「何も症状や困った事がないけれども、病気があるかどうか調べたい」などの場合は、保険適応にはなりませんので、自費でのご案内となります。(項目や受診されるご年齢によっては、千代田区の助成が使用できる場合があります。) 妊婦健診は、原則自費診療となり、妊娠中の便秘やお腹が張るなどのトラブルは、その時の受診に限っては保険適応になります。

          • sowaka women’s health clinic|女性スタッフのみで診療する、市ケ谷・九段下・半蔵門の産婦人科

            クリニックからのお知らせ Notice 当院は予約制となっております。 下記リンクかお電話よりご予約を承ります。 https://sowaka-cl.com/reserve.html 電話番号 03-6910-0753 診療案内medical services sowaka women's health clinicは、 女性医師・女性スタッフのみで診療を行う、産科・婦人科です。 English available 産科obstetrics 妊婦健診 3D4D超音波 婦人科gynecology 生理の悩み かゆみ 不正出血 子宮や卵巣の病気 更年期症状 EMSELLA(エムセラ) ピルbirth control pills ピルの効果 ピルの種類 緊急避妊 生理日移動 一般皮膚科・アレルギー科dermatology and allergy ニキビ アトピー性皮膚炎 湿疹・手荒れ・かぶれ・あ

            • わたしたちのヘルシー ~心とからだの話をはじめようin Oct. 2021~ produced by Women's Health Action & CINRA


                わたしたちのヘルシー ~心とからだの話をはじめようin Oct. 2021~ produced by Women's Health Action & CINRA